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Oh yay - new Smallville episode tonight.

Oh horror - it was awful!

I just can't believe I'm saying this, but I absolutely HATED Asylum. And it is even more of a tragedy after what they left us with back in November - hopes for something really great. I've never ever before felt so negative about a Smallville episode, so I'm simply beside myself.

What precisely did I hate? Well, where should I begin...

First, that whole Belle Reve Sanitorium. Oh. My. God. In what universe - even Tim Burton's darkest imaginings of Gotham - would anyone ever believe that a place so hellish existed? And in what way, shape or form are we supposed to believe that a place such as that would cause anything other than permanent mental derangement? What's sad is that they could have put poor Lex in a realistic-type of asylum and I would have stayed along for the ride. They didn't need to stylize so harshly to get me to buy into Lex's situation. What was that he was sleeping on, anyway? A stainless steel slab? This set was a scene snatched out of Stephen King's worst nightmare.

Secondly, bringing back the defeated Freaks of the Week. Not necessary - there was plenty of drama inherent in Lex's peril and Clark's struggle to get him out. Didn't need any extra obstacles to muck up the whole thing. Just plain stupid.

Third, the overall grisly nature of the whole episode. I don't mind violence or gore in context, but this was really over the top. It became gratuitous, so very disappointing.

What can I say about Lana. Lana Lana Lana Lana. For the first time since my viewing of Smallville began, I really, really REALLY wanted Clark to meet his Lois. I can't stand to see Clark so sad and lonely. I'm so sick of the angst between these two. For a while, I actually thought they were kind of cute, and I was kind of rooting for them to hook up. Now? Oh where oh where is Lois? Pleeeeeaase!

And how 'bout those whacky teenagers - Chloe and Clark - going to see that evil doctor and persuading her to turn back to the light. Come on. What? Is that Scooby I hear?

I'm not a Lionel Luther fan. Never have been. I don't find him "magnificent" at all, not even in his evilness. Now, he simply disgusts me. I like it so much better when there's a villain I love to hate or hate to love (like Lex). This guy - just makes me queazy.

What can I say that was good about this epi? Hmmmm. Thinking. Well, it was new. I guess that's...something.

I so much want to love this show. I love Tom Welling. I love Michael Rosenbaum. So now I'm just feeling so sad. frown


You know that boy'd walk on water for you? Or he'd drown tryin'. -Perry White to Lois in Just Say Noah
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When I saw this thread, I had a momentary attack of "Oh no! Smallville started up again last night and I completely forgot!" And then I read your post and I'm relieved I didn't set my VCR. <g>

I'll be curious to see what the rest of the Smallville fans here think of this one, if you are all in agreement. But while I'm waiting, I won't lament the fact that I missed it! I don't do 'disturbing' as a general rule, whether in fanfic or TV, so this sounds like it was a good one for me to miss.


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Poor Lynn. So sad, so disappointed, and so very, very WRONG!

Well I was glued to it. My kids ran wild, no teeth were brushed, no one tucked in... When it was over I was very surprised to find them all still standing there. Go figure. They hadn't jsut magically put themselves to bed.

Where to start? Perhaps with how wrong Lynn is. I enjoy that.(hee)

I love it when they put in a call to continuity. They didn't have to put the Freaks of the Week in, but I think they went the extra step. Layered it a bit more. We see Clark "putting on the cape" and defeating bad guy after bad guy. It makes sense that they all go somewhere- here in particular. And that they talk. And that they have a bit of an axe to grind with our square-jawed hero.

(I'll digress. I know Dean Cain is handsome, I get that. But I dare you to examine TW's jawline and not...sigh...nevermind.)

Back on track-

And our savy Lex. Love seeing him standing mindlessly in line with all the others waiting to take his meds. And then seeing that our smart anti-hero is still inside, as he spat them into the paint. He is so aware. So sharp. I love how MR conveys this with just that glance at the camera.

And the institution itself. I love its sterility, its blues and greys. This is state run, and of course exaggerated, but I think if you were inside one of those hell holes, that is exactly how it would *feel*. Call the steel cage a metaphor. The isolation, the helplessness. Lex tied down underneath- no one to save him but Clark.

And Lionel.We know he loves his son in a twisted sort of way, but he can't let the son overtake the father no matter what the cost. So he does what he feels he has no other choice to do. Ruthless.

And our Clark? The most burdened man in the world. Blaming himself for not saving Lex, looking to Lana for comfort and getting the cold shoulder. All these powers and so much loneliness? What's worse, being in the steel cage, or being...you know...caged in the Man of Steel? (I know. Eeesh...couldn't resist it.)

All the stuff I love best about growing up super. Angsty in all caps.

I like that we saw some of Lex's real rage, as well. Shades of what's to come. And hope, too, that Clark will seek out Chloe, who is Lois Lane, I swear!

To sum up: Wrong, Lynn!<g> That is really my whole point.

CC (I know. I rambled. Have I mentioned I love this subject?)

You mean we're supposed to have lives?

Oh crap!

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Kathy, hate to tell you but I think you're going to have to watch this one. I have a feeling it's going to be fodder for a whole lot of future episodes.

Oh, CC, my wonderful, delusional friend. I, too, experienced the bliss that is total Smallville-emersion, forgoing 8 o'clock bedtime while I warped my small children, allowing them glimpses of the horror playing out on the screen. But beyond that, I think you and I had completely polar experiences.

