Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: LaraMoon FDK: Honeymoon in... Vegas 4/6 - 05/24/07 12:01 PM
OOOoh! I get to be first! *squee*!

OK... commenting as I read. smile

"Surgery," Martha repeated in disbelief. "Our boy is in surgery, Jonathan."
*shrieks* Oh no!!!!

The phone began to ring and the clerk spoke rapidly as she reached to answer it. "I don't have that information. Let me get this call and then we'll see if we can have someone from the CCU come talk to you."
This, however, I fully expected. heh.

Not matter how hard he concentrated his feet remained firmly on the ground. What in the world had happened?
Yeah, we'd all like to find out - but I'm sure Sue isn't going to tell us just yet... is she? :p

Lois looked up at the clear blue sky above them. There was no sign of him. It was foolish to think that somehow Superman would have known they were in trouble and shown up.
He does know! And he's there... he's just not *super* at the moment. dammit!!

Clark had been surprised when Lois kicked him off his feet and even more surprised when a bullet had gone through his thigh.
Oh no!!! frown

He had been shot again in the struggle and he could feel this bullet, hot and deep to the bone at the bottom of his right rib cage.
Egads!!!! Poor Clarkie! mecry

His glasses were missing and she wondered just how blind he was without them.
*giggles* maybe now that he's lost them she'll see better, too? hehehe!

Clark was almost angry with her as he contemplated how to get her to leave him there.
Silly man!!! Of course she's not going to leave you there... don't you realize that by now?

"Remember how you said I could ask you anything?" she asked.
Lois, Lois... you can always ask him for anything (I'm sorry, I couldn't help that... *lol* but it's truuuuuue!!!)

There was a bright blue fabric beneath his shirt and her mind seemed to stutter as she tried to make sense of it.
Uh oh...

"Please don't hate me," he said softly.
See, I think she's going to have a fit -- but I kinda expect she'd mostly going to freak out over the fact that he's hurt. Superman is invulnerable. Bullets should bounce off him, not go right through like a hot knife through butter. That's sure to have her completely flipped out.

Can't wait to find out what he "actual" reaction is going to be.

Great part - excellent suspense. smile Had me on the edge of my seat, holding my breath just about the whole time. Loved every second of it!!
Posted By: woody Re: FDK: Honeymoon in... Vegas 4/6 - 05/24/07 12:24 PM
Sue, how do you keep getting better? I mean, really. The determination feels real.

Loved the candy bar.
Posted By: Mrs. McLeod Re: FDK: Honeymoon in... Vegas 4/6 - 05/24/07 12:51 PM
That candy bar, on your desk? When we get home, can I have it?"
rotflol This part really got me laughing!! It was just perfect sweet little scene between all the action!!
Clark was Superman
ooh yay she knows!! But still, how can superman be hurt?? wink
Posted By: Laurach Re: FDK: Honeymoon in... Vegas 4/6 - 05/24/07 01:10 PM
Wow awesome stuggle for life and what a place to leave us. More soon. great job. Laura
Posted By: princessanna Re: FDK: Honeymoon in... Vegas 4/6 - 05/24/07 01:19 PM
Ooh! Part 4 of 6! We're getting closer...

The phone began to ring and the clerk spoke rapidly as she reached to answer it. "I don't have that information. Let me get this call and then we'll see if we can have someone from the CCU come talk to you."
The CCU?!! Isn't that the Coronary Care Unit? What's going on? eek

"He thinks you do." Mickey pointed at Clark and addressed his next comments to him. "You expect me to believe that you two just followed me to the airport and flew out here on the chance that I was going to be doing something big?"
They did, Mickey! Really they did!

First her hip, then her shoulder slammed into solid rock.
The main thing I was thinking here was 'Ow! Man, that had to hurt!'.

"I'm not going to argue with you, Clark. Can you sit down? We can scoot back down the hill on our butts."
Okay, I know it makes sense for them to do this, but I kinda couldn't help laughing at the image it presented... dizzy

I thought that this was a fantastic part, Sue. I'm definitely looking forward to the penultimate part...soon? Please?

Posted By: Katianne Re: FDK: Honeymoon in... Vegas 4/6 - 05/24/07 01:23 PM
This really has me holding my breath in anticipation. I love the way each section starts in the present with Martha and Jonathan and then leaves us hanging as it reverts to the past and continuation of the story (not that I want to be left hanging you understand frown , I'm just dying to know what happened). Can't wait for the next post.

