Lois & Clark Forums
OK, a sequel is needed! cool

Lois bent low, took a firm grip of Moyne's shirt with her right hand, planted her right foot, and pulled.

He moved a few inches, but the effort to progress ratio was disheartening.

He was heavier than he looked.

She bent low again and readied herself for another effort.

There was movement and noise at Moyne's feet.

She looked up and gasped.

The prisoner was there.

OK, a sequel is needed!
Darn right, there is! The attack of Moyne on Lois was expected, but I'm not sure I understand Clark's actions. Why didn't he speak to Lois? Why would he calmly wait in the corner of his cell, instead of taking his chance to escape? Okay I think I know why he would take the slow path to ensure that he gets out and ensures his parent's safety, but it's maddening to wait to see what you've got planned next.

More please?
Delightful cliff hanger.

I assume that during one of sessions when Trask and his associates used the kryptonite to weaken Clark that something was done to remove his ability to speak.

Likely the discipline sessions were designed to keep him from completely healing.

Looking forward to more.

"Wanna know what's going to happen to you?" he taunted. "You're going into the cell - without a rod. The brutal animal hasn't had a taste of the Achilles for three days ... and he hasn't seen a woman in seven years. When he's had his turn, I'll be down - with a rod - to finish the job."
jawdrop Clearly Moyne expects Clark will rape and kill Lois, which means he was NOT in on the killing and dismembering of the earlier two. Or at least NOT completely in Trask's confidence.

On the face of it his plan was twofold,
  • protect the human race
  • remove the weak link from the chain of command

Moyne is going to be completely shocked to be alive. Something tells me his attitude towards Clark is about to do a 180.
oh wow!! I'm also speechless! Sooo glad it's not over - cannot wait for the next part!
Sequel Sequel!!
Moyne isn't changing his mind any time soon. He's invested way too much of his career in this assignment to back up now. This guy is a little bit nuts - like Trask was - and he wouldn't listen to reason if you played it on his Walkman twenty-four/seven. He'd be more likely to believe that Lois had an Achilles rod secreted on her person and used it to beat the beast away. At least, that's probably the tale he'll tell.

And now we know something of what happened to Lois. Was this by any chance Linda King? And is Lois really responsible for Linda's death, or is it survivor's guilt? I can't imagine any agency putting an agent who was responsible for her partner's death in charge of something so sensitive, even if no one else wanted the job.

I think Clark's actions are intended to show Lois that he is not a threat to her or to her staff. And she'd going to reject Trask's reports about the murderous capabilities of the "animal" from now on. If they had captured and tamed a hideous beast, she and Moyne would both be dead and Metropolis would have a super-powered monster roaming the streets.

But they didn't. He isn't. And Lois will realize it as soon as she calms down.

I'm ready for the next section/segment/portion/whatever! Please post it soon.
So glad your already have sequels up your sleeve! Awesome story. hyper
Wonderful story telling! Clark's hesitancy shows he knew full well he had his chance for escape. I'm theorizing that if you were a young adult, taken and captured for 7 years because of your powers, beaten and kept weakened, etc... it would be a ray of golden sunshine to suspect someone was finally giving you small bits of humanity back. Therefore, perception is very important to him. Which has been his character we know him by. As Superman, he has the desire to be seen as helpful, and takes it personally when the public portrays him as anything other than that.

So, he either takes his chance at escape, when he knows the 'poison' is around somewhere and can weaken him, or he takes the chance at showing humanity, and hopefully gaining... trust wink

Wonderful layers in this story!
Don't often read stories before they make it to the archive (and never before they've been finished). The title intrigued me when you first started posting. When I saw part 8 of 8 up, I figured okay- muse is running in circles so do a bit of reading. It is now nearly 2 am! I couldn't stop until I'd read all the parts and now... I'm glad I did and wish I hadn't. I want more! Hurry up and get back here so we know what happens to this Clark! This particular situation has always interested me. What would happen to him if he was caged? How would it change him? And on and on. This was nicely written and very much enjoyed. Don't dwaddle long with more.

Wow. That was absolutely amazing. Different from anything I was expecting and better than anything I was imagining notworthy

How ironic that the "punishment" Moyne is intent on inflicting (and which a terrified Lois is fighting tooth and nail to avoid) is to lock her in a room with Clark. I actually had to smile about that, even as I was reading the fight scene. Which, by the way, was riveting - very well written.

So many questions! Why is Clark still not talking? What was the operation? Where are the Kents? And most importantly, what's going to happen next?

More, please.
Like everyone else, this story is keeping me on the edge of my seat!
I too am wondering about Clark not talking... is that what the operation was about? hyper
Yes, more soon please!

