Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: LabRat What was the first fanfic you ever read? - 07/30/08 03:03 PM
I was looking back through the archives of this folder for something else, when I spotted an old thread begun by Kathy Brown which asked the header question.

I'm curious to know what other FoLCs who didn't answer first time around will post. wink

LabRat smile
Season 5 - Back To The Future

And the first fic that explored outside the realm of S5 and S6 was Hubris.

Originally posted by LabRat in 2003:
In fact, , I think I even heard a rumor there was a squeal - er, sorry, sequel - in the works.
ROTFL! Artemis, I think Second Degree Burns is one of the few stories in this fandom that's infamous before it's even been posted! laugh It was begun right after Burnout (you work out the math - it scares the heck out of me, so I'm not going to wink ), is half-finished now and has been for something like five years (a few months ago I was looking through an ancient floppy disk before discarding it and was dismayed to find an early draft of the darn thing on there! eek ) and recently I came to the conclusion that what's there already is so boring and predictable I really should just dump it and start from scratch....

Translation? Don't hold your breath. <g> It is, technically, scheduled to be worked on and finished next. Right after...erm...um...what I'm working on today. I reckon if I don't get it finished and out this year I probably never will. But I suspect it's going to take a lot of hard work from my poor betas - who will probably cringe when they see me coming with it - to whip it into shape. wink

LabRat smile
I know it's five years late and you no longer write and it was dead then and so on, but still:
sad And it's your fault for digging up this old thread and everything in the first place anyway.

Posted By: BJ Re: What was the first fanfic you ever read? - 07/30/08 03:33 PM
Yikes! I don't think I can remember the exact story, but the author was Kathy Brown. I met her in another fandom and she pimped LnC to me. I'm going to guess that my first LnC fanfic was probably Camping with Clark , but I can't be sure.

After that, I read the rest of Kathy's stories, moved on to Jeff Brogden, Pam Jernigan, Yvonne Connell, CC Aiken and then into the Kerths. I was in heaven with the lcfanfic archive - it is so organized and easy to use! I think I'd probably read a hundred fanfics and knew what WaFF/WHAM meant before I ever saw an episode.

After seeing so many episode rewrites and AUs, it was fun to see what *really* happened on the show.

lol I remember my first fic was:

Have A Little Faith In Me by Nicole Sullivan

I remember cause when I was choosing where to start, I just decided to just choose one at random from the title name and not read the description and just read it. I never forgot it obviously :p
The first L&C fic I ever read was Rest and Reproduction by Meredith Knight.

(But the very first fic I ever read was in a whole nother fandom, though)
Posted By: alcyone Re: What was the first fanfic you ever read? - 07/30/08 05:56 PM
I don't remember which fanfic was my first, but it probably was in another fandom too.

My first one here I think was A Conscious Choice by Wendy Richards. If I'm not messing yet another title (apologies if I am).

Posted By: cp33 Re: What was the first fanfic you ever read? - 07/30/08 06:19 PM
I don't remember the first fic I read but I know it came from the theme section of the archives. I read all the stories under the themes and then I ventured into the archives.
Posted By: LabRat Re: What was the first fanfic you ever read? - 07/30/08 07:57 PM
And it's your fault for digging up this old thread and everything in the first place anyway.
LOL - maybe I should have read the old thread before linking to it. goofy

Well, never say never. I still toy with the idea of hauling it into shape - if I got the writing bug again in the future and the Muse got interested it would probably be the first WIP I'd complete - but at the moment I'm so thoroughly uninterested in writing that it's never more than a fleeting impulse. Triggered more, it has to be said, by a longing to be back in the thick of that reader/author/posting fun than any real desire to complete the darn thing. laugh

LabRat smile
Well, the first fanfic I read was years ago, also in another fandom.

But for LNC, I believe it was about a year ago, "Superman vs. the In - Laws." I had started with theme links, and the "IN Love and Loving It" section, because I knew season 3 and 4 were my favorite seasons.