Posted By: Laura S Re: FDK: Honeymoon in... Vegas 4/6 - 05/24/07 02:43 PM
I'm torn between wanting an update and wanting the story to drag out a bit longer. smile I absolutely love it. I too love the way you start with Martha and Jonathan and how you leave them as confused as we are as to why their boy is in surgery! This chapter was so well written. I was cringing along with Clark and Lois! I can't wait to see what else you have in store for them or why Clark was actually hurt!

Posted By: Tahu Re: FDK: Honeymoon in... Vegas 4/6 - 05/24/07 03:25 PM
Perfect in every way and now I am way too late for bed and too excited to think of sleeping.

Loved it. Have a save trip with lots of fun and then come back and give us the rest of the story.
Posted By: Sheila Re: FDK: Honeymoon in... Vegas 4/6 - 05/24/07 04:30 PM
OMG! Get back here! I cannot even form a coherent sentence! dizzy
Posted By: Shadow Re: FDK: Honeymoon in... Vegas 4/6 - 05/24/07 04:37 PM
The clerk tapped on the keyboard in front of her. "Your daughter-in-law is in room 314 and your son is currently in surgery."

Clark was Superman.
wildguy wildguy wildguy wildguy

Are you serious?

God, I've done way too much yelling at written material today. Get back here! You cannot leave me at a bullet-wound-comparisoned-revelation! Ugh, I'm off to stew about this.

Posted By: Artemis Re: FDK: Honeymoon in... Vegas 4/6 - 05/24/07 06:48 PM
Lois felt her stomach flip over in cold terror. This was it. This was how it ended. On a perfectly beautiful, clear-skied day she was going to be worm food.
I love the way you put that!
Man, what a revelation story! I don't think I've seen the like in fanfiction. Now solve the mystery of why Clark is not Super!
Posted By: TOC Re: FDK: Honeymoon in... Vegas 4/6 - 05/24/07 10:30 PM
Excellently written, Sue.

I knew you would just keep teasing us with the Martha and Jonathan part, but it's still so frustrating to be told so little! The CCU? The Coronary Care Unit? Let's be thankful it wasn't the CSI....

"You're going to kill us for nothing. We don't know anything." Lois looked up at the clear blue sky above them. There was no sign of him. It was foolish to think that somehow Superman would have known they were in trouble and shown up.
So perfect! So horribly frustrating! The Superman-colored sky is as off limits to him right now as it is to you, Lois. But like Lara said, he's right beside you.

Lois felt her stomach flip over in cold terror. This was it. This was how it ended. On a perfectly beautiful, clear-skied day she was going to be worm food.
Like Lara, I have to pause at this. This is not how we usually talk about death these days. We don't spend a lot of time imagining what actually happens to dead bodies after murderers or doctors or coroners or undertakers are done with them. I just had a class of mine perform a wildly abridged version of Hamlet that I had written myself - in Swedish, too, since this was part of a lesson about literature that Swedes read in Swedish, whether it was originally written in Swedish or translated - anyway, I had Hamlet contemplate Yorick's skull, wondering where the jester's lips had gone, the lips that Hamlet had kissed so many times as a child. I guess worms had eaten them.

I like the contrast between the (now unattainable) clear blue skies above and the maggots that will attack dead bodies in or on the ground.

Who would Tony shoot first? Her vision blurred as she realized it would probably be Clark.
Beautiful. She is able to contemplate, relatively coldly, the question of which of them will be killed first. But her vision blurs with tears when she realizes that she will probably be alive to watch Tony shoot and kill Clark.

Her mind raced as her feet slowly plodded closer to their grave.
Beautiful contrast.

They had reached the mouth of the mine.
How interesting. Artemis was right that mines were involved in this.

She steeled herself to stop shaking and kicked at Clark, catching him off-guard so that he sprawled forward.


Clark had been surprised when Lois kicked him off his feet and even more surprised when a bullet had gone through his thigh.
In the previous chapter, Clark said that he knew that Lois would protect him. She did! If she hadn't kicked him, he would have taken that bullet in his chest.