Now, not to say you are completely on crack <g>. There are some things on which I have to begrudgingly agree with you.

I do have to agree with the most critical point that you made:
But I dare you to examine TW's jawline and not...sigh...nevermind.
Don't get me started on the absolute perfection in a male specimen that can be found there...

And I also agree with you on this...
And our savy Lex...And then seeing that our smart anti-hero is still inside, as he spat them into the paint. He is so aware. So sharp. I love how MR conveys this with just that glance at the camera.
both on the point that Lex is pure future-evil genius and MR plays him to perfection.

And true, they did set up a whole lot of repressed Lex-rage and a giant passle of reasons why these two friends will become the bitterest of enemies. Of course, how they will have all of that bubble back to the surface is yet to be seen. Sadly, this positive does hold some backlash because it chucked another log onto my gigantic bon fire of "any one who knows Clark now and can't figure out that he's Superman in the future is either stupid or living in a sensory deprivation tank." I can now add "or had eloctro-shock therapy that wiped out their memory" to that list.

As for the rest, well, yes, the stylized version of Hell known as Belle Reve might indeed feel to its inmates like the place portrayed in Smallville, but it was so over the top as to be unbelievable. The one thing I've always like about this show, as well as Lois and Clark for that matter, is the creators' ability to take a totally fictitious and sci-fi premise - an alien arrives on earth with superpowers to become the champion of all men - and actually put it in the "real" world. When they use cartoon-ish sets, as they did in Asylum, I'm snapped out of my fantasy that Tom Welling and/or Dean Clark is actually out there somewhere, flying around in tight spandex, saving the world.

And their nod to continuity - a good effort, but they could have simply stopped after the pass through the asylum and acknowledgment that these Freaks do still exist somewhere after their episode credits had rolled. They didn't need to have the three concoct some whacky scheme to get even with Clark. I mean, the orderly delivers the chunk of Kryptonite? Come on, CC. You have to admit that was just...come on!

And you know, in my previous post, I didn't even go into the whole "I think maybe Jonathan Kent is actually evil" thing that I was thinking all the while he was platituding to Clark. He is supposed to be this morally upstanding man, but wow, when push comes to shove, it's all about him and his. And what was with Mamma Kent? Trying to pimp Clark back into his dysfunctional...thing...with Lana. She should be setting him up with a nice girl. I know one who lives in the suburbs of Chicago, for that matter.

If they would have cut out the Freaks, put Lex in an asylum with pristine white walls and actual cloth bedsheets, and completely eradicated any images of Lana, I would have been raving about this episode. The acting was top notch. The set up for future angst was all that. And, well, damn, Tom just looked great. I don't ask for much more than that.

So, CC, while you and I will continue to fight over which one of us gets to be Tom's date for the Prom, you can keep the tape of this episode <g>.


PS - Don't worry about rambling in here. It's just us Smallville Freaks that wander round these parts anyway, and we all love to just go on and on and on...

You know that boy'd walk on water for you? Or he'd drown tryin'. -Perry White to Lois in Just Say Noah
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Lynn! More wrongness!

And I felt so happy that I had shown you the light, set you free from your narrow-minded viewpoint. But here you are again.

(Heavy, heartfelt sigh.)

And you're right, we are the only people in this particular corner of the sandbox, so we may as well...

First, on a positive note, the jaw-line thing. Yeah....good that we see eye to eye on this, the most critical part of any epi. It gets better and better I think. I, also, want to hang my bathrobe on the knob on the back of MR's head. That's wrong, isn't it?

Ok, moving on...

Well, the guy knew he could get Clark's powers with the kryptonite and a bit of electricity! Of course he wanted it. If Clark is coming for Lex, and they are banking on it, then they need it. And let's face it, kryptonite is not so very hard to come by in that town.

This was great. The know Clark can't resist the rescue, this is his weakness. And they wait with the one thing they know defeats him.

And Jonathan Kent...Jonathan Kent...(oh, Lynn, so wrong, so wrong) is perfectly and rightly ferocious as the father of a man who needs protecting- mostly from his own good intentions and his adorable "but I can help make this right" sort of outlook. I love how JK is portrayed. Hard and yet so loving.

The part I've always found so poignant? How much Lex really loves Jonathan Kent. Really wishes for just a crumb of his affection, respect. And how you could argue that if he had gotten it, he wouldn't have become Lex Luthor.

Martha. Yeah. Here's my pet issue.They need to give that woman something to do besides wrinkle her brow and looked worried. The Lana-thing. Sheesh. She needs to be pushing him towards Chloe who, say it with me, is Lois Lane!!

(the Smallville fanfic supports me on this, btw)

((I know. I read Smallville fanfic, and in fact...looks over her shoulder...am considering, you know, giving it a tiny try.))


You mean we're supposed to have lives?

Oh crap!

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I, also, want to hang my bathrobe on the knob on the back of MR's head. That's wrong, isn't it?
/me chokes on her laughter as diet Coke sprays all over the computer monitor and keyboard.

Yes!! I say. Every single time I look at MR I.just.can't.look.away.

And I love me some ferocious protective Big Daddy stuff - I am a sucker for all things "saaaaave me," but for some reason, Jonathan just strikes me as paranoid. I'd be a hella more concerned that my son was confronting evil psychiatrists in full view of other people than breaking into sanitoriums.