It actually took me quite a while to realize that there were other stories that were not included in one of the "theme" catogories.
Originally posted by LabRat:
Triggered more, it has to be said, by a longing to be back in the thick of that reader/author/posting fun than any real desire to complete the darn thing. laugh
Well this can be a powerful impulse, you just have to go with it wink

if I got the writing bug again in the future
[Linked Image]

Oh, and it would be one more submission to the archives wink

Michael (Trying never hurts, right?)
Posted By: Sue S. Re: What was the first fanfic you ever read? - 07/31/08 11:59 AM
Labrat said:
a longing to be back in the thick of that reader/author/posting fun than any real desire to complete the darn thing.
/me whispers 'viiiiiiiiiiggggnnneeeeeettttttte'

Sue (who cannot remember which fanfic was first) frown
Posted By: LabRat Re: What was the first fanfic you ever read? - 07/31/08 12:11 PM
Yeah, unfortunately, the Muse hasn't been interested in stringing a drabble together, let alone a vignette, in years. laugh

Having said that, I did finally have a epiphany a few months back when I was trawling through my WIP folder. When I realised that some stories which I'd always intended to be the starting point to fairly long stories would work just as well as vignettes and that not all stories need to be epics.

I might even admit here to having had the vague notion over the past couple of weeks that maybe it's time to try that. wink

Michael <g> - I guess I'm just lucky that there's no rule that those who run the Archive have to contribute to it. laugh

LabRat (who thinks this thread may have veered very slightly off topic... laugh )
Posted By: Sue S. Re: What was the first fanfic you ever read? - 07/31/08 12:13 PM
Okay then, in an effort to put this back on topic, how about this statement?

The first fic I read in August 2008 was LabRat's (untitled) vignette? laugh
Posted By: bobbart Re: What was the first fanfic you ever read? - 07/31/08 12:27 PM
The very first was S5- Episode 1: Back to the Future. The first non-continuation fic was “Meet Me in Kansas City”. That was so WOW! hyper I have been hooked ever since.

I really can't remember. Probably something in the Buffy fandom, but no idea what, and no idea at all what I first read in L&C except it was probably a Buffy crossover.
Posted By: dawebb Re: What was the first fanfic you ever read? - 07/31/08 02:15 PM
I have mentioned before that I am a long-time lurker. When I saw this thread and starting thinking about the first story I read, I realized how long I've been in the shadows.

The first Lois and Clark story that I ever read was Debby Stark's Dawning. I believe that this was in late 1994.

Obviously, this is well before these boards were established. I didn't have my own computer back then, so I would use my work computer. I searched the internet with my CompuServe account (do they even exist any longer?) on a 2400 baud dial-up connection, looking for anything Lois and Clark or X-Files related. This was more interesting than the work that I should have been doing. I stumbled across this story and I have been reading ever since. I remember constantly checking her ftp site for any updates.

Thank God for my T-3 connection now! I still check for new postings at work, but at least now, I don't have the modem screech giving me away. thumbsup
Posted By: LabRat Re: What was the first fanfic you ever read? - 07/31/08 03:22 PM
The first fic I read in August 2008 was LabRat's (untitled) vignette? [Big Grin]
[Linked Image]

[Linked Image]

Geez, no pressure, huh?

LabRat smile
Posted By: carolm Re: What was the first fanfic you ever read? - 07/31/08 03:32 PM
So grab one of those 'first lines' [there's some good ones smile ] and set your timer for an hour...

And then you'll have something to submit to yourself!

See how that works?!

OK, I had to go back and look because I have read entirely too many stories since finding the archive in 2003.

The first story I ever read was Barbara's "Back to the Future," the first "episode" of Season 5. I was SO excited that there were stories that continued the show.

The most memorable of the stories I read in those first few months was "My Heart Will Go On," by Juliana Nozue. I was reading it here at the paper, during my internship, and I was just bawling, and trying to be subtle so no one would notice and think I was a basket case and not want to hire me. Now they're used to it. wink
Posted By: BJ Re: What was the first fanfic you ever read? - 07/31/08 05:04 PM
Labrat said:
Having said that, I did finally have a epiphany a few months back when I was trawling through my WIP folder. When I realised that some stories which I'd always intended to be the starting point to fairly long stories would work just as well as vignettes and that not all stories need to be epics.
Oh, man. You have *got* to teach me how to do that. I sat down to try the 1-hour challenge and had to admit defeat. After an hour, I barely have an outline of a premise, let alone a complete vignette.
Oh, geez, I don't even know how long ago I found the archive - probably '03 or '04, but the first story I read was also the first story of Season 5. Like Editor Jax, I was so excited to find a continuation of the series that once I started, I couldn't stop. I went through all additional seasons, all the themes, all the Kerth winners. In fact, I'm still finding new stories to enjoy.

