Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: daneel FDK Clark Uncaged (Final) - 09/05/03 10:23 AM
Yay!!! hyper
Posted By: ChiefPam Re: FDK Clark Uncaged (Final) - 09/05/03 10:34 AM
Fabulous! I really loved the tie-in back to the first story. Clark had been so worried about her reacting to the stuff in the *second* story, but she's already been through all of that, and has remembered that she owed him one... great symmetry!

And I knew that Lois knew :p

Posted By: Wendymr Re: FDK Clark Uncaged (Final) - 09/05/03 10:51 AM
Awww! So she did know all along? Yay! thumbsup

Like Pam, I love the way you tied all three stories together here. First, Lois was all set to be furious with him for the night he was 'killed' - but then she saw the wedding-dress and realised just what he had been through for her. Wonderful!!

And I loved the echoes of Clark setting Lois free from the dress in Lois's resolve to set him free from whatever caged him. Now the title makes sense: Clark is truly uncaged.

Fantastic!! The whole series is going on my Kerth list, CC!!

Okay, next story??? wink

Wendy smile
Posted By: terry Re: FDK Clark Uncaged (Final) - 09/05/03 11:09 AM
Just absolutely positively awesomely brilliant! notworthy

Please write more very soon.

Posted By: LabRat Re: FDK Clark Uncaged (Final) - 09/05/03 11:18 AM
And what a finale, CC!

I just love this reversal of a thousand fanfics. goofy

“Maybe.” She turned the mega-watt smile on him, raised up on her tiptoes, grabbed the back of his head, and kissed him fully, resoundingly on his still moving lips.

He froze.

“Shut you up,” Lois stated with satisfaction.

Who said that?! Horrible, horrible good manners, hard-wired into his psyche! Darn them! Darn them to the fiery cellars where Lex Luthor dwelled! Lois was only the tiniest bit drunk. He didn’t care. He’d go up and just watch her sleep it off. That would be enough for him.
clap clap

Had to laugh at poor Jimmy desperately trying to hightail it from Lois' apartment and then you changed the mood adroitly and we were into some of the waffiest and most poignant scenes I've read. Superb

<big happy waffy satisfied sigh>

I'm with Wendy - next!

LabRat smile
Posted By: Laurach Re: FDK Clark Uncaged (Final) - 09/05/03 11:41 AM
Yes great ending. I agree with what everyone said. Fabulous that Lois knew. I loved Clarks final release "I'm superman" and I loved the ending. Very good job. I hope you write more soon. Laura
Posted By: Gabriele Re: FDK Clark Uncaged (Final) - 09/05/03 11:53 AM
Wonderful story.

It was very interesting that Lois who in the beginning of the show confessed intimate things to Clark, now could so completely fool him. He knew that she didn't act like herself (Star Labs) - and yet he couldn't penerate her mind once she shut him outside.

Also, I can't remember having read so strong a description about Clark's fear of rejection and why it was so difficult - frightening - to tell anybody.

But then, Clark had shown her the scar. He had chosen to show her. Lois knew this was important. In showing her the scar, he had shown her what trapped him And he had, also, given her the key. Lois would free him; from the isolation that had to be stifling, from the
uncertainty that had to be chronic, and from the fear that stayed with him. The fear of being found out, the fear of rejection, the fear of her rejection of him once she knew.

This she could see clearly now. When he’d caught her at the planetarium, he had been holding himself steady by sheer force of will, by self-discipline, by long, long practice. But Superman had been afraid. Had he once shown his true self to someone he’d loved? Had they turned away? With disgust? With fear? With condemnation?

Clark, in showing her the chicken pox scar, had shown her the deeper scars. The ones that haunted him, closed him in, cut him off. But not anymore. He didn’t know it yet, but that part of Clark Kent’s life was over. She was here. And this was a job for Lois Lane.
Posted By: mariadferdez. Re: FDK Clark Uncaged (Final) - 09/05/03 01:14 PM

Beautiful! smile1
Posted By: Supes1fan Re: FDK Clark Uncaged (Final) - 09/05/03 01:26 PM
On her side, Lois stood perfectly still until she heard the sound of his retreating footsteps. Even then, she hardly dared breathe until the loud echo of the lobby door’s closing confirmed Clark’s departure.

“Superman has left the building,” Lois whispered to herself as she crossed to her window.

