Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: mervoparkite FDK: House of Cards - Part 16 - 07/15/07 06:24 AM
Woo Hoo!!!!!!! party You posted!!!! [Linked Image] I get to read the next section before I leave on Vacation and have to go cold turkey for 3 weeks!! [Linked Image]

Now I'm going to go read. [Linked Image]

Posted By: Vanda Detroit Re: FDK: House of Cards - Part 16 - 07/15/07 06:29 AM
DJ, this was a wonderful part!

As it was, Lois was holding her breath, almost literally praying that everyone would come out of this alive.
I hope everything will be ok for Lois!

His skin was bright red! He had gotten a sunburn!
Ouch, poor Clark!

As an uncontrollable shivering took over his body, Clark passed out.
Ah, what a cliffhanger! Please come back soon and let us know how things are going on hyper

Posted By: bakasi Re: FDK: House of Cards - Part 16 - 07/15/07 06:49 AM
Wow, what a trip. I'm so curious if this is more than a sunburn or if Clark is reacting to the antibiotics. Could be both or even both at the same time. You're killing me here, DJ. Great writing. I'm definitely looking forward to your next part. smile1
Posted By: mervoparkite Re: FDK: House of Cards - Part 16 - 07/15/07 07:09 AM
Oh wow, Clark is in trouble.

It sounds, for all the world, like he really just kicked himself in the teeth. Let's see--he has a severe sun burn (I've done that before--I burn easily) and needs help for that. It also sounds like he got dehydrated (done that too--thank goodness not at the same time) He needs help there too. I'm guessing that the antibiotics that Dr. Klein gave him made him even more sesnsitive to the sun's burning qualtites. (been there done that too--It's what you get for being almost albino in appearance {that's how my student's describe me}). And on top of everything else he hasn't eaten because he just doesn't think about it and probably just overdosed on the sun's energy (like over eating when you are really hungry).

OK--Lois needs to drop what she's doing and make a b-line to Clark's appartment or call 911 and get him help or he's going to be in even bigger trouble than he already is.

Wonderful story--MEAN cliff hanger--I'm going to have to be patient(I guess) and wait until I get home to find out how this ends. (you wouldn't want to give me any reassurances here would you? Is he going to end up in the hospital again? Will Lois take him to Dr. Klein and have Superman admitted? then how would she explain Clark's disappearnce to Perry and crew?--oh dear you are going to have me thinking up all sorts of terrible situations while I'm gone!) [Linked Image] [closest thing I have to puppy dog eyes to help you feel sorry for me and give a few hints]

Posted By: lcfan4ever Re: FDK: House of Cards - Part 16 - 07/15/07 07:27 AM
uaahh - that's really mean. first I'm just happy to see that the next part came out one day earlier only to find out that it has a pretty mean cliffhanger. hmmm ... do I really have to wait until thursday to see what'll happen next or do you plan to follow your schedule which means the next part comes out on monday (and i mean tomorrow monday ...!)?

great part and I can't barely await the next one hail
Posted By: Tank Re: FDK: House of Cards - Part 16 - 07/15/07 08:05 AM
Good double cliff-hanger. We don't know how the hostage situation will turn out, and Clark gets a nasty dose of what it's like to be 'normal'.

A couple of years back I was on a job site under extreme conditions. It was a building that was under renovation and as such had no cooling capacity functioning yet. It was an extremely hot day and there where no working water fountains on the site. As a result I managed to get a touch of heat stroke.

Alternating between the sweats and bouts of shivering, and with the addition of a constant bad head ache, I was out of commission for two days.

Not a pleasant experience.

Clark is in for some fun.

Tank (who knows that Lois is just bound to get herself into some sort of trouble now that Clark is incapcitated)
Posted By: Laura S Re: FDK: House of Cards - Part 16 - 07/15/07 10:25 AM
Part 16!!!

I hope none of you mind too terribly much.
laugh ! Not at all. If you want to forcefeed wonderful fan fiction down our throats, I suppose we can accept.

He stuck his thumb and forefinger in his mouth and whistled shrilly as a cab approached. The cab slowed and he walked over to get inside of it, an excited flutter filling his stomach.
I'm excited too! smile

Clark reached up and fingered the hairs away and behind her ear. “Hot, isn’t it?”
Aww. They're cute!