Sorry - I like Chloe. I really do. But I guess Teri has ruined me for all other incarnations of Lois and I just can't get over the blondness of Allison Mack. Also <ducking for cover>, I don't feel any chemistry between AM and TW in the s-e-x department. They just seem like really good buddies. Dean and Teri on the other hand? Smoking!

So nope, still not a convert yet.


/me whispers to CC - OK, tell me where you get your Smallville fanfic stash? And I only want the really good stuff, none of that crap they mix up in a bathtub in Tijuana. And I swear...I only need a little bit...just a tiny fix. I promise I won't get hooked. And I definitely won't...honest...really...won't even think of writing...would I lie to you?

You know that boy'd walk on water for you? Or he'd drown tryin'. -Perry White to Lois in Just Say Noah
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Hack from Nowheresville
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(the Smallville fanfic supports me on this, btw) ((I know. I read Smallville fanfic, and in fact...looks over her shoulder...am considering, you know, giving it a tiny try.))
I gave up on watching Smallville eons ago (shut up Kathy laugh ) and certainly didn't watch last nights, but I HAVE to ask something. Has anyone who reads Smallville fan fiction read WHERE I BELONG: A SMALLVILLE ALTERNATE UNIVERSE by Aelora. I haven't but my son absolutely raves about it. (It can be found at http://www.aeloralane.com/smallvilleau.html)

Here's the catch. It's set in the Smallville universe but Clark is a girl called Hudson. Hudson Clark Kent. And you guessed it, there's an ongoing romance between . . . I'm not even sure I can manage to type this so bear with me . . . the Hudson Clark character and . . . my fingers are already cramping . . . LEX LUTHOR . . . razz

(Hiss, spit.)

And my poor son raves about this story even though he doesn't even like the series either. Go figure. So, anyone else heard of that fan fiction?


BevBB :-)
"B. B. Medos"
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Beverly -

In all seriousness here...

I've not read this particular fanfic, but I can see how it exists and why people would really like it if it is well written.

Part of the appeal of the show that I've heard many say (and have to admit I can understand) is the odd attraction between Lex and Clark - or perhaps between Tom Welling and Michael Rosenbaum - the "ho-yay" if you will. Two good looking men, strong feelings toward each other, an almost unnatural obsession for Clark by Lex. It all adds up to something that could be portrayed as gothically romantic. And if you aren't offended by homosexuality (which doesn't bother me - I'm a big fan of Queer as Folk where I've seen some relationships as romantic as any heterosexual ones), really puts a new spin on the whole story.

But for those who can't swallow anything of that nature, changing Clark into a female solves that problem neatly. You can maintain that electricity and great chemistry between these two characters without moving into slash fic and other areas that even I - as a person who has no problem with homosexuality as a rule - would rather not go into. I don't like to imagine Lex and Clark as a couple in that respect. It's not the Lex-is-a-future-evil-villain problem - I really like Smallville's Lex and hate knowing that he will be turning to the dark side. It's more the canon of knowing who Superman is and that he can't be gay.

I do have to say, though, that changing Clark into a woman might just tip the Alt reality so much for me that it is no longer "Superman" fanfic but "original" fanfic. Kind of a new twist on an old mythological story.

I may just have to check that fanfic site out.


You know that boy'd walk on water for you? Or he'd drown tryin'. -Perry White to Lois in Just Say Noah
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I cannot believe I am posting in this thread.

I am *not* a Smallville girl. In fact, the mere thought that someone will see my name in this thread and think that I am a Smallville girl is distressing to me. Because I do not like the show. I tried watching it, and it just didn't work for me.

Nonetheless, I pop into threads from time to time to see what is happening, because every once in a while I actually will turn on an episode to see where they are taking things...to see if there is anything that I can identify with. Maybe I'm just desperate for a new "Clark Kent"-fix. But it doesn't work.

And I'm enjoying the bantering going back and forth here, but I thought I would stick my nose in and just throw in a couple of comments. It's blatantly obvious that Lynn and CC won't agree with me on this first point...

Don't get me started on the absolute perfection in a male specimen that can be found there...
No. Definitely not. Maybe I'm just too old here, but for me, Tom Welling doesn't come even *remotely* close. No chance. Dean, on the other hand...

I, also, want to hang my bathrobe on the knob on the back of MR's head.
I can, however, see the attraction here. And that was one of the things that creeped me out a bit about Smallville when I was trying so hard to watch it: that here I was so much more fascinated by the Lex Luthor character than the Clark Kent character. And yes, I loved John Shea's portrayal of Lex and did find him fascinating, but to be so much "more" intrigued by Lex than Clark...well, that's just plain wrong...

But I know that I'm not alone in being intrigued by Lex as portrayed here; I've heard there is a large slash component to Smallville fic, as well as this alternate universe story that Beverly mentioned (which is an interesting way around it...)

And to end this post-that-really-said-nothing on a pleading note: please, Lynn and CC, if you do make these forays into writing Smallville fanfic, don't desert us here in L&Cdom, please??

{Hey, CC, did you notice my semi-colon? Wendy and Yvonne aren't the only ones who know how to use those, you know. I even threw in a couple of colons for good measure...}

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Kathy -

Please, don't let the title of this thread scare you off! I just wrote "Smallville Girls" cause it seems only a small handful of women ever reply to my appeals to discuss Smallville <g>. I certainly would hate to have my name lumped in with any kind of teeny-bopper fan-freak fest. Like you, I actually first tuned into Smallville because TBS took away my LnC reruns and I was desperate for some Clark. I did end up liking the show, though, enough that I tune in every week but not enough that I post on fan forums, etc.