For sometime she only stood there, waiting, watching him move out of sight. She noted the soft sonic boom.
WOHOOO!!!!!!!!!!! GREAT!! thumbsup

“Next up, man-eating shark.”

His mind slowly, unbelievably slowly, processed the words on the page. Superman turned to stone. Frozen completely on Lois’ bed, trespassing and invading her privacy, and utterly unable to move.

She knew.
Lois knew.
Uh Oh! eek

You asked me if you’d lost me, Clark.” Lois stood up to watch him. “It’s the opposite. You’ve found us
Hooray!! laugh

Clark reached for her; across the bed under which so much of their history lay buried, across the space that had always been between them, across the years that had finally led them to this place. And he found her there, waiting…warm…willing…and all his.

This lived up to ALL my expectations..I think that your writing is truly wonderful CC and this story goes on my top 10!

~Liz (who's sad it's over, but WOW, whata ride!)
Posted By: gerry Re: FDK Clark Uncaged (Final) - 09/05/03 01:46 PM
Wonderful, CC. And now the title, "Clark Uncaged" makes sense.

thanks for a great read

Posted By: KathyM Re: FDK Clark Uncaged (Final) - 09/05/03 04:02 PM
Wonderful. Just wonderful. notworthy As everyone has said, the tie-back to the two previous stories is just perfect, and the title is perfect, and everything is just...perfect.

I loved this...
“Lois, I was talking. I...missed that...didn’t see that coming...didn’t get the full effect...So, I wondered if...you could...again?”

“We’re here, Clark.” Lois nodded towards her building. He’d never noticed they’d arrived. “You could come up?”

Oh, he was definitely going up. Bridges could collapse and villagers might flee mudslides, but he was so going up. She’d kissed him. Kissed him...kissed him.

“I...You’re...um...a little tipsy, Lois.”

Who said that?! Horrible, horrible good manners, hard-wired into his psyche! Darn them! Darn them to the fiery cellars where Lex Luthor dwelled! Lois was only the tiniest bit drunk. He didn’t care. He’d go up and just watch her sleep it off. That would be enough for him.
I just had to quote it again because I loved it so much. I can really picture Clark saying and thinking these things, and then to find out that Lois knew! Of course she knew... And I loved the bit with the box and her list - I *knew* there must be a reason that she was ignoring the alarm at STAR Labs.

And this was just wonderful too...
But then, Clark had shown her the scar. He had chosen to show her. Lois knew this was important. In showing her the scar, he had shown her what trapped him And he had, also, given her the key. Lois would free him; from the isolation that had to be stifling, from the uncertainty that had to be chronic, and from the fear that stayed with him. The fear of being found out, the fear of rejection, the fear of her rejection of him once she knew.

This she could see clearly now. When he’d caught her at the planetarium, he had been holding himself steady by sheer force of will, by self-discipline, by long, long practice. But Superman had been afraid. Had he once shown his true self to someone he’d loved? Had they turned away? With disgust? With fear? With condemnation?

Clark, in showing her the chicken pox scar, had shown her the deeper scars. The ones that haunted him, closed him in, cut him off. But not anymore. He didn’t know it yet, but that part of Clark Kent’s life was over. She was here. And this was a job for Lois Lane.
And indeed it was, and Lois did get the ball rolling as only Lois could. Guys who know guys...

I love the fact that despite the thoughts that ran through Clark's head in Lois' bedroom, he didn't confront her in bitterness and anger; he did, as you said, just ask the most important question. And that entire scene was just beautiful, very them. [Linked Image]

A perfect ending to the story, CC. Thanks so much for sharing it with us. Superb...

Posted By: Trenna Re: FDK Clark Uncaged (Final) - 09/05/03 04:43 PM
I can't say it any better than what's already been said, but

Beautiful job, CC and its a lovely series smile1
Posted By: Nan Re: FDK Clark Uncaged (Final) - 09/05/03 05:21 PM
Very nicely done. Any more stories in the offing? laugh

Posted By: NearlyNoelNeill Re: FDK Clark Uncaged (Final) - 09/05/03 05:41 PM
Yippee!!!!! party

Posted By: ACdrift Re: FDK Clark Uncaged (Final) - 09/05/03 05:43 PM
Hi CC,

This was just wonderful! You are a gifted writer. We are so fortunate to be able to read what is going through your mind. Thank You!

