Oh, Sara!! I never, ever expected this! Thank you so much!! goofy - you chose your premise perfectly. And what an original approach to TOGOM! You portray Perry so well, and his own grief, combatting with his desire to comfort Lois and his memories of Clark's longing for Lois, just brought a tear to my eye. mecry

The finish was so poignant, so heartwrenching:
"Time whispers past us like butterfly's wings. We don't know - we *never* know - until it's too late. Shooting stars flame out almost the second they appear, but they make an unforgettable impact while they light up the sky with their brilliance. Clark Kent was a shooting star; one of the best and brightest to work for this paper. He will not be forgotten, and the Daily Planet will not rest until his killers are brought to justice."

I turn my chair around so that I'm facing out the window as a lone, disobedient tear makes its way down my cheek. An Editor is meant to be a strong man, who fights his battles alone. Perry White, the Editor, is a strong man.

But the weak part of me - the "Chief" - grieves for his son.
Yeah. That I can really believe. mecry mecry

Thank you, Sara. This is such a wonderful treat, and such a terrific story. I'm honoured!!

Wendy smile

Just a fly-by! *waves*