But the sounds of struggle continued until there was another gunshot, then another in quick succession and Tony let out a loud bellow that fell away with an echoing Doppler effect.
Wonder if you put the Doppler effect in on my account, Sue? The Doppler effect is the change in pitch you can hear when something first approaches you, then catches up with you and overtakes you, going away from you. Think of an ambulance that first approaches you and then drives past. The pitch of the sound it makes changes. Also, of course, as it drives further and further away from you, the sound it makes gets fainter and fainter.

"Gun," Clark rasped out. "I have the gun, but I can't... Come get it. Be careful. There's a drop."
I like it. Clark can't shoot. There are two possible reasons for it. One, he is too hurt to be able to really aim at Randy. Two, he can't bring himself to actually, deliberately shoot another person to death.

She knew he would kill them, but she still wasn't sure she could shoot him.
And maybe Lois can't kill him either. I like the fact that she is so uncomfortable about shooting another person.

Just go away, her mind chanted. Just go away.

A dark silhouette appeared at the mine's entrance. "Tony?"

Lois swallowed, her finger trembling on the trigger. Go away. Just go away. Beside her Clark became absolutely silent and still.
I love this. It is so incredibly tense. We are just waiting for the explosion.

"Clark?" Lois touched his face, unable to make out his features in the dim light of the mine. His glasses were missing and she wondered just how blind he was without them.
Hmmmm, you have to wonder how blind Lois is going to be, now that his glasses are gone.

"He's going to... bring back... the others. You... have to... get away from here," he wheezed. "Just go."

"Can you stand up?" Her hands moved to his shoulders and for a moment she remembered kissing him last night, how thrilled she had been by those shoulders. What if she never got to kiss him again?

"Lois, please..." She had to get out of here; it wouldn't take too much time for Randy to catch up to Mickey. They were going to come back.

"Would you leave me?" Lois was horrified that he would even suggest she abandon him.

He tried to reason with her, panting against the pain. "Places reversed... I could... carry you."

"Then I'll carry you." She tugged on his arm, forcing him to a sitting position.

He groaned in agony. "Too heavy."

"I won't leave you. So quit arguing with me. If you want me out of here, you're going to have to go with me."

Clark was sweating now and he gulped in air. "You're killing me."

"I'm trying to save your life."
Great dialogue. They want to save each other. I particularly love the last things that Lois and Clark say to each other here.

She braced her knees, keeping her arms clasped around him and almost laughed at the thought that they were like carefully stacked cards - each of them was holding the other up.
Great simile. I love the idea that Lois and Clark need each other so badly that they are doomed to fall without the other one.

"Shot you..." he said weakly, pointing at her shoulder.

Lois looked at the crimson stain on his shirt. "He shot you, too."

"Your face..."

"My face?" she shot back. "You should see your face before you start making fun of me."
Oh, so Lois and Clark!

"Remember how you said I could ask you anything?" she asked.

"Yeah," he answered.

"That candy bar, on your desk? When we get home, can I have it?"
So you better make sure you both make it home then, Clark.

Clark was almost hopeful. It was easier to breathe now even though he could still feel the bullet inside him and the dull throb in his leg had not abated.
Is he getting slightly, slightly better? Is the sun reviving him, just a little?

Then Clark caught sight of the bruises and welts on her ribs. "Oh, Lois," he breathed. "Why didn't you tell me?"

Lois self-consciously crossed her arms over her chest as he leaned closer to look. "I couldn't. You wouldn't have come with me. I couldn't leave you."

"I'm so sorry." He looked almost desperate as his voice dropped to an urgent whisper. "Please, Lois, don't be angry."

"Angry?" she asked, thoroughly confused. She tugged her hand free of his and pulled his shirt up.

Clark let out a groan and dropped his head back. It hit the side of the culvert with a dull 'thunk'. "I'm sorry, Lois. I should never have let this happen."
Poor Clark.

"This isn't your fault..." Lois paused, unable to process what she was looking at. There was a bright blue fabric beneath his shirt and her mind seemed to stutter as she tried to make sense of it. She blinked and wondered if the heat was making her delusional. The material was ripped where a bullet had entered and it was stiff and dark with blood. Even so the Suit was still recognizable.
Yes, Lois. It's Superman's suit. And Clark is Superman. Only he isn't super any more, at least not right now.

"Please don't hate me," he said softly.

Her mind went into overdrive, remembering the intensity in his voice and the tension - no, the power, in his posture when he told Mickey to leave her alone last night. She recalled Superman's expression at the accident scene. He hadn't been surprised that she was in Vegas. Her first impression had been right. It was worry - because she had seen him there. That it was a staggering coincidence only occurred to her now.
Watch the cogs in Lois's brain slowly begin turning.