Ahh! Clark sounds like he's in so much pain! Poor Clark. Come save him, Lois! Great chapter. But this is a terrible cliff hanger. You're too evil. smile

Posted By: sammie Re: FDK: House of Cards - Part 16 - 07/15/07 11:21 AM
omg omg clarks passed out, clarks passed out (ok im in major panic time now) whens the next one out? please say soon, please say soon (im even repeating everything im saying, this isnt good for me!)

ok fine, so its hot and loads of people faint when its hot, but he was being sick aswell. am i over reacting, someone please tell me im overreacting. ill stop now, nice cliffhanger, cant wait for the next sammie (who is hoping the next one will come soon (very soon))
Posted By: Laurach Re: FDK: House of Cards - Part 16 - 07/15/07 12:04 PM
Ditto! Sun poisening for Superman! I love Irony. Poor Clark! More soon. Laura
Posted By: Sheila Re: FDK: House of Cards - Part 16 - 07/15/07 01:37 PM
Wonderful story--MEAN cliff hanger--
You post again early just to do this to us? Ooooh...you'd better post again soon...if you want to redeem yourself! Again! wildguy

Posted By: princessanna Re: FDK: House of Cards - Part 16 - 07/15/07 01:49 PM
Just as everyone else has said, wonderful cliffhanger, DJ, though somewhat mean... wink

Anyway, I'm looking forward to Part 17. I hope I'm able to keep up with your story while I'm away for a week and a half, starting next Monday... smile

OMG... that was SO evil....like hard core.... devil

Poor Clark...wonder if Lois is going to take him to the hospital or Dr. Klien...hmmm... can't wait to find out!!
Just a quick question since a probably should be in bed already, did Clark sneak out early to buy a wedding ring?
Posted By: Sheila Re: FDK: House of Cards - Part 16 - 07/15/07 09:06 PM
Just a quick question since a probably should be in bed already, did Clark sneak out early to buy a wedding ring?
That was my thought, too.

Posted By: Shadow Re: FDK: House of Cards - Part 16 - 07/15/07 09:55 PM

That's a worry 911.

At least if he's passed out, he can't show up at LexCorp to do something foolishly heroic.

Hm, well the sun has never knocked me off my feet for too long, so hopefully he come back soon and get those fluids going.

Okay, now no one write anything while I'm gone for the next couple of weeks starting...now! Har, just kidding. Looking forward to what's been written when I get home. wink

Posted By: choucky Re: FDK: House of Cards - Part 16 - 07/16/07 04:25 AM
AAARRRGHHH ! mad I leave tomorrow on vacation for 3 weeks... It's going to kill me not knowing what's going on for him ! Poor Clark ! cat

Posted By: LaraMoon Re: FDK: House of Cards - Part 16 - 07/16/07 09:06 AM
That really is evil... leaving Clark passed out on the floor of his bathroom like that. Poor Clarkie!!

I'm glad that things are returning to normal for them - in a way, anyhow. Going back to work and things like that. Yay for the Planet being this close to being in operation again. That's way cool!

Now if Lois could get there real fast and make sure Clark is OK, it would be perfect. wink
Posted By: Matrix Re: FDK: House of Cards - Part 16 - 07/16/07 09:30 AM
Hello everyone! Ooooooh, thanks so much for all the wonderful fdk.

Hi Vonceil! <DJ ducks head feeling a little guilty> I guess I got your hopes all up for a new part only to send you off on vacation on a major cliffhanger. I'll wait to say more till I read your comments. <g>

Hi Barbara! Thank you! I will be back soon. I'm not sure how "soon" - that depends on one of my betas. <g> But soon. Thanks for the fdk!

Hi Bakasi! Hmmmm, interesting point on the antibiotics. goofy LOL - but seriously, thanks for the fdk and glad you're enjoying it.

Ooops, there's Vonceil again. <g> Yes, he's in a bit of trouble. Your theories are all very good. <g> And yes, let's hope Lois doesn't get into trouble herself and gets her butt over to his apartment. Sorry that you have to be so patient... but it's not my fault you're running off to France for 3 weeks. LOL. At least I know the cliffhanger will leave you wanting more and in expectation while you are gone. <g> Sorry, your puppy dog eyes won't work on me. Hee hee. Although I will remind you that this is part 16 and I promised somewhere between 20 - 25 parts. Is that any better? Thanks Vonceil!

Hi lcfan4ever! All these "mean" adjectives being thrown at me. It makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside - LOL. Yes, unfortunately you'll probably have to wait until Thursday to find out. Unless I get the part back early again... in which case I'll post it early. <g> Hah - but no... no new part today. Sorry. Hee hee. Thanks for the fdk!

Hi Tank! I was wondering if you were still with me. Yay! Glad you liked the double cliffhanger. Yes, heat stroke, heat exhaustion, sun poisoning... all not good. As far as whether or not Lois is going to get into any trouble... well you just never know. That's the fun with building a house of cards... you never know when and if all the cards are going to come tumbling down. Each card you place so carefully and sometimes you are just sure that the whole thing is going to fall apart... but it doesn't. And then other times, when you think you've set a card up perfectly, the entire thing collapses on you. <g> Thanks so much for the fdk!

Hi Laura S!
[Big Grin] ! Not at all. If you want to forcefeed wonderful fan fiction down our throats, I suppose we can accept.
LOL! Well, all right, then.