Then, of course, I found the message boards and the n-fic section (hurray for smut-a-thons *cough* shameless plug *cough*) when one of the stories I read mentioned having an n-fic version. I'm like, what the heck is that, I need to know now. I think I e-mailed an author for directions (I can't remember who, but thank you again) and she pointed me in the right direction. Yeah for the archive, yeah for the mbs, yeah for all of us. It's amazing what we have here.
Posted By: Beth S. Re: What was the first fanfic you ever read? - 07/31/08 09:54 PM
Well, I don't really remember, but I know one of the earliest stories that really hooked me into this fandom was Good Samaritan by Aria. It was such a great story, and I really think that if I hadn't come across something like that early on, I probably wouldn't have hung around here much longer than a couple days.
Posted By: Rona V. Re: What was the first fanfic you ever read? - 08/01/08 11:08 AM
I discovered fanfic during my X-files obsession, and since then I've read a fair amount of fanfic over a handful of fandoms. However, I have never gotten completely hooked by any fandom the way I have here.

I can't remember exactly what the first LnC fic was I read, although I know it had to be something on fanfiction.net. The small amount of fic there led me in search of seeing if I could find more on the web, and as a result, I found the boards and the archive.

I can remember the first story I read on the archive - I think it had just been uploaded when I read CC Aiken's "In a Better Place." It blew me away, and that was when I knew I was on to something special in this fandom. I've been hooked ever since. laugh
Posted By: RL Re: What was the first fanfic you ever read? - 08/01/08 01:55 PM
"When Friends Become Lovers" by Kathy Brown.
Peeking out of my Cave of Turtling just to say:

"If I Were You" by Caroline K. Pure gold.
The first fandom I discovered was for "Xena: Warrior Princess," and I found some fascinating stories there. I ran out of good stuff after a while, and I figured that if Xena had fanfiction sites, surely Lois and Clark would. I read The Unaired Fifth Season (TUFS) several times, and I always got the same feeling at the end, that I was saying goodbye to a set of very close friends.

And then I stumbled on the archive the week that Tank Wilson posted To Protect and Serve . It drew me in and showed me that one of my favorite TV shows still had faithful followers who cared about these characters as much as I did, if not much more.

And I'm still around. The quality of the writing here continues to draw me, as well as the quality of the readers who leave comments on the stories. I literally can't get enough of it.
Oh, my goodness, I don't even know. But I remember when I first found LnC stories, I devoured them and would stay up long past my bedtime to read them. I worked day shift then so going to bed at 4 am because you'd been reading LnC was tough. But I kept doing it. I'm not even sure which site I first found them on. How long has the archive been around anyway? But I think I may have starting reading on another site. Debby's maybe? Or Pam's? I was a lurker on the site that crashed, too, but I can't quite remember what it was called. Was it Zoom's original board? Anyway, I found that one quite some time after I started reading stories.
Posted By: Simona Re: What was the first fanfic you ever read? - 08/02/08 07:46 AM
Not sure if "The darkest hour", "When you needed me most" or "What it means to love you", surely it was a Erin Kligler'story; I have read them few years ago and it was love at first sight!

Simona smile
Just realised that I do remember my first fanfic, because it was actually a play, not a story - I was at a science fiction convention in the 1980s and they staged a show called "Spock In Manacles: The Rock Opera," which was basically a parody of bad Kirk / Spock slash. It was actually quite a lavish production, though perhaps I'd better not go into too many details - it'd be classified as R rating if it were posted to a fanfic site. A while later they published the script in aid of charity - I think it may still be available - so it's also the first written fanfic I read.

(later) - still available from http://www.lxnen.com/rogerbeccon/B/plays.html
Posted By: smileyd Re: What was the first fanfic you ever read? - 08/02/08 09:57 PM
I don't recall the exact story I first read.

I do know I found it because when they started releasing the episodes on DVD, I wanted to find out what was supposed to happen after "Family Hour", so I searched online and stumbled across the two different continuations into season 5. From there I ended up on the archives then the boards as a lurker LONG before I asked to join (not that I give much FDK, or post much)

Posted By: Karen Re: What was the first fanfic you ever read? - 08/03/08 07:17 AM
Originally posted by Classicalla:
How long has the archive been around anyway?
A long, long time. laugh The first fics were posted in April 1996.
Posted By: suez Re: What was the first fanfic you ever read? - 08/03/08 07:51 AM
I have no idea what the first fic I read was. When I found the archive it had 440 stories. I sat and read all of them. Then I know I read Debbie's. Then hit all the Nfic. There has been a lot of good reading in the 11 or so years I've been here.
Originally posted by Classicalla:
How long has the archive been around anyway?
A long, long time. laugh The first fics were posted in April 1996.
Wow! Thanks for the answer, Karen. I was thinking it couldn't possibly have been as long ago as I thought, but I guess it was. I thought I found it in 1998, but I just wasn't sure. But with you telling me it started in 1996, I'm now sure. (1998 was the first time I had the internet at home. I also lived in another state at the time.)
Posted By: sheilah Re: What was the first fanfic you ever read? - 08/10/08 07:36 PM
My first exposure to fanfic was in the Star Trek fanfic compilations The New Voyages and The New Voyages II, which ignited a desire to be included in such a compilation some day. However, I had no desire to write stories about Star Trek nor Quantum Leap nor The Flash.