Their eyes met and she knew. It wasn't a hunch; it was the truth. She knew it as surely as if he had spoken the words.

Clark was Superman.
Watch the coin finally drop.

Okay, by the way, I know what happened to Clark! We are in UFO country, right? And everybody knows there is a huge government conspiracy going on, right? They are hiding the truth from us, aren't they?

Okay. Here's the truth. The FBI, or CIA, or NASA, or whoever, have come up with an anti-alien weapon that irradiates America's UFO-land with anti-alien-superpower rays. Anything that approaches the Earth from space and lands (or has landed) inside a spaceship will lose its powers when exposed to these rays! At least if it ventures outside. If the aliens stay in their spaceships they will be all right, because the government won't rob them of their chance of leaving! That's why Clark was all right as long as he was still inside the truck! Right, Sue?

Posted By: Nan Re: FDK: Honeymoon in... Vegas 4/6 - 05/25/07 07:07 AM
Eek! I haven't been doing much in the feedback line. This week has been busy. For the first time in my life I'm trying to account to the government for my brother's credit union account (and of course, the whole thing is confusing and the credit union isn't trying very hard to be cooperative)so I haven't had a lot of time between that and writing, but I've been reading when I could.

Evilness doesn't describe this story. When is the next part going up?

Posted By: Sue S. Re: FDK: Honeymoon in... Vegas 4/6 - 05/25/07 07:14 AM

I have less than two minutes to type this so that I can get to my niece's graduation, but I just had to stop on the way there to see if anyone had replied on the story. And you have! dance

A couple of quick notes. "CCU" also stands for "critical care unit", not just "coronary care unit".

Ann, Ann, Ann. I already said in the thread for part three that this has nothing to do with a government conspiracy. Nice try, though. laugh

I won't have 'net access again until late tonight, but I'll come back and be more effusive in my gratitude then. Thanks so much to everyone who's written in. It really does matter to me and it honestly does make me write and edit faster. I'm hoping to post part 5 on Tuesday or Wednesday. It really depends on how much editing I get done over the weekend.

Thanks guys! Mmmmmmmmwwwwwwaaaaahhhh! sloppy
Posted By: Elisabeth Re: FDK: Honeymoon in... Vegas 4/6 - 05/25/07 02:59 PM
But the sounds of struggle continued until there was another gunshot, then another in quick succession and Tony let out a loud bellow that fell away with an echoing Doppler effect.
Thank you for your succinct, informative explanation, Ann. I just heard a 9th grader totally get the answer to that one wrong last week at the science fair. They babbled on about radar and didn't get anywhere close to the truth. But I did just what the judges did, smiling and nodding as if their drivel made sense.

I must say, though, I've never heard the Doppler effect echo. When the Doppler effect takes place it's because the sound changes pitch as the object rushes past. But an echo takes place as the sound hits an object and bounces back. So you're saying the object making the sound went past, but the sound itself hit the side of the mine and echoed?

Bah! It's too confusing for me! I liked the part where Lois tears up when she realizes Clark will probably be shot first much better than the echoing Doppler part.

Also, while I'm in the mood for clarification, I've heard of the intensive care unit much more often than the critical care unit. Is it a different level of care? Or is it another name for the same thing?

who liked this part much better than it sounds like when you read the fdbk
Posted By: Artemis Re: FDK: Honeymoon in... Vegas 4/6 - 05/25/07 03:08 PM
Elizabeth, you're right about the Doppler effect. However, much the same sound experience is had when someone falls down a mineshaft (or well), yelling and the sound fades. That's how I imagined it. So just imagine someone screaming as they are falling down several hundred feet. This will probably not bode well for a calm night's sleep.
Posted By: MrsMosley Re: FDK: Honeymoon in... Vegas 4/6 - 05/25/07 06:37 PM
Awesome, Sue. I'm on pins and needles waiting for the next part.
Posted By: lcfan4ever Re: FDK: Honeymoon in... Vegas 4/6 - 05/26/07 03:03 AM
Originally posted by Sue S.:
I'm hoping to post part 5 on Tuesday or Wednesday. I
Tuesday? Wednesday?!.... What about: Today?!?

