Lois & Clark Forums
“You called us, Lois Lane. Did you not try to damn the Fates?”

Wow, Wendy, this was totally unexpected. And very, very clever! And I love Greek mythology, so I loved this even more. wink

This is absolutely great. I was reading it with a grin on my face. <g> I could just see Lois and Clark in the jeep... And this is so much better than what I originally thought would happen (That through closeness, she'd materialise and become alive again - long shot, but there was all that foreshadowing wink )! Very original and very well done!

Julie (still grinning <g>)
*gasps, coughs*

Wow. That was unexpected. A very cool deus ex machina ending. Now I understand the significance of your chosen title.

I'll confess; I found the conclusion sudden and abrupt, but that's the effect of this literary device, and since you chose to use this device, I have to assume that you wanted a sudden ending for your story.

but there was all that foreshadowing
What foreshadowing? help Where? *lost and confused*

Actually, I expected some sort of a revelation scene when Lois came back, but I like the way you chose to end this story. Full of promise, and hope. smile

I liked this story. smile The description was exquisite, intimate, yet heartbreaking at the same time.

*reminds myself once again to not doubt Wendy's ability to bring our favourite couple back together, regardless the situation* smile

hat foreshadowing? [Help] Where? *lost and confused*
I meant foreshadowing for my theory. First Clark could touch her. Then hear her. Then see her, briefly. I thought Wendy might go all the way and make her truly alive again through this process (and did she prove me wrong!).

Julie smile
Woo hoo! Lois lived. Loved how you ended this, wendy! Great job! It was very different. And I loved every word of the story. I also take back the death threats, and that one time I bit you laugh

Well, it's no Lois Lane, Ghost Reporter... wink

Seriously, I love the ending. And I love how the Fates are brought in. And I still have the urge to read a certain book.. but it'll wait. laugh Wonderful!
Wendy, you pulled a "H.G. Wells" goofy

Absolutely original, incredibly lovely and fabulously super! thumbsup thumbsup

Am in awe of the non-revelation revelation dance

Part 6 gives a new significance to the title "Twist of Fates" laugh

And, did I tell you, after LnC, the next best thing I'm crazed about is Mythology. So this was an extra extra smile

jump ~Ankit smile
And now I think someone's tapping a foot pretty impatiently, so I'd better end this and post the final section.
I confess: that was probably me- I was doing my own version of Tap Dogs...

Great story, Wendy! Wow, that was really an original take on this episode.

Can I beg for an epi? I would just love to get Clark's perspective on Lois' sudden change in demeanor. She said the 3 magic words first! I'm surprised he didn't fall over!

Do not waste this opportunity, mortal.
Very nice. There are some other times when I wish those 'damn fates' had stepped in. Thanks for sharing!


What an abrupt turn of events! I think I liked it, though! I liked that Lois kind of went back in time instead of them just plopping her back where she was in Clark's apartment. Props for the ending. wink

Well, I didn't see that solution coming, and I doubt I'm alone on that. In hindsight, it's kinda been hinted at right from the beginning (or should I say from the title?).

I just loved this. Had one of those soppy grins on my face when I was finished with reading. Wonderful twist at the end and a great happy ending.

Sira - very content with how the story turned out. clap clap clap clap clap
I never expected Greek mythology and I love the way this story ends. You made my day! notworthy notworthy notworthy
Well I never expected that! You are still able to surprise us<g> I knew she had to come back somehow. It was interesting to see another way other than HG Wells. Laura
"BEST DEUS EX MACHINA EVER!!!" thumbsup clap

Awesome end, Wendy!

Happy dance! dance dance dance

Great ending, it was fate!! LOL

I wondered, as I read this fic, how you were going to get Lois and Clark alive and together. Several unimaginative solutions came to mind, but I admit, I never saw the answer staring me right in the face.