Yes, that's me... I'm back to my old evil ways... wave

Now if Lois could get there real fast and make sure Clark is OK, it would be perfect.
Hah - little miss innocent. You already know what's going to happen. <DJ raises an accusatory eyebrow at the gentle readers...> No, that doesn't mean she's going to share it with you. <g> Thanks for the fdk, Lara! (And for the beta - <hugs>)
Posted By: Ank. K. S. Re: FDK: House of Cards - Part 16 - 07/16/07 11:09 AM
No, it wouldn’t be a good idea for Clark to come.
Lois continues to think of Clark first, and all these situations have one thing in common... lunkheaded Clark misunderstanding Lois' intentions.. love it. thumbsup dance

Hey, get back here ASAP... you can't just leave Clark being passed out.. wildguy wildguy
Posted By: sammie Re: FDK: House of Cards - Part 16 - 07/16/07 12:06 PM
wat do you mean not very soon!! im going opn holiday on sunday!! dont do this!! i wont have internet. mecry
Posted By: lcfan4ever Re: FDK: House of Cards - Part 16 - 07/16/07 12:30 PM
Originally posted by MetroRhodes:
But take heart - the next 5 parts are already written.
hey, that's great. does that mean you're going to post all 5 parts at once? laugh [Linked Image]
Posted By: TOC Re: FDK: House of Cards - Part 16 - 07/16/07 01:38 PM
Well, I'm back from visiting some friends of mine and being off-line for 36 hours. I had a good time with my friends, who, apropos of nothing, served me an interesting breakfast - yoghurt with a new brand of cereal, Dr. Spock's Flakes of Reason. Very, very crunchy stuff - almost like chewing concrete, but don't tell my friends I said that - but anyway, after eating that breakfast my head seems to have cleared! I have finally come to a conclusion regarding Lois and Clark - did you know, DJ, that whenever there's trouble between them it's almost always Clark's fault! It's amazing that I've never thought of that before!

So now that we are talking about Clark being punished for his sins, I had to laugh at what Laura said:

Sun poisening for Superman! I love Irony. Poor Clark!
Yes, indeed, talk about irony! Solar-powered Superman is being poisoned by the Sun!!! Good thing (or bad thing) that Tempus isn't here, because he would have died laughing!

No, but seriously - sniffle! I don't wish this on Clark. Oh, I so don't wish it on him, particularly not in this chapter when he was all sweet and nice and lovely! Just consider this:

Lois's apartment would be ready in a few more days and she would be moving out, but Clark realized that he wasn't looking forward to that. Undoubtedly she was. He was sure she would be glad to get to sleep in her own bed again. But he would miss her. It wasn't like her apartment was that far away, but it just wouldn't be the same.
It's so sweet that he wants her to stay with him! *happy sigh* And take it from me, Clark, Lois wants to stay with you, too. whinging SOC! Save Our Clark! Doctor Klein to the rescue, perhaps?

Posted By: doublel Re: FDK: House of Cards - Part 16 - 07/16/07 05:15 PM
Poor Clark!! frown
Posted By: Matrix Re: FDK: House of Cards - Part 16 - 07/17/07 05:02 AM
Ooooh! Yippee! More fdk!

Hi AnKS! Hee hee, glad you love it. I will be back sooner (see note at the bottom)... Thanks for the fdk!

Hi sammie! LOL! Sorry to scare you like that. I would have definitely been back before you left on holiday on Sunday. laugh

LOL lcfan4ever! No, won't be posting all 5 parts at once - darn, I know. But I have to wait for my betas to look them over. They are "written" - just not "perfected". I write the part, fiddle with it, send it to the betas, they send it back, I fiddle with it some more, and then I finally post it. <g>

Hi Ann! I'm glad you had a good time with your friends. And thank goodness for that new cereal they had you try. goofy <sigh> Poor Clark... maybe that cereal didn't work as well as I thought it would. LOL. But you're right. I set out to write a very different kind of story when I began writing House of Cards, and in this story it is Clark a lot of the time who is the one in trouble.

I'm glad to know, at least, that you wouldn't wish all this misfortune on him. <g> And WOW! You got a little miffed at Lois? Well, don't be too hard on her Ann... she saw that Clark was getting pink, but he told her that he was fine... and she knew he needed to be out in the sun, soaking up its healing power. How could she have forseen what was going to happen? So don't be too hard on her. She'll feel bad enough in the next part, I assure you. <g>

SOC!!! SOC!!! LOL!!! Ha ha ha! That's quite a mantra. <g> I'll do my best... err... Lois will do her best.

Thanks for the fdk, Ann!

Hi doublel! Yes, poor Clark... I know... <g> Glad to know you're reading. Thanks for the fdk.

Thanks again, everyone, for all that wonderful fdk. I do have an update for you. I have part 17 back from both betas. No, sorry, I won't be posting it today... Simply no time today to finish fiddling with it to get it posted (going to be gone all day.) But I promise to have it posted first thing in the morning, how about that? angel-devil

So I'll see you all here tomorrow!

-- DJ
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