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DebbieG Offline OP
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Thanks, everyone, for the encouraging comments so far!

Here's the next part. I'm sure you're all shocked — shocked — to find evidence that Kara is not delusional after all.

My current planned posting schedule is Friday, Sunday, and Tuesday, so the next post will be Friday, when Lois and Clark enter the story.

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So many ways this could go...

“It’s about my new roommate.”

Emily looked to her bedroom door. “Where is she?”


“So, what about her?”

Caitlin flopped down on the end of her sister’s bed. “When I agreed to let her stay in my room, you forgot to include the little detail that she’s completely insane!”

“She’s not ‘completely insane,’ honey. She just has… issues.”

Caitlin rolled her eyes. “‘Issues.’ She thinks her parents are Lois Lane and Clark Kent, and you call it ‘issues’?”

“Look, we don’t know why she’s saying that, but other than that she’s a normal eleven year old.”

“Saying your dad is Superman doesn’t seem very normal to me.”

Emily tilted her head. “I seem to recall a certain ‘Princess Nausicaa’…”

Caitlin waved her hands. “OK, OK, you’ve made your point.” She ran her fingers through her hair. “Was I really eleven when I went through that? I thought I was younger…”

I loved this part.


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Originally Posted by DebbieG
Here's the next part. I'm sure you're all shocked — shocked — to find evidence that Kara is not delusional after all.

Shocked here! I guess the biggest issue is determining what timeframe and which dimension Tempus (we have to assume) took her. And won't she be developing some of the powers shortly??? help

As I said earlier so many ways this could go. Even to the point that this timeline does not have a super powered hero a role which she could certainly fill eventually if L&C cannot find her quickly enough. Certainly a tough situation for an 11 year old but she seems to be a young Lois so I am betting she can handle it.


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Jeremy Bentham

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Emily and Caitlin's relationship reminds me of Lois and Lucy's, should Lois had to take care of Lucy due to her parents' death. I wonder what happened to Emily's dad and Caitlin's mom (or was it the other way around?)

Poor Kara. What a horrible situation to be thrown into. So sad that she never really had friends in school because of her interest in math and science. frown I hope she's able to find a niche in this dimension that she wasn't able to find in the other.

Kara answered haltingly. “Well, umm, I… I like, umm, math and science, and… reading books, I guess.” She glanced anxiously at Caitlin, then continued, “Umm, I like to do gymnastics, too, and I’m in the Girl Scouts.” She thought for a while. “My dad’s parents have a farm in Kansas and we go there for a couple of weeks every summer. I like taking care of the animals and riding horses.” She looked at Caitlin again, and seeing a smile answered with a tentative one of her own.

“Are there any TV shows you like?”

“We mostly watch movies instead of TV, but my dad and mom and brother like watching sports, and I watch cartoons with my sister Saturday mornings. Mom and Dad like Doctor Who, and they let me watch sometimes if it’s not too scary. I like it.”
So, she has an older brother and a younger sister. Martha and Jonathan are still around. thumbsup I've never been able to get into Dr. Who, but I'm curious what Clark would think about it.

Her dream sounds like memories of being in the womb, which would be odd memories to have at this age. Odder still that these memories frightened her. I thought at first that she was whimpering because she heard Caitlin call her "insane".

As Kara dreamt, inside her cells tiny organelles reawakened — structures that were both technology and biology. Deprived of their usual energy source, they drew on their host’s chemical energy. They reached out to one another, forming a network that, while not a full, self-aware A.I., was more than a mindless machine.

Its purpose was to assist and protect its host. It did this by manipulating both subspace and the boundary between subspace and normal spacetime. That did not seem to be possible at the moment: the boundary was not behaving as it should, and the network could not reach through it to subspace.

The network set about investigating the curious situation in which its host found herself. It began by probing and analyzing the boundary.
I don't know what to make of this. I don't like the idea of Clark's powers coming from Kryptonian AI. It makes him sound like a science experiment. Why wasn't the AI working properly? Was it because she was in a dimension with no Krypton? But, then again, there was no longer any Krypton in canon dimension either, so that couldn't be it. I'm curious to see where you're headed with this. Will her powers not develop because of being in this odd dimension which doesn't react properly with her AI, or will she develop them faster?