But Lois & Clark captured my imagination in a way none of my previous favorite shows had. When I finally got online in February 1996, I found the Krypton Club, which used to carry a story or two in each newsletter. I can remember the storyline of the first one I read, but I won't describe it since it was rather immature and childish and I don't want to hurt that long-ago writer. Even more important than the realization that fanfic was available (after all, the show was still in production, so I wasn't starving for stories) was the recognition that I could write better than that, and if that author could be "published," so could I. So I immediately started working on "A Shot in the Dark."

For me in the beginning, fanfic was more about writing than reading. But that doesn't mean I didn't keep reading. I downloaded all 300-odd stories in the archive that first summer and made a practice of reading all new ones as they were posted, so I've probably read over 3000 of the stories on the archive now. Too bad my memory for fic isn't very good. wink
I know I read a fic or two here & there before joining the fanfic mailing list in 1/96. I recall reading "President Kent" when it was brand new. The first story that appeared on the list after I joined was "4 X Lex - Almost" by Louette McInnes. I printed it out to read it in bed. smile
Posted By: Julie S Re: What was the first fanfic you ever read? - 09/04/08 03:33 AM
The first fic I read was the TUFS series. (I guess I should say, it was the first episode of it that was the first. goofy ) When I read it, it was hosted on an AOL site. It linked to the archive, though, but I was a silly 13- or 14-year-old, so when I saw people were writing stories based on the show, I thought, "What is there possibly left to write but continuation like the fifth season?" Clicked out and moved on.

Til I found it again a year or two later, when I was 15, along with this message board. wink That time, I discovered the archive "properly" - and I believe the first fic I read on the archive was Zoomway's "Counter Clark-Wise".

(As a side-note, I would like to add that I remembered a short while ago what the first fic I ever wrote was, and no, it wasn't online... It was Biker Mice from Mars comics my best friend and I used to draw in elementary school, with both of us as the biggest Mary Sues, ever. <g>)

Julie smile
Posted By: rkn Re: What was the first fanfic you ever read? - 09/04/08 07:41 AM
I think the first fanfic I read was also TUFS. Was looking for pictures of gorgeous Dean Cain and stumbles upon TUFS, then into lncfancic.com. That was probably 2000 or so. I didn't find the message boards until early last year.
The first fanfic I read was "Home for Christmas" by Wendy. I remember I was bored at work one day laugh in the early months of 2001 when I decided to do a google search for Lois & Clark. The first link was to the Archive and somehow I came across Wendy's fanfic. I thought it was so sweet! goofy I loved the idea of fanfic. I didn't even know such thing existed blush Internet was so expensive in Brazil back then that my dad didn't let me use it for too long. I used to copy a lot of fanfic into a floppy disk at work so I could take it home and read all of them laugh Awww good times! smile The Archives took me to Annesplace (where I read my first Nfic: Sugar & Spice by LabRat blush ) and then to Zoomway's boards.I still reread favorite fanfics from time to time smile

Raquel (who feels like reading Home for Christmas again blush )
Posted By: Olive Re: What was the first fanfic you ever read? - 09/09/08 07:12 PM
My first fanfic was Erin Klingler's "The Accidental Husband". I'm not sure but I think I read it during Summer 2000.

I didn't have an internet connection at home back then (didn't even have a computer) and I stumbled upon the story at a free space granted by City Hall in my hometown.
As soon as I read the first few lines I was amazed. I had no idea people actually wrote fanfic. But since I only had 30 min. to use the computer my hopes of reading the whole story were dashed.

And right then started my fanfic saga - during the rest of that month of August I would go anywhere I could find that had a computer with an internet connection and a printer so that I could print the story. It took me about 10 days to get the whole thing printed (due to lack of funds &/or paper) but eventualy I managed to read the whole story (and it was worth the trouble and the funny looks people gave me :p ).

And that is the reason I remember which was my first fanfic (may I add that that it's still religiously kept inside my closet).
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