Please, write on! hyper
Posted By: Jocelyn Brant Re: FDK Clark Uncaged (Final) - 09/05/03 07:25 PM
I was so excited to come home to read this! I raced from the public-trasportation hell home so that I could access this story, and I was not left unhappy. Sadly to say, however, the boards were being weird for a second and "Clark Uncaged" wasn't on the board but the feedback thread was, and I accidently clicked on that link and read a line that gave away an integral part to the story. But that didn't deter me yet from reading the story, because I wanted to experience the story, and I was not disappointed. Loved it, CC, and I hope there will be another story in the series!

Holding out for another story,

Jo dance
Posted By: Joy Moony Re: FDK Clark Uncaged (Final) - 09/05/03 07:50 PM

((i need a cigarette now...and that wasn't even nfic....))

I screeched aloud with glee when I got to the "Alakazam, you're free" part.

This story, this whole trilogy was fantastic. Thank you for writing!!!!
Posted By: TriciaW Re: FDK Clark Uncaged (Final) - 09/06/03 01:37 AM

Just read the last two parts. smile1
This is excellent. notworthy

I love how Lois knows all along.
Just perfect! jump

Congratulations on a superbly written story. I enjoyed it immensely and look forward to your next venture. smile

Tricia cool
Posted By: skullee Re: FDK Clark Uncaged (Final) - 09/06/03 03:53 AM
Damn you're good!!!! thumbsup thumbsup
Posted By: Becki Re: FDK Clark Uncaged (Final) - 09/06/03 08:27 AM
This was absolutely wonderful CC! Thanks for sharing!! smile1

Becki [Linked Image]
Posted By: shells Re: FDK Clark Uncaged (Final) - 09/06/03 03:53 PM
Absolutely amazing. I'm speechless notworthy

Posted By: Melisa Re: FDK Clark Uncaged (Final) - 09/06/03 08:37 PM
Wow that was wonderful. Great Job.
Posted By: RL Re: FDK Clark Uncaged (Final) - 09/06/03 09:01 PM
Great conclusion to a great trilogy, CC. The way Lois was testing Clark is very reminiscent of the movie, Superman II, when Lois throws herself in the river, absolutely certain Clark will turn into Superman to save her. I can absolutely see Lois throwing herself in a shark tank just to see what Clark will do. smile Fortunately, she didn't have to.

I like the way Clark tries to drop hints, but is too scared to come right out and say, "I am Superman." But as it turns out, he didn't need to for her to find out.

My favorite part is when Lois says that she believes whatever he tells her is true. Until he says he's Superman, she tells him that she still "doesn't know."

The only problem I have is that I am uncertain if Clark would ever invade her privacy the way he did. He might accidentally see something that's left out, but I can't see him breaking into her place to look at something he absolutely knows is private.

Superb story. Look forward to your next endeavor. thumbsup
Posted By: rivka Re: FDK Clark Uncaged (Final) - 09/07/03 12:12 AM
This entire story was just wonderful. smile1
Posted By: merry Re: FDK Clark Uncaged (Final) - 09/07/03 04:45 PM
great job
enjoyed the whole thing
ditto others
Posted By: Smallville Girl Re: FDK Clark Uncaged (Final) - 09/08/03 11:45 AM
smile I liked it so much! smile

Dittos on all the good comments..

Jimmy was tugging unsuccessfully on Lois’ front door. Having been there himself, Clark took immediate pity on him. He marched over and yanked it open, breaking any number of bolts. If Jimmy noticed, there was no sign of it. His boots beat a rapid tattoo down the hallway.
so...does he know? :p

Posted By: CC Aiken Re: FDK Clark Uncaged (Final) - 09/12/03 09:31 AM
I'm a little tardy on the thank yous!

I want to be sure you all know how appreciative I am of your enthusiasm, your generous compliments, and even your not-so-gentle nags.

I had a ball with this story, and what a great forum to bring it to.

Thanks to Labrat who, among other things, dissuaded me from sending it straight to the archives.

And thank you to all of you who read and commented. I poured over your words!

A few specifics: Joy Moony on finishing part 4 declared "I need a cigarette now...and that wasn't even nfic." LOL! I got the biggest kick out of that.

And skulle whose "Damn you're good" is something I'd like tattooed on some part of my anatomy. Ok, no needles, but maybe a bumper sticker.

And lastly, more1980, who came out of nowhere in what was evidently his/her first post ever...to nag me.

I decided to take that as a compliment!

Thank you everyone. It was a really fun experience, and I am grateful to you all,

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