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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The only thing I have found similar was in Luck and Consequences by Bob Bartholomew. Bob had Bernie find the source of Clark's power in attempt to explain why he and Lois could not have children by inventing 'Kryptonian Extensions", nano-technology that binds to Clark's cells and processes sunlight into super powers. That story and how they got around it
is a great read but

Bernie/Bob explain it best. Quoting Bernie:
"Actually, the source of your powers is artificial. The
artificial part operates at the cellular level. Your 'perfectly
normal' human biology has been modified. I've found what appear
to be nanotechnology additions to your human genome. These
extensions seem to be located such that they don't interfere with
normal genetic operation. And when I say normal operations, I am
including reproduction."

"But you've said that I'm not compatible with human females?"

Bernie could see the hope spring forth in his friend's face as
he asked that last question. Unfortunately, it was time to
deliver the bad news. He took a deep breath. "I'm very sorry, but
that appears to be true. Please let me get through the whole
explanation and I think you'll understand the nature of the
problem. I know this will seem like I'm not getting to the point,
but believe me when I say that this is all very important. The
information that I'm about to explain to you is central to the
fertility issue. It will also give you a much better feel for who
you are and how your body works."

Superman looked impatient but acquiesced. "OK. But I have to
tell you that the fertility issue is very important."

Bernie felt like he needed to get through the rest of his
explanation as quickly as possible. "We can detect these
modifications. I have been calling them Kryptonian Extensions or
KEs for short, but they are far too small and too advanced to
analyze in any detail. I have no idea how humans ended up on
Krypton, but I have a theory that on your planet, conditions were
too harsh for normal humans to thrive. Based on what you've told
us, I suspect that the gravity was too high and the light and
heat levels were too low. I believe that these modifications were
introduced to allow your ancestors to deal with the harsh
Kryptonian environment."

Bernie found that he was leaning forward over his desk and, in
his excitement, had started augmenting his explanation with hand
gestures. He took a second to lean back in his chair and compose
himself before continuing. "We know that your extra powers are
related to sunlight. My belief is that the KEs were designed to
use the lower energy of Krypton's red sun to boost the
capabilities of your people so that living on Krypton would feel
to them like living on a more hospitable planet such as Earth.
When you came to Earth, two things changed. First, even if the
Earth's sun were a low-energy red sun like Krypton's, the fact
that Earth's gravity and general environment is less challenging
would mean you would be far more capable than a normal human.
Now, add in the significantly higher energy that our yellow sun
produces and your powers go from superior to super."

Bernie watched as his friend took all this in. Finally Superman
asked, "Are you saying that I'm some sort of cyborg?"

"That's true only in the crudest sense of the word. The
additions you carry are at a very fundamental level and are
integral to your biology. These modifications are inherited and
as much a part of who and what you are as any naturally occurring

So basically Debbie is not breaking totally new ground but who knows where she will take it. In this story Kara was found at night, taken to the hospital, kept inside, taken by car to Emily's house, kept inside, and now is sleeping. The poor girl has not had any sunlight in probably a couple of days and the Kryptonian Extensions (Bob's naming) are probably starved. However when they get sunlight, who knows???


Last edited by Mike M; 05/20/14 02:24 PM.

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Jeremy Bentham

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Originally Posted by Mike M

The only thing I have found similar was in Luck and Consequences by Bob Bartholomew. Bob had Bernie find the source of Clark's power in attempt to explain why he and Lois could not have children by inventing 'Kryptonian Extensions", nano-technology that binds to Clark's cells and processes sunlight into super powers. That story and how they got around it
is a great read but

Bernie/Bob explain it best.
So basically Debbie is not breaking totally new ground but who knows where she will take it. In this story Kara was found at night, taken to the hospital, kept inside, taken by car to Emily's house, kept inside, and now is sleeping. The poor girl has not had any sunlight in probably a couple of days and the Kryptonian Extensions (Bob's naming) are probably starved. However when they get sunlight, who knows???
Thanks, Mike. I forgot this happened in Bob's story. When I see the term AI, I think ROBOTS and I didn't like that idea. This makes sense. Thanks for the reminder.