Moyne's attack on Lois was expected and so Moyne of him to want to lock her in the cell with the prisoner.

I think that Clark is able to communicated using his voice, but that he has been conditioned over a period of 7 years *not* to, because every time in the past when he has wanted to communicate, something bad happened, like those two agents being and and probably being exposed to green-K for a prolonged period. So, it is possibly going to take some time for him to "come out of his skin" so to speak.

But I wonder how Dan will handle the situation and if Moyne will finally get reassigned?

Looking forward to the sequel smile1

Just joined the ride last night, read all 8 parts at one sitting, and I've got to say how much I thoroughly enjoyed this story. Of course that being said, I'd like the next part ASAP! How could you leave us there, cruel. wink

I too am puzzled by Clark's actions in the last part. I did not think for one minute that he'd harm Lois and was actually pulling for the door to be unlocked so that she'd have him on her side against Moyne (aka the devil incarnate). Now though that Moyne has been neutralized for the moment and Lois is defenseless, why isn't Clark escaping - it seems too early to be concerned about Lois' fate with respect to this incident. Is it concern for his parents that keeps him there?

I was expecting L&C's first contact to occur during Trask's funeral, when no one else will be around. Perhaps now after what just happened, they can still interact but Lois can place a bit more trust in Clark?

Whatever you have in store for us, I am ready for it and waiting not-so-patiently smile
LOVE this story and its premise--- eagerly looking forward to the sequel(s). Well done!
Loved the story and looking forward to more smile

Yay! Lois & Clark communicated even if it was mute.

I think 7 years is a long time for Clark to think and rethink his plight and that maybe one of the reasons why he simply didn't seize the opportunity and escape.

Superb story smile1 thumbsup thumbsup
So many questions with so little answers! Can't wait for more! I'm totally hooked. I can't wait for more. Please post more soon. grovel
Oh, wow! Wow, wow, wow! I did not expect you to end it *there*! But it was a great place to leave it. *big sigh of relief that both Clark and Lois are fine and Moyne is not*

I'm not surprised Clark broke out to help Lois; I'd expected something like that to happen, but I figured it would happen after Moyne put Lois in the cell or at least opened the door. So did Clark know he had the strength to escape and just hadn't chosen to? Or did the panic of realizing Lois was about to be killed finally give him the motivation to try? Either way, I love that he was able to knock out Moyne and Lois thought to call Dan. I don't think even Moyne's well placed friends will be able to get him out of this one! (At least, I hope not. Attempted murder on a fellow agent is not "reassignment" territory; it's prison territory.)

What did surprise me was the fact that Clark walked back into his cell after it was all over. (BTW, giving her the Neosporin first was a great touch.) Is it learned helplessness? Stockholm Syndrome? (Though in this case, the Stockholm Syndrome would be a good thing, since Lois is Clark's best chance to somehow get some type of a life back.) It definitely proved he's not as dangerous as Moyne and Trask had made him out to be.

I can't wait for the next story to see what comes next!

I think everyone, except clearly Clark, forgot the elder Kents were also taken. Clark won't leave without knowing what has happen to them and doing everything he can to protect them.
I'm having a wonderful time dreaming of all the twists and turns this one can take. Somehow, though, I never get the ending the way Corrina sees it. I'm glad, because she is the master of the understated story.

I cannot wait until you take this one forward. I have no idea where this will go, but I cannot wait until you get them together and rescue Martha and Jonathan. Corrina, please put the cape back on and sit down at the computer and turn out another installment. (I won't even ask Santa for anything more!)

This is one AWESOME story! Thoroughly enjoyed every part so far... please come back soon with more! thumbsup

Awesome story - it actually drew me out of lurkdom. I loved every part of it, and I'm totally looking forward to the sequel(s).

As a matter of fact, I even understand why Clark does not try to talk to Lois, not after you mentioned how he was beaten out of talking by Trask and Moyne in the first place.

I just hope Lois finds a way to make things right - or as right as they can possibly be for someone who has been held captive for 7 full years.

Finally managed to read all of this story and it was a very intense read. You had me on the edge of my seat any number of times ... and I still am! wink

We need a sequel. Your readers have lots of questions that you have to answer, please. smile

Yours Jenni
Still here! Sorry for the almost complete lack of fdk on this story. I AM reading, but this fall is being so crazy... I just can't keep up. But I am really enjoying this story (and I must admit I almost chose not to read when I saw the way it started out).

I really really like the process. Lois's thought, how she tries to draw conclusions, how she wants to see for herself whether he can trust the prisoner or not. And I sure hope we get some introspection from Clark's POV on this last chapter, because I really would like to read why he chooses to act that way.