The twist of Fates...very clever, indeed! hail


Totally unexpected... wink

Jose :rolleyes:
Great story! Nice twist, what a surprise!
Kudos to a clever solution. I doubt if many saw it coming even given the title which provides a nice slap on the head after the fact clue.

Still, I have to say that I'm disappointed that Lois didn't remain as a ghost. Both you and Pam (with the wonderful Tryst) chickened out in the end and allowed Lois to live. What's wrong with having a ghost as a character in a story?

Good job, as always. Write more.

Tank (who figures Wendy has to get on with a lot more writing so she has plenty 'in the can' when she's forced back to the working world)
I didn´t see that coming :rolleyes:

I love the end, Lois alive and with Clark laugh

Great job Wendy thumbsup

Surprising! WAFFY! Terrific!
Fantastic job, Wendy!! Never would have expected that. What I really love is that you *didn't* have the Fates simply bring Lois back to life, they gave her a second chance instead by turning back time. So much better this way! No messy cover story for why she was suddenly alive again. wink

I think the scene in the Jeep is my favorite. Love her slow realization of what had happened, and that she didn't quite grasp all of it, but knew enough to make some good decisions. laugh

I have one question though:

“Hey.” His lips curved in a sweet smile. “Welcome back, partner! You looked like you were on another planet for a while there.”
Can Clark get any more sweet?! *sigh* I can just hear his soft voice, caring but with a little bit of humor. smile1

“Step on it, Kent.”

He grinned. “For you, Lois, anything.” And the Jeep picked up speed.
So cute! And you know... I'd give anything to be inside Clark's head right about now. laugh

Yet another well done story, Wendy! Brava! goofy
Wonderful, Wendy!

I was away from the boards from parts 3 to 6, so I got to read it all in one breathless go, instead of hovering anxiously over my keyboard, hitting "reload" every 15 minutes in the hope you'd posted again.

And while I was reading that very powerful love scene, I was thinking about how there was only one more part... how could it possibly end?? I liked your solution. I, too, am a fan of mythology. In my younger days (sigh) I studied mythology before I switched my focus to the medical field.

This was surprising and intriguing, and I'm curious about "what happens next" too. Clark has got to be completely flummoxed by Lois's behaviour. And the fact that Lois has, essentially, just discovered that CK=S but has also discovered it a lifetime ago makes this "non-revelation revelation" a rather interesting topic to explore further. She's gotten way beyond the anger and angst, but Clark knows nothing of this.

Or does he? That is, will he? Clark experienced Lois's death when it happened, but he obviously shares a unique bond with her or he wouldn't have been able to progressively feel, hear, and touch her. So could he experience her memory of it, too? Of course, if he can't, there goes an idea for a follow-up story... wink

You know, every time you write one of these more serious stories (challenges to Tank aside), I think that you couldn't possibly write a more powerful story that the one I'm currently reading. And then you go and write another story, and I realize I'm wrong-- you can. You did!

And I was charmed to see that you worked this
At any other time, she’d have thwapped him for that.
into your story. I still fondly remember getting thwapped by those glasses during one of my first forays onto IRC. goofy

Completely original.

And I feel like a dunce for not once realizing the title held the answer in plain sight! Brilliant!

Superman mythology meets Greek mythology. Totally works for me. And, too, I think this is some of your best stuff yet. Wonderfully evocative and rich with emotion.

Yay, Wendy!


I read Wonder Woman too!!

Creative and original...probably the best re-telling of TOGOM I've read!

Great work.
Well, count me in with the group who NEVER saw this coming, even with the hint in the title. My head hurts from all the slapping! smile1

I think this was great, Wendy, and the unexpected resolution made it even more fun. I agree with everyone who really loved that time was re-wound rather than having Lois suddenly return to corporeal, living, breathing form, while in Clark's bedroom (although you could have had some fun with *that* too! devil ).