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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Well if you read the quote I put in, that was Clark's reaction because technically nanotechnology is robotics so as Bernie said 'only in the crudest sense of the word' in response the Clark's 'Are you saying I am some sort of cyborg?' outburst.


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When I was reading that last part, I actually was thinking it had something to do with her species' telepathic abilities. Without Clark or her other siblings, it's possible it's subconsciously reaching for the next logical option.

CLARK: No. I'm just worried I'm a jinx.
CLARK: Yeah. Let's face it, ever since she's known me, Lois's been kidnapped, frozen, pushed off buildings, almost stabbed, poisoned, buried alive and who knows what else, and it's all because of me.
-"Contact" (You're not her jinx, you're her blessing.)
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DebbieG Offline OP
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Wow, I didn't think that that little bit would generate so much discussion!

I like hard SF, so I wanted to have some "science-y" stuff to indicate what was going on. I also wanted a rationale for why Kryptonians look human, and why Lois and Clark would be able to have children.

I liked the idea I'd seen in another story (I can't recall which one) that Kryptonians actually are humans (homo sapiens kryptoniensis), transplanted to Krypton tens of thousands of years ago. That idea was used in The Longest Road by Raconteur, and also apparently by Bob Bartholomew in Luck and Consequences.

My thinking was that whoever did that enhanced the abductees to allow them to survive on Krypton, using biotechnology advanced millions of years beyond anything known on either Earth or Krypton.

Here's a long-winded bit of background I decided not to put in the story:

Subspace had first been discovered in a reality unimaginably distant both from the one Kara found herself in and the one she had come from. Though “first” and “distant” were questionable concepts when time and causality were so ill-defined.

Dual to and coexisting with the normal space-time continuum, subspace is quite different, having neither space nor time. That difference can be harnessed at the boundary between the two, yielding technology with numerous applications.

Faster-than-light travel. The creation of pocket universes. And notably, the creation of subspace prostheses, exoskeletons of a sort, that can be linked to living beings in normal space, giving them unusual abilities.

Tens of thousands of years ago in Kara’s reality (and others), for reasons known only to them, an ancient race had transplanted a small band of humans to a distant super-Earth circling a red dwarf star. The beings had used subspace technology to enhance the humans, enabling them to survive the planet’s crushing gravity, toxic atmosphere, and highly radioactive core.

I didn't include this because I didn't want to have too much science-y gobbledegook distracting from the story, but obviously what I have now is confusing to readers. Any suggestions? Should I put in more explanation of exactly what is going on?

On Kara's nightmare, it's not based on prenatal memories. It will be clear by the end of the story why she has this nightmare.

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Originally Posted by VirginiaR
Her dream sounds like memories of being in the womb, which would be odd memories to have at this age. Odder still that these memories frightened her. I thought at first that she was whimpering because she heard Caitlin call her "insane".
I had the same reaction...

Originally Posted by DebbieG
On Kara's nightmare, it's not based on prenatal memories. It will be clear by the end of the story why she has this nightmare.
... But apparently we were both wrong.

Kara scratched absently at her arms as a tiny itch plagued her, and followed the two adults.
I had a feeling that this itch was important, and then it showed up again in the dream:
Then the dream changed in a way it never had before. She could see; she was inside some kind of opaque bubble not much bigger than she was. It seemed to be made of some kind of multicolored, iridescent light that swirled in intricate patterns. The portions of her skin exposed to the light began to itch.
So I'm keeping a close eye on any further itches.

The reawakening organelles I figured were here powers activating, but it sounds like it's not working right. Debbie, your added description here makes the dream make much more sense, but I'm not sure whether it's needed. A dream sequence by its nature can be fairly nonsensical, even when it's significant. I guess if it's not clarified sooner or later, then the extra explanation would need to be added, but if it's something that will be explained as the story goes, then it works the way it is.

I'm thoroughly enjoying the story. smile

"It is a remarkable dichotomy. In many ways, Clark is the most human of us all. Then...he shoots fire from the skies, and it is difficult not to think of him as a god. And how fortunate we all are that it does not occur to him." -Batman (in Superman/Batman #3 by Jeph Loeb)
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I find it interesting that even Caitlin (who is just a kid) knows about Lois and Clark - I guess Superman really is ubiquitous in this world.

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