As for the Tom Welling versus Dean Cain debate. I don't know if you've ever seen my "impossible choice post", but in case you haven't, I openly admit that if Tom Welling and Dean Cain were to arrive on my doorstep (tonight preferably because my husband's out of town) and told me to choose one of them to be my devoted love slave, I'd never be able to choose. Dean is buff and beautiful and just...yum...and exactly my age. Tom is about ten years too young, but then he's also tall and dark and dreamy. Especially when he's tripped up on Red K. Oy. Glad I won't be having to make that choice any time soon.

And I totally agree with you - Lex Luthor is the number two reason why I watch Smallville, #1 being the Tom-drool-fest. He is just fascinating - so three dimensional. I love watching an evil-genius in the making. And Michael Rosenbaum deserves ten kinds of Emmy for his acting. He is just awesome. John Glover/Lionel Luther on the other hand <squig>.

I won't speak for CC, but me writing Smallville fic is a pretty bad bet, at least until both of my kids have hit full-time school. I have negative time as it is now trying to keep up with LnC. If I bite off anymore projects or obsessions, I'm going to have to look into cloning.

Now that I've hijacked this thread as my own personal Smallville forum...


You know that boy'd walk on water for you? Or he'd drown tryin'. -Perry White to Lois in Just Say Noah
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Great discussion! I'll speak up and say that I'm another one who likes Smallville, Lynn and CC. Sorry else. Just can't help it. If you step back and look at it as it was meant to be, (not constantly compare it to LnC, which can be hard for some) it has a certain appeal that has me hooked.

I can't get in on this particular ep. discussion yet because I haven't watched it. Yesterday was my anniversary so I went out with my real life Clark Kent laugh last night. My daughter graciously taped Smallville for me, happily telling me that it was good. Guess I'll see for myself. As soon as I've watched it, I'll be sure to come back and let you girls know what I thought. It's hard to find others who actually like the show so I'd be glad to get into some debates.

I have to add my nod for TW. I also happen to think he's yummy. And Lynn, young means stamina. smile1 And with the show's apparent success, I don't think it'll be cancelled any time soon.

SQD (who needs to watch Smallville so she can come back to comment)

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Well, you two might be the only kids in the sandbox, but I've got my lawn chair set up in the shade with a nice glass of iced tea and I'm enjoying the show. Not *the* show, you know, 'cause I missed it, but your show. And now KathyM and Beverly have come to join me. Pull up a chair ladies; maybe I'll make some magaritas! (That is, if Beverly lets me talk again. laugh )

I'm sure my husband is wondering what I'm doing laughing so loud, but he's been suffering through my L&C addiction for so long, he's learned not to ask. Or when he does forget himself and asks, his eyes usually glaze over so quickly that I stop talking and just tell him to go back to what he was doing. (Let's just hope he doesn't clue in that this might be the only way to get me to stop talking .... ahem.)

Kathy (repeat after me ... Dean Cain -- Yum! Michael Rosenbaum - Yum! Tom Welling -- I'd rather eat broccoli.)

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Tom Welling -- I'd rather eat broccoli.
I LOVE broccoli. Especially with just a little bit of butter.

Never tried it covered in whipped cream. Or chocolate....



Um, Kath, I don't really like any salt on my magueritas. And if you've got peach or strawberry...

You know that boy'd walk on water for you? Or he'd drown tryin'. -Perry White to Lois in Just Say Noah
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When I saw the number of posts, I figured Lynn had just been arguing with herself while I sat in the PTA meeting.

But look who we've sucked into our web!

We have friends! And...um...spectators?

SQD, you must watch said tape and weigh-in. This is especially important if you agree with me. (I should mention there is some extra credit in it for you, should you do so.)

I stumbled onto the flash fic while I was trolling for my Smallville fix. It didn't surprise me, as I had heard the murmurs of the subtext. Here's my take. MR is so magnetic, so darkly seductive, I can see the seed of the idea.

However, he has this chemistry with just about everyone. And there is a large Lex/Chloe fanfic base. Really good stuff. (I'll send you my link, Lynn. We'll talk. I'm thinking we move in over there and take over.)

I like what Smallville is doing with Lex. Showing us the tragedy. That he turns so evil eventually is heartbreaking, and even though we know it's coming, we root against it. What it boils down to is that he so envies what Clark has. And if he had it, someone to really love him, he wouldn't be Lex Luthor.

And you know in the comics Lana marries Pete. I never even see a wink towards this on the show, would like to.

KathyM thanks for coming and for bringing your semicolon. It's lovely, brightens up the place.

And KathyB, you want your broccoli with cheese on top. Can't beat it.

CC (going to bed, honest, unless Lynn wants to start another fight)

edit: Wait. Can't sleep well until I've had a chance to disagree with Lynn on Allison Mack's haircolor. It's bleached for now. Didn't we all do that in highschool? But when it grows out, once she's moved to Metropolis, changed her byline to LL and started working with Lenny from Laverne and Shirley, it will be a familiar shade of dark brown. Remember her secret identity speech to him "I'm the girl of your dreams disguised as your best friend..." Come on, people!! We know her!

ok, ok, goodnight, already...

You mean we're supposed to have lives?

Oh crap!