I was EXTREMELY relieved that Lois was allowed to remember what had happened, since at first I feared that her nebulous memory of the events would fade away like so many of our dreams do upon waking, so thanks for letting her remember, learn, and move ahead. I also loved the "don't waste this opportunity" advice she heard in her head.

LOVED Clark's reaction to Lois's sudden and somewhat inexplicable (to him) interest in him - that was excellent! I would love to see more but I think it was perfect just the way it was.

What's next? smile

Well, this story was just utterly and completely fantastic from beginning to end... and this last part was no exception clap notworthy

Now... when do we see more???? wildguy wildguy wildguy

Sara smile

WOW, WOW, WOW! smile1 I love it.

Tricia cool
thumbsup I can't say enough, and when they made love... ooh, it was so original and absolutely wonderful!! And you captured both of their feelings and emotions so well, and Lois as a ghost; still as stubborn as ever, gotta love that!!! Now, I'm gushing, lol. Okay, I'll stop.

But OMG!!!! notworthy

That's all I can say on this blush
A little late on posting but nothing short of amazing. Great job Wendy!

~Lois Lane Wanna Be
“We are known as the Moirae.” Another of the women spoke. “You may have heard us referred to as the Fates. You called for our help, Lois Lane.”

“Actually, Lachesis, she damned us,” the third woman pointed out. “For that, she deserves - ”

“Don’t be so hasty, Atropos. This mortal is not like those we normally encounter. Her death was not destined.”
LOL! Atropos sounds just like Lois! thumbsup

Well, normal... until your next TOGOM rewrite, eh? laugh

Wow! Where do I start, guys? goofy Having said that, I mentioned to a friend of mine who'd read up to where Lois realised she was a ghost that the title was a major clue to the solution, and the penny didn't drop. So maybe it wasn't that obvious. wink

What I am delighted about is that you all seem to think that the solution works. I knew when I planned this (I had the solution before I even had the story goofy ) that it was a bit... out there. wink And I thought I might get some readers disappointed that I'd chosen a deus ex machina ending rather than something a bit more logical and down-to-earth - always assuming that ghosts could ever be considered down-to-earth. wink Thus far, only one reader's told me that the ending didn't really work for her, so I'm very relieved. laugh And fascinated to see how many of you are interested in mythology!

My apologies to those of you who were keen on the idea of a continuing series: The New Adventures of Clark and Lois (Deceased). goofy It could have worked, I guess. And maybe one of these days...

Janet said:
I'm curious about "what happens next" too. Clark has got to be completely flummoxed by Lois's behaviour. And the fact that Lois has, essentially, just discovered that CK=S but has also discovered it a lifetime ago makes this "non-revelation revelation" a rather interesting topic to explore further. She's gotten way beyond the anger and angst, but Clark knows nothing of this.

Or does he? That is, will he? Clark experienced Lois's death when it happened, but he obviously shares a unique bond with her or he wouldn't have been able to progressively feel, hear, and touch her. So could he experience her memory of it, too? Of course, if he can't, there goes an idea for a follow-up story...
LOL! Well, I was assuming that Clark wouldn't retain any memory of what happened. So, yes, Lois would have some explaining to do - especially that 'kiss me, Clark!' and, of course, knowing about Superman. But that kind of conversation is kind of old-hat. Okay, she'd tell him about dying and being with him as a ghost, and he might think she was insane, goofy but I think he'd go along with it. You can imagine that for yourselves!

And also:
You know, every time you write one of these more serious stories (challenges to Tank aside), I think that you couldn't possibly write a more powerful story that the one I'm currently reading. And then you go and write another story, and I realize I'm wrong-- you can. You did!
Wow. Thank you!! I'm humbled. blush

To all of you who posted feedback on any of the sections, paid me wonderful compliments in IRC, mentioned the story in email, nagged for more and so on, I really, really appreciate all your kind words - and, yes, even the threats. wink And to Chris and most especially Kaethel, who offered me invaluable beta-reading services, my very sincere and appreciative thanks. notworthy

Wendy smile
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