I really don't know how to be able to wait for the next part without biting in my desk because of frustration mecry . So please ... don't let us wait too long, ok? hail
Posted By: TOC Re: FDK: Honeymoon in... Vegas 4/6 - 05/26/07 03:27 AM
As for the Doppler effect, there is only one change in pitch. The pitch changes because the sound waves get "squeezed together" when the source of the sound is approaching, so when something that makes a sound approaches you, the pitch of the sound is higher. Then when it recedes from you, the sound waves get "stretched out", and the pitch is lower. The echo itself has nothing to do with the Doppler effect. An echo is an echo... anyone care to explain what an echo really is, scientifically speaking? Eh... I think Elisabeth just did.

And Sue!!! You don't like my government conspiracy theory???? WHAT??? Okay, I'll stick with a previous theory, then. It's the Bermuda Triangle! I mean, it's the Nevada triangle!

Posted By: In4Adventure Re: FDK: Honeymoon in... Vegas 4/6 - 05/26/07 03:41 AM
Wow! Once again excellent writing! I am totally hooked and can't wait to find out what's going on with Clark. I love how you start the chapters with martha and Jonathan. Even though it is worrying that Lois and Clark are in the hospital in bad shape, it also means they were rescued somehow from the desert and that is a relief! wink

Great revelation! It never even occured to me that he's probably wearing the suit underneath... :rolleyes: Wonder how Lois is going to react? But at this point, I am sure their injuries are priorities.

More soon please,
Posted By: Matrix Re: FDK: Honeymoon in... Vegas 4/6 - 05/27/07 07:43 AM
"It's the truth," Clark said. He imagined grabbing Lois and flying away but it was only a tantalizing daydream. Not matter how hard he concentrated his feet remained firmly on the ground. What in the world had happened?
Ooooh, ooooh, I know, I know!!! Pick me! Pick me!!! goofy

Tears came to her eyes. She wasn't about to dignify that question with an answer, but in her heart she knew that she would have done anything to save both herself and Clark. Letting Tony rape her wasn't the answer. He was going to kill them no matter what. Their only hope lay in turning the tables on him. Clark was ahead of her as they moved up the hill, although he kept half-turning like he was checking on her. Who would Tony shoot first? Her vision blurred as she realized it would probably be Clark. There had to be a way to save him, to save them both. Her mind raced as her feet slowly plodded closer to their grave.
Awwww <sniffle> Lois would have done anything to save Clark - to save both of them, but she knew there was going to be no bargaining here. And then she realizes that she's probably going to have to watch Clark die first. <me cries>

Clark had been surprised when Lois kicked him off his feet and even more surprised when a bullet had gone through his thigh.
Ack! Noooooooo!

Lois said a silent prayer that he would just turn around. Don't check. Just go. The entire left side of her body felt like it was on fire and she was sure the man would hear her breathing long before he got there. She knew he would kill them, but she still wasn't sure she could shoot him. Just go away, her mind chanted. Just go away.
I loved this paragraph. It feels so real and so true. Even though she knew he would kill her, she didn't know if she could kill him. Nice.

"Lois, please..." She had to get out of here; it wouldn't take too much time for Randy to catch up to Mickey. They were going to come back.

"Would you leave me?" Lois was horrified that he would even suggest she abandon him.

He tried to reason with her, panting against the pain. "Places reversed... I could... carry you."

"Then I'll carry you." She tugged on his arm, forcing him to a sitting position.

He groaned in agony. "Too heavy."

"I won't leave you. So quit arguing with me. If you want me out of here, you're going to have to go with me."

Clark was sweating now and he gulped in air. "You're killing me."

"I'm trying to save your life."
Sorry to quote that whole thing, but it was just sooooooo good. Nicely done. Especially the "you're killing me/I'm trying to save your life" part.

Of course I liked the part where Lois teased Clark about him making fun of her face... he should see himself...

But then this -

"That candy bar, on your desk? When we get home, can I have it?"
Totally made me grin - and yes, I can vouch that Sue had it written long before anyone said anything about the other candy bar reference. <g>

"I'm so sorry." He looked almost desperate as his voice dropped to an urgent whisper. "Please, Lois, don't be angry."

"Angry?" she asked, thoroughly confused. She tugged her hand free of his and pulled his shirt up.

Clark let out a groan and dropped his head back. It hit the side of the culvert with a dull 'thunk'. "I'm sorry, Lois. I should never have let this happen."