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I thought about being the voice of reason; I still think TW looks, well... like an anorexic adolescent girl who's had collagen injections in her lips. And I think that this episode was worse than usual--and that's saying a *lot*. Strangely enough, the fic I wrote that killed almost all the Smallville main characters off has been nominated for best comedy in the Smallville fandom's fic awards.

Sometimes you just can't win.


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I'm very into the Smallville fandom so this topic was made for me.

On Last Night's Episode

I thought it was fantastic but also horribly sad. We have seen the beginning of the rift - I can finally see how Lex will descend into villainy and after much waiting and many setbacks Clark is finally becoming the hero I know.

The Superman junkie part of me loved last night's episode because it brought the characters closer to their destinies but the part of me that loves SV's Clark and Lex individually was crushed. Lex's torture and Clark being unable to save him were too much.

On Tom Welling

I think Tom welling is a fine looking man but his Clark Kent is a big dork . I mean, what is with that hair? And those bangs? That hair is just wrong.

Wronger still is the "constipated" look they make him don for all the promo pics - I think that it's supposed to be his " Superman face " but it's hard to look tough with curled bangs.

But when Tom played Jor-El in Smallville 1961 and Bad!Clark in the Season 3 opener he looked much better.

He also looks much better in most magazine pics.

On Lex

I love Michael Rosenbaum's portrayal of Lex Luthor. Watching a pre-Metropolis, trying-to-do-the-right-thing Lex (like last night where he was getting beat up by the three kryptofreaks and still wouldn't reveal Clark's secret) has made me like Lex more than Clark. Which, was easy to do since before Season 3 Clark was either kinda dumb or kind of a jerk -- or both!

As a long time Clark fan and FoLC if any had told me I would be swooning over a bald , skinny (well not so skinny anymore) Lex Luthor - I would have thought they were crazy.


Smallville Fanfic

The main ship in Smallville is Lex/Clark (aka Clex). However, I'm not much of a "slash" person - not that there's anything wrong with it -- just not my cup of tea.

It goes to follow that most of the fic I've read is either "Het" or "Gen". So my links will pretty much only be for that kind.

One of the large SVfic repositories is Level Three which has slash, het and gen fic. All fics come with a pairing notice and a rating so there shouldn't be any surprises.

There's also a site devoted exclusively to het fic and that is The Wild Coyote .

For those of you who believe that Chloe=Lois I'd keep a close eye on Carbon Copy - it's a really new site devoted to the idea that Chloe is actually Lois Lane. They don't have much up yet -- but that should change soon.

Beverly mentioned the Lexson (or Hudson/Lex) fics. (Btw, Beverly - your son's love of this series wouldn't have anything to do with the fact that the author chose the lovely Alessandra Ambrosio as her model for Girl!Clark - would it? razz ) - 100% pure Lois Lane. Short and very sweet it's Falling is Like This by Azar.

And with that - I'm done!

"Let us remember that there is a creative force in this universe, working to pull down the gigantic mountains of evil, a power that is able to make a way out of no way and trasform dark yesterdays into bright tomorrows. Let us realize the arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends toward justice."
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Hack from Nowheresville
Hack from Nowheresville
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Well, I thought I would let you all know, that you really are NOT alone in your Smallville appreciation. smile1 )

"Well, let's see, so far I've been given a glimpse of ritual crop worship, treated as your girlfriend, and I insulted your parents. No, I couldn't have planned this. Mmm, mmm." -- Lois to Clark, 'Green, Green Glow of Home'
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Well, I have absolutely no idea whether this was a good or bad episode. I'm just enjoying this thread.

You guys... rotflol

Oh and I agree with others on Smallville fanfic - don't scare us that way!!

LabRat smile (thinking of adding a warning to the thread header: "Do not read while drinking..." )

Athos: If you'd told us what you were doing, we might have been able to plan this properly.
Aramis: Yes, sorry.
Athos: No, no, by all means, let's keep things suicidal.

The Musketeers
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I thought about being the voice of reason; I still think TW looks, well... like an anorexic adolescent girl who's had collagen injections in her lips. And I think that this episode was worse than usual--and that's saying a *lot*. Strangely enough, the fic I wrote that killed almost all the Smallville main characters off has been nominated for best comedy in the Smallville fandom's fic awards. Sometimes you just can't win.
ROTFL! Okay - I have to ask for my son, mind you - where can he find this one?

He's been saying for about a year now that at least Clark needs to be killed off on Smallville so Lex can become Superman . . . what kills me is that I can't disagree with the idea at all. :rolleyes:

Oh, shut up KathyB. razz

You know, I'd let her talk but the laughing just has to go. laugh And I know she's laughing her head off because she knows quite well that I've HATED this series from the PILOT but for some strange reason can't resist talking about it every chance I get. It's like picking at a wound that won't heal . . . I need help. I really do. mecry


BevBB :-)
"B. B. Medos"
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Just for you, Bev. You can find it here: Meteor Redux .


“Rules only make sense if they are both kept and broken. Breaking the rule is one way of observing it.”
--Thomas Moore

"Keep an open mind, I always say. Drives sensible people mad, I know, but what did we ever get from sensible people? Not poetry or art or music, that's for sure."
--Charles de Lint, Someplace to Be Flying
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When I saw the number of posts, I figured Lynn had just been arguing with herself while I sat in the PTA meeting.
Hey, there's nothing wrong with that! Some of my most interesting conversations....shut up...it is not your turn to type...have been with, well, me.