Dying to get more wink . So feel free to post anytime laugh
As I said before I’ve had an idea where this story would end … hm I’d say I was partially right. I figured Moyne wouldn’t have Lois let take everything which represented his dominating position over his prisoner without doing anything against it. It would have something to do with the ‘prisoner’. I presume that Deller and Bortolotto also began to think of the prisoner as a being with human rights and feelings, therefore they had to die.
I just didn’t think Clark would stay in this awful cell, but the longer I thought about his situation it makes sense. He still doesn’t know what had happened to his parents and I’m sure he fears that when he breaks out his parents will be hurt. I think Trask made it clear during the ‘sessions’ that if he ever were to break out or try to harm the guards Clarks parents would also be suffering from it.
I’m extremely curious about the whereabouts of his parents. Somehow I don’t think they are dead … but I can’t imagine what had happened to them. If they are still alive and they have been set free why didn’t they look for him? If they were, surely Scardino or another involved person would have known about it, wouldn’t they?
It also made me sad to read what had happened to Linda, Lois partner, but it fits with what we know about Lois life before she came to Metropolis.
But there is one thing … Moyne really seems to expect Clark to attack Lois and have his way with her… and killing her after that. Has he lived with the lies for so long that he finally believes them of does this have to do with the surgery they performed on him … but still Clark doesn’t react in an aggressive way. I’m sure he heard the fight from his cell and he knows or suspects that Lois doesn’t propose a threat to him. So he protects her by deflecting the bullet and puts Moyne into the doorway, away from the weapon and away from Lois.
Great cliffhanger, makes me feel like being slowly boiled in oil
Hey, thanks for all the wonderful FDK dance

BJ More coming! Thanks!

Framework I don't think I'll be writing a scene from Moyne's POV, so we'll have to wait a bit to see exactly what he was thinking.

Bellarase and Laura It's definitely not over! Sequel coming.

Terry Re Moyne ...

From the prologue ...

As they had travelled to Metropolis in the back of a white van, Moyne had more than justified Trask's decision to include him in this mission. The assistant had been unrelenting in ensuring the alien had no possible opportunity for a counterattack.
When Trask wants you on his team, that says something!

Evelyn Moyne has never seen the alien around a woman, so he couldn't know for sure how he'll react. It could be, as you say, he figures the alien will act the way he, Moyne, would.


if you were a young adult
I think that's important. In some ways, Clark is still going to be the 21 year old who was captured despite the passing of seven years.


I'm glad I did and wish I hadn't.
I know how you feel!!

Sorry if you thought 8/8 meant the story was finished. peep

Vicki So glad you liked the fight scene. I'd rather write 20 pages of dialogue that one page of action.

MozartMaid Good questions!


So, it is possibly going to take some time for him to "come out of his skin" so to speak.
That seems realistic to me.

And he's going to need someone very special to help him!

Emily Hi!

How could you leave us there, cruel.
Actually, there were about ten places *before* then that would have been worse ... when Moyne first grabbed Lois, when he threw her into the cell, when he drew the gun on her, when Clark first looked at Lois. wink

I was expecting L&C's first contact to occur during Trask's funeral,
Uhmmm. Contact. Uhmm. laugh

Joy Thanks. Glad you're enjoying it.

Ank K S

Yay! Lois & Clark communicated even if it was mute.
Baby steps!

Jen Answers will come, but it's going to take some time.

Kathy One of your comments has shown that I need to add some more explanation further down the track - Thanks!

Pat You should write some of those twists and turns, Pat!

As for the rest of your comments, all I'll promise is that I *will* get them together.

Elizabeth More coming soon.


As a matter of fact, I even understand why Clark does not try to talk to Lois, not after you mentioned how he was beaten out of talking by Trask and Moyne in the first place.
You raise a good point. How could Clark know that Lois is trustworthy? We know she is, but how could he know for sure?

Jenni There will probably be three sequels. Thanks for the FDK.


Thanks for keeping on reading despite the start!

I wanted to say 'It's not all torture and pain', but I didn't want to give too much away.

We'll see more of Clark's POV in the next story.


slowly boiled in oil
Loved this. Probably shouldn't have, but I did!

I enjoyed your speculation, too, Kathryn.

Huge thanks to everyone reading and commenting. Bridge 1 coming soon.


Oh, and one more thing - I wrote a 'Lois and Clark' story, set on Earth (ie not Krypton or NK) and didn't use the word 'Clark' once!! cool
Hi Corrina! What a great way to end part one. hyper

Michael wave

What's stilted. What's too much. How to choreograph. How to describe. It's worse than writing nfic

You ask a lot of questions, Michael. Sorry, no answers here - but hopefully things will become clearer.

Thanks for all of your wonderful FDK,

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