"This isn't your fault..." Lois paused, unable to process what she was looking at. There was a bright blue fabric beneath his shirt and her mind seemed to stutter as she tried to make sense of it. She blinked and wondered if the heat was making her delusional. The material was ripped where a bullet had entered and it was stiff and dark with blood. Even so the Suit was still recognizable.

"Please don't hate me," he said softly.
That was a freakin awesome revelation Sue!!! Loved it!!! And poor Clark, makes me really feel for him. He doesn't care any more if she knows, all he wants is for her not to be angry/not to hate him. Please don't hate him. Awwww <sniffle>

Okay, you've given me sneaks at part 5 and even a nice long sneak at the ending... but where's my beta, hmmmm???? I know you have internet at that hotel - don't make me hunt you down. goofy I want to be able to read that scene... you know the one... where they are - you know - and he wraps her up in - well you know...

Come on... I'm dying here. <g>

But, um, I hope you're having a good time... wink

-- DJ
Posted By: sammie Re: FDK: Honeymoon in... Vegas 4/6 - 05/27/07 08:36 AM
oh nooooo!!! im going away for 2 weeks and im going to have to wait them 2 weeks b4 i can read the rest!! blast it!! how am i going to survive. i nearly didnt go on this holiday cos it wuld mean having to caatch up wen i get back (not kidding, i actually did nearly not go!) well the story has me on the edge of my seat so far. keep up the good work!!!
Posted By: jackiek Re: FDK: Honeymoon in... Vegas 4/6 - 05/29/07 07:31 PM
Wow, get back here quick. I need more.

Posted By: jojo_da_crow Re: FDK: Honeymoon in... Vegas 4/6 - 05/30/07 08:01 AM
Ahh, for some reason I thought I had already given FDK on this one. I shall do so now. laugh

"You expect me to believe that you two just followed me to the airport and flew out here on the chance that I was going to be doing something big?" His arms came free so that he could finger-quote the word 'big'.
Obviously he doesn't know Lois Lane very well... lol

There was a sickening thud and the mine fell silent.
:gasp: Did superman just kill someone? ^_~ I see below it was more of an accident than anything as he probably fell in during the struggle. Even if he had I don't think there is much of a moral issue here as he was like any normal human being at the time and had no advantage over the other guys who was obviously going to kill him.

"Then I'll carry you." She tugged on his arm, forcing him to a sitting position.
There are moments when Lois' stubborn streak is really sweet.

It seemed to take forever for them to work their way down the hill. Clark was almost angry with her as he contemplated how to get her to leave him there. She was in slightly better shape and he knew that her efforts to help him were costing her dearly. Each time he brought the subject up she dismissed it.
Gosh Sue you're killing me here. They are just so pathetic and each one of them so stubborn and trying to do what they think is best for the other. I just feel so horrible for them and their predicament. It is an awfully great setup for the revelation though.

"That candy bar, on your desk? When we get home, can I have it?"
I believe you that you had written in before the rest of us commented, this is so something your Lois (and probably the TV series Lois) would say. LOL It still made me guffaw. (Jojo had to pull out a dictionary to make sure this word meant what she remembered as she is trying to find more ways to describe the insane laugher she always has when she reads Sue's stories.)

"I don't think so. I hope not." She didn't dare to tell him that she couldn't take a full breath. There was nothing he could do to help anyway.
Poor girl. I'm actually tearing up a bit for her right now. frown

"I'm so sorry." He looked almost desperate as his voice dropped to an urgent whisper. "Please, Lois, don't be angry."
Awww Clark. He is worried about Lois, worried about himself, and now he has to be worried about her reaction to the secret. :sniff:

"Please don't hate me," he said softly.
Come on Lois... he's so cute and pathetic right now. How could you hate him? I have a feeling Mad Dog Lane is about to kick in though and she is going to take care of him even more and tell him that she will deal with him later when they are both better. After all... he made it to a hospital with no one knowing he is Superman... so they have to take the suit off. :cackle: Of course... I somehow don't think that process is going to be very sexy what with them both hurting so much. But... I'm sure later on when they have made up they can re-enact the taking off of the suit. ^_~