OK, yes, I come clean. I stand before you and admit that I had a problem with Sun-In. But you gotta understand, I was only fifteen. I didn't know about the brassy streaks. Honest. I just wanted a few highlights and the sun, well, it's natural, you know?

So I give Chloe her "gentlemen prefer blonds" phase. Still, unless something happens in the next season or two where I start seeing some sparks between AM and TW, I'm just not buying that she's Future!Lois. Of course, there was kind of one really good kiss when they were in the medical records room and that guy walked in...

Birdie - you nailed it. It's those dang bangs! TPTB trying to bring 26-year-old Tom down to mid-teens are grasping at straws, but at least they throw us a bone every once in a while, ala Exile and Relic, when we get a Tom in full, bang-less glory. And they even try to make it up to us by throwing in some black shirts and bare-nekkid chest. What can I say? I'm easy.

PS - Thanks for the links.

I hereby solemnly swear that I will not click on any of Birdie's Most Excellent Smallville Fanfic Links until I have read all eligible Kerth Stories and the entire stack in my To Read folder, including the epic masterpiece, Masques, which has been started but not yet completed. God Bless America.

Shelley - I, too, am blessed with the amazing ability to view a 55" Tom Welling. If my husband had his way, it would be a full 65". But of course, he also would have gotten tired of cleaning lip marks off the screen, so it wasn't too hard to convince him that maybe smaller was actually better in this case.

Yeah, I notice that CC is kind of quiet now. I'm thinking she finally came around to the Lynn Is Always Right way of thinking. See, CC, that wasn't so bad.

/me wipes her hands, acknowledging a job well done. Now, how to go about converting the world to using only one space after periods...


You know that boy'd walk on water for you? Or he'd drown tryin'. -Perry White to Lois in Just Say Noah
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Just for you, Bev. You can find it here: Meteor Redux .
Thank you very much. Now, maybe this will keep Mark busy so he'll stop bugging me to read that Hudson/Lex fic. He actually had the nerve to tell me that if I read it I'd then know what kind of romance he might like to read. I can't even WATCH the series but I'm supposed to make myself read one of the fanfics from it!?! grumble

Children. They have no gratitude for simply giving them life. wink


BevBB :-)
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Yeah, I notice that CC is kind of quiet now. I'm thinking she finally came around to the Lynn Is Always Right way of thinking. See, CC, that wasn't so bad.
I cannot live on this thread, Lynn, correcting all of your wrongs. It is just too taxing!

The Sun-In thing, me too. Mandatory for all 15 year olds, I think. And the bright orange result? Who knew??

But this is what I've really been pondering.

I thought about being the voice of reason; I still think TW looks, well... like an anorexic adolescent girl who's had collagen injections in her lips.
Despite the use of a semi-colon, our friend Laura has thrown down the gauntlet. You and I might just have to...gulp...join forces!

CC (though this certainly wouldn't change your wrongness)

You mean we're supposed to have lives?

Oh crap!

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Wow, I did the Sun-in thing in high school, too ... luckily I never had any crises of the orange variety. You know, sometimes I'm tempted to say that Lynn, CC and I were all separated at birth but then I remember their love of darker fanfics and, even more shocking, their love of Tom Welling, and I must face the truth. Oh, well, maybe we can be fraternal triplets ... you know, the kind who love to bicker but when push comes to shove, they'd, well, OK, shove their sister out of the way to get to the cute guy first. Um, moving on ...

Birdie, thanks for all those links. I loved that Lois/Clark story. Short but very sweet. Too bad whoever that is doesn't write for our fandom. (Hmm, though, hey, maybe she does ... /me casts a suspicious eye on the other posters on this thread.) If they update that "Chloe is Lois" site with any decent fanfic, please let me know!

Beverly, I'd respond, but I'm laughing too hard. Sorry, I tried to stop myself. No, really, I did!

And Laura, thanks for the link to your story. I was ROTFL. But even funnier is that they nominated it for best comedy in their fandom. That's just priceless.

Kathy (shuddering at the mere idea of a 55" Tom Welling, though a life size Dean Cain is a *very* enticing fantasy.)

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And Laura, thanks for the link to your story. I was ROTFL. But even funnier is that they nominated it for best comedy in their fandom. That's just priceless.
Reading the story - I could see how it got nominated as "Best Comedy".

There is a huge contigent in the Smallville fandom that hates Lana and/or the Clark/Lana romance. Since the story centers around the two chucklehead twins getting pancked after their little frolic int he meadows - then I could see many in Smallville fandom being happy with that result.

"Let us remember that there is a creative force in this universe, working to pull down the gigantic mountains of evil, a power that is able to make a way out of no way and trasform dark yesterdays into bright tomorrows. Let us realize the arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends toward justice."
-- Martin Luther King Jr.
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CC called me a spectator. Well, I'm pulling up my lawn chair and digging into those margaritas that KathyB so kindly brought with her, because, ladies, I am having a blast reading this thread. *So* much more fun than watching the show. I've burst out laughing I don't know how many times...

As for the Tom Welling versus Dean Cain debate. I don't know if you've ever seen my "impossible choice post", but in case you haven't, I openly admit that if Tom Welling and Dean Cain were to arrive on my doorstep (tonight preferably because my husband's out of town) and told me to choose one of them to be my devoted love slave, I'd never be able to choose. Dean is buff and beautiful and just...yum...and exactly my age.
Hey, Lynn, did they show up at your house last night? Because my husband is out of town tonight, so it'd be just fine if the "loser" - which therefore better be Dean - showed up at my house tonight... He is, unfortunately, 9 years younger than I am, and maybe that's part of my problem with Tom, because he is *so* much younger than I am...

I thought about being the voice of reason; I still think TW looks, well... like an anorexic adolescent girl who's had collagen injections in her lips.
But no, it's definitely not just the age thing...as LauraBF rightly points out, and even includes a semi-colon (as CC noticed). Laura, I'm with you here! smile

Birdie, thanks for the link to the Lois/Clark story. That was very sweet. Would that be popular in the Smallville fandom? I understand there is a large contingent that loathes Lana, but aren't those same people who would be urging a Clark/Chloe pairing?

And Laura, I loved the way you killed almost everybody off. I guess the Smallville fandom likes whams too! goofy

Beverly, I literally cracked up at your line about children. rotflol I'm definitely going to have to remember that whenever my 11-year-old drives me crazy, which is of course almost every day...

Kathy (repeating KathyB's mantra: Dean Cain -- Yum! Michael Rosenbaum - Yum! Tom Welling -- I'd rather eat broccoli because it really works for me...)

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Birdie, thanks for the link to the Lois/Clark story. That was very sweet. Would that be popular in the Smallville fandom?
Not really because Lois is still such an "unknown quality" on Smallville. Most people in the fandom know the future and know Lois from other incarnations and know that she plays a huge part in it but since she has yet to appear in Smallville she really doesn't appear in many fics.

Also, in the Smallville fandom, many of those who like Lois truly believe she is already on our screens every week - she just has a different name and differnt hair color! wink

I understand there is a large contingent that loathes Lana, but aren't those same people who would be urging a Clark/Chloe pairing?
Either Clark/Chloe or Clark/Lex. Although some of them who dislike Lana now dislike Clark for choosing her over Chloe and now "ship" Chloe/Lex.

"Let us remember that there is a creative force in this universe, working to pull down the gigantic mountains of evil, a power that is able to make a way out of no way and trasform dark yesterdays into bright tomorrows. Let us realize the arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends toward justice."
-- Martin Luther King Jr.
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lynnm Offline OP
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Despite the use of a semi-colon, our friend Laura has thrown down the gauntlet. You and I might just have to...gulp...join forces!
CC - sssshhhhhhttttt! If we work our magic on her, she'll want us to share.

KathyB - I do think we were triplets, separated at birth. But perhaps you suffered some sort of trauma that made you wary of angsty fics and good looking men over 6 feet tall. It's OK, sis. We can work with you on these problems. Just...come home.

KathyM - SQD made a good point. It's all about the stamina. And young men are highly trainable.

But sadly, neither Tom nor Dean arrived last night despite the enticement of my hubby being away. They must have missed my e-mails. And I have to tell you, I would have probably locked the "loser" in the basement for later. <sigh> I know. I'm stingy.

I used to be a Clark/Lana don't-care-if-they-have-a-fling-because-in-the-end-he-loves-Lois person. Now I'm a Die-Lana-Die person because TPTB keep shoving her down my throat.

The one other problem I have with the Chloe is Lois scenario - I always loved that it was Love At First Sight with Clark when he saw Lois. Of course, maybe that's just the way it was presented in LnC. But if they made Chloe into Lois, it's more of the love-was-right-under-my-nose-all-this-time scenario, which doesn't hold nearly the impact IMHO. I want to see that electric moment when Clark first meets Lois.

Perhaps Chloe could move away, get a complete body and face plastic-surgery makeover and become a new woman. With dark hair. Oh, yeah. And get electro-shock therapy so she loses all memory of high school and her crazy friend Clark who had all of those secrets and was always snatching people from the jaws of death just like that new guy...Super-what's-his-name. Hmmmmm? Hey, wait a minute...


You know that boy'd walk on water for you? Or he'd drown tryin'. -Perry White to Lois in Just Say Noah
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But Lynn, I've read that one!

(Was that you? It was very clever)

Chloe gives up on ever getting Clark's attention, despite a cozy moment or two. She moves to..well..you know...dyes her hair and starts over with the new name of, well, you know.

(Now the memory wipe stuff wasn't in there, but I like it, you have the makings of a fine episode, blame those confounded meteor rocks, they do the strangest things...)

So they meet up again years later, after things with Lana have gone icky and he is alone and Super. And- shazam- it's love.

Sigh. A favorite of mine. Didn't know that was you. Would have sent you feedback.


edit- I have got to stop checking this thread! Try to pull myself away, but every time I come by the numbers have grown. And here we thought we were alone in the sandbox, turns out it's a party.

You mean we're supposed to have lives?

Oh crap!

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Hack from Nowheresville
Hack from Nowheresville
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Okay, I got curious and had to check out Meteor Redux. (Blame it on loyalty to a sister FOLC because it sure isn't due to that series . . . wink )

OH . . . MY . . . GAWD!

I laughed so hard I had to have a quick bathroom break just so I could laugh some more. That is absolutely priceless, Laura. thumbsup

Now, wonder who I have to bribe to get that turned into the series finale? I now have a mission in life. evil


BevBB :-)
"B. B. Medos"
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Why, thank you, Bev. evil I enjoyed killing off UnClark, UnJonathan, UnMartha, UnLana, and messing up the rest of them.