Great chapter Sue! I'm going to try my best to finish off the FDK for this story since there are only a few more chapters left. But don't be surprised if I don't show up to play quite so much. Real life isn't playing nice at the moment. frown So don't think I have stopped coming to play at all though. laugh I'll be back soon enough to play full time.
Posted By: Sue S. Re: FDK: Honeymoon in... Vegas 4/6 - 06/01/07 07:15 AM
I'm so sorry! I meant to reply much earlier but the wireless internet at the hotel was on the fritz. Then I got back to work and a project that had been less than important was suddenly a major issue and had to be worked on. I was on-call and my evenings were spent putting out fires. Then, two nights ago, we found out that my mom-in-law has liver cancer and they're only giving her a few weeks to live. So the past couple of days have been spent finishing up work and getting travel plans put in motion. It might be a week or two before I'm able to post. If part five didn't feel so uneven to me, I'd post it now but there are a couple of spots where I'm still polishing.

Many, many thanks to everyone who has replied to this story. I appreciate it more than you'll ever know. I promise the story won't be abandoned, my priorities have just shifted for a while.
Posted By: Shadow Re: FDK: Honeymoon in... Vegas 4/6 - 06/01/07 12:38 PM
Aw, I'm sorry to hear about your mother-in-law. I'll be thinking about you, and don't worry about the story; we'll be here when you get back around to it.

Take care,
Posted By: Vanda Detroit Re: FDK: Honeymoon in... Vegas 4/6 - 06/02/07 09:01 AM
I just came up with the story. It's great, Sue! I enjoy it very much smile

I'm very sorry to hear that with your mother-in-law frown
Posted By: Matrix Re: FDK: Honeymoon in... Vegas 4/6 - 06/04/07 09:27 AM
If part five didn't feel so uneven to me, I'd post it now but there are a couple of spots where I'm still polishing.

Polishing is always a good thing... however... as good as this part already is, I can't imagine how it can get any better...

Then again, this is Sue I'm talking about here...

<drool> Yes, it could definitely get better then. <g>


Sweetie, I'm so sorry about your mom-in-law. I'm thinking about you every day and hope your visit goes well - lots of hugs.

-- DJ
Posted By: woody Re: FDK: Honeymoon in... Vegas 4/6 - 06/04/07 12:06 PM
Sue, your post reminded me of a group of commercials I've seen for an insurance company with the tagline "Life comes at you fast."

Hope your life slows down a bit.
Posted By: LolaDane Re: FDK: Honeymoon in... Vegas 4/6 - 06/06/07 06:06 PM
Two things:

1. I'm bringing this up to the top because I strongly believe this fic should not be forgotten...and I am still waiting patiently for the 5th installment!!!


2. Hey Sue! Just sending a little bit of encouragement and hoping that RL is getting better. My thoughts are with you!

Posted By: TOC Re: FDK: Honeymoon in... Vegas 4/6 - 06/06/07 06:25 PM
Sue, I was just thinking of how the mystery of this story reminds me of the mystery of Revisionist History, which is a fic of yours that is just amazing. Please, I want to know what the heck happened to Lois and Clark - well, particularly to Clark, of course! - in this story. I, too, am waiting eagerly for part five!

Posted By: Sue S. Re: FDK: Honeymoon in... Vegas 4/6 - 06/06/07 08:09 PM
Thanks for the support you guys. Woody quoted the right commercial - life does come at you fast. I'm back now (as if you hadn't guessed) and I'm looking for something to distract me from thinking too hard about real life. Fic should do nicely.

I should have part five out by the end of the weekend. <fingers crossed>
Posted By: AnnieJ Re: FDK: Honeymoon in... Vegas 4/6 - 06/07/07 03:20 PM
I love this story. Thank you so much for writing it. I can't wait to find out what happens next!

AnnieJ hyper
Posted By: sammie Re: FDK: Honeymoon in... Vegas 4/6 - 06/10/07 07:09 AM
im sorry about ur mother in law sue. i just got back from my holiday and admit that i was dissapointed part 5 wasnt out after 2 weeks then i read about ur m-i-l. cangt wait for it to come out love sammie
Posted By: Allie Re: FDK: Honeymoon in... Vegas 4/6 - 06/12/07 06:27 AM
Great story -- very exciting and intriguing.
I can't wait for the next part.
Posted By: Allie Re: FDK: Honeymoon in... Vegas 4/6 - 06/12/07 06:27 AM
Great story -- very exciting and intriguing.
I can't wait for the next part.
Posted By: sammie Re: FDK: Honeymoon in... Vegas 4/6 - 06/12/07 11:16 AM
ooooo when is this end of the weekend?!?!?! frown
Posted By: Matrix Re: FDK: Honeymoon in... Vegas 4/6 - 06/12/07 11:44 AM
I should have part five out by the end of the weekend. <fingers crossed>
ooooo when is this end of the weekend?!?!?! [Frown]
LOL! Sammie you kill me! Yes, Sue... maybe you'd like to explain what planet you live on where Sunday isn't the end of the weekend?

<DJ ducks as Sue throws a shoe at her>

Yikes! Sorry!

Okay, I'm here to let you all know that I have beta'd part 5 and I've read half of part 6 <drool>

Part of the hold up is that Sue originally said that the fic was going to be 6 parts long. She tries hard not to renege on what she has (DJ blatantly brings up the "weekend" thing - snickers) but she realized that the story probably really needs to be 7 parts long. She has been going back and forth and back and forth on whether to post a really long part 5 or break it into two parts and make 7 total.

But it is much closer to being ready to post than it was last weekend. I think she still has another beta reader that she is going to send it to and then she can post it.

<DJ sends a pointy stick guy for good measure wildguy >

It's really very good. But make sure when you do get to read the part after this upcoming one, part 6, that you keep a hanky or a box of tissues around. If you're anything like me, you'll need them. <sniffle> I just thought I'd warn you in advance in case you need to pick up a box the next time you're at the store. <g>

Okay, and I've blabbed quite long enough.

This is DJ signing off. angel-devil
Posted By: Artemis Re: FDK: Honeymoon in... Vegas 4/6 - 06/12/07 12:37 PM
SUE, TRUST ME! Your readers are not sweating whether it's 6 or 7 parts, we just want them out of the culvert NOW!
Posted By: lcfan4ever Re: FDK: Honeymoon in... Vegas 4/6 - 06/12/07 12:49 PM
Originally posted by MetroRhodes:
[QUOTE] But make sure when you do get to read the part after this upcoming one, part 6, that you keep a hanky or a box of tissues around. If you're anything like me, you'll need them.
what? why?? who??? how???? what's happening? mecry
Posted By: Isa Re: FDK: Honeymoon in... Vegas 4/6 - 06/12/07 12:51 PM
can we have a really, really long part please??? smile1 smile1 smile1
Posted By: Isa Re: FDK: Honeymoon in... Vegas 4/6 - 06/12/07 12:53 PM
... that was of course supposed to be "a really, really long part 5"... jump
Posted By: Sue S. Re: FDK: Honeymoon in... Vegas 4/6 - 06/12/07 01:19 PM
Heh - DJ told me she had warned everyone that I was dithering over where to break part five. She's right, though, I hate to feel like I'm stretching the story out, but even I (with my ADD) felt like it was rushing things if I smashed everything together into the last two parts. There's some stuff that deserves a slower pace. Heck, there's some stuff that I was going to have to cut (and it was killing me) so it definitely has to be seven parts.

There's still one little bit that I'm polishing in this part and then I'll get posting again. Does it help at all to know that the rest of it should be posted fairly quickly since it's already written?
we just want them out of the culvert NOW!
Heh. You say that, but you don't know what might happen when they leave the relative safety of the culvert. wink On the other hand, maybe nothing happens. They just walk down the road and into some lonely country gas station and everything's fine. All that stuff with Martha and Jonathan was just a bad dream.

Then again, if that were true, it would only take one more part. laugh
Posted By: Matrix Re: FDK: Honeymoon in... Vegas 4/6 - 06/12/07 01:47 PM
quote:Originally posted by MetroRhodes:
[QUOTE] But make sure when you do get to read the part after this upcoming one, part 6, that you keep a hanky or a box of tissues around. If you're anything like me, you'll need them.

what? why?? who??? how???? what's happening? [Mecry]
What? You mean you actually expect me to let something slip?


Well, there is this one part where Lois and Clark are sitting together and they...

OUCH!?! Sue! That's not funny! I'm keeping that shoe... we'll just see how funny it is when you have to walk around on one shoe... hmmmm?

Posted By: sammie Re: FDK: Honeymoon in... Vegas 4/6 - 06/12/07 03:41 PM
Originally posted by MetroRhodes:
[QUOTE] But make sure when you do get to read the part after this upcoming one, part 6, that you keep a hanky or a box of tissues around. If you're anything like me, you'll need them.

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