Laura (who really *hates* Smallville)

“Rules only make sense if they are both kept and broken. Breaking the rule is one way of observing it.”
--Thomas Moore

"Keep an open mind, I always say. Drives sensible people mad, I know, but what did we ever get from sensible people? Not poetry or art or music, that's for sure."
--Charles de Lint, Someplace to Be Flying
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Okay, I just watched the ep, so I'm jumping head first into this thread; I'll take a strawberry margarita and a side of Tom Welling. laugh

In all seriousness, there really is only one fair way to settle the dispute about who gets to keep Tom... the person who lives closest to Vancouver (where they film Smallville) wins. If a tie breaker is needed, the person who is within five years of his age without going over is the winner. I'm weighing in at 21.5 years in Seattle. Anyone closer than that? Anyone? Anyone? Bueller? Nope, I didn't think so. Sorry ladies, but you'll just have to settle for watching me make out with him.

Anyway, moving on to the episode. I thought it was really good except that it left things too happy at the end. What I mean by that is, they had Lex all furious at Clark, which could have been the perfect set up for the Lex of the future, but the end of the ep had him friends with Clark again. What's up with that? These two need to have a serious parting of ways, and fast.

I have to agree with... someone... I'm too lazy to go back and re-read the thread to find out who... I think it was either Lynn or CC... anywho, I liked the return of the former freaks of the weeks. It was really good for them to have some continuity and show that the FOWs didn't just disappear into thin air; they end up somewhere. That, and the fact that Jonathan Taylor Thomas and the guy that they killed are both so yummy.

Other than that I thought the ep was pretty much the same as all of the Smallville eps: too much Lana, too much Bo Duke, not enough Pete, and not enough Chloe.

If I bite off anymore projects or obsessions, I'm going to have to look into cloning.
Eeesh! I should have thought of that before I dove into the One Tree Hill Fandom. Now I'm up to my hair in a website, reviews, music videos... the list goes on.

Wait, I think I hear something... it sounds vaguely like my name... almost like... no, that couldn't be it... could it? Oh no! It's RL! Run for your life! I mean... run for your fandom!!

~Anna (who didn't get a chance to watch TW on Shelley's 55, but did get to watch James Lafferty on it. Yum!)

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I popped in my tape yesterday all siked to see this ep and guess what! Nothing! My daughter recorded static! mad razz Kids!

Although I won't be able to give my opinion of this episode, I am enjoying this thread. You guys are priceless. Lynn, while I would have probably grumbled about some of it, I'd have still liked it overall. I've seen bad episodes, but I still like them. What can I say? I'm a Smallville junkie.

So, maybe next week girls!

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SQD, the tragedy!!

Why do we even have these kids if they can't work the VCR?

However, you still get extra credit just for the effort. (I am a generous grader.)

And for even liking the bad episodes, you get double. (I like them, too!)

And Anna, you agreed with me on continuity and the freaks. Hurray! For you, loads of bonus points.

I see your point about the episode ending too happily, the rift that needs to grow, but I was glad. I'm not ready, yet. I want our Clark and Lex friends for as long as possible.

And I wonder how much Lex really does remember. And all that rage has to come out somewhere. I think we're set up nicely for that.


You mean we're supposed to have lives?

Oh crap!

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Although I missed the episode, I've been enjoying this thread, also. But on a different note, I read this morning that Christopher Reeve will be returning to Smallville this season.

That was one of my favorite episodes of Smallville last year and I'm looking forward to seeing him return.


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CC, I used a semicolon too! Do I get extra points for that? laugh


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lynnm Offline OP
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CC! Just quit it already. Stop sending these people large amounts of money and copious quantities of chocolate just so they'll publically agree with you! Sheesh, even SQD who watched an hour of static agreed with you. I smell conspiracy here!

That's OK, though. I can handle defeat. You may have won the battle but you haven't won the war. And I have a secret weapon up my sleeve for next week.

Secret message to Kathy, Shelley, SQD and Anna:
Ifway ouyay agreeway ithway emay onway extnay eek'sway episodeway, Iway illway inviteway ouyay otay ymay ivatepray Omtay Ellingway artypay erewhay ehay illway ebay atway ymay ousehay. Akednay. Eallyray. Onesthay.

OK, that's all. Good night.

You know that boy'd walk on water for you? Or he'd drown tryin'. -Perry White to Lois in Just Say Noah
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Hey, Lynn, you might enjoy next week's ep! And I'll be watched and ready to comment-- honestly. If I don't like something, I will definitely say so.

SQD (who is still trying to figure out what my daughter did dizzy )

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Forget the semi-colons ... I think Lynn wins on sheer endurance for typing that message in Pig Latin. ROTFL!!!!


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After deciphering the secret code, Lynn, I'm coming too!

But just in case you aren't entirely on the up and up, I'm not accusing, I'm just saying...I can offer all those who agree with me bazillions of extra credit points.

Think about it...It goes on your permanent record. Counts towards your diploma...


You mean we're supposed to have lives?

Oh crap!

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Hack from Nowheresville
Hack from Nowheresville
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But just in case you aren't entirely on the up and up, I'm not accusing, I'm just saying...I can offer all those who agree with me bazillions of extra credit points. Think about it...It goes on your permanent record. Counts towards your diploma...
Just one question. Do I HAVE to watch the series to get the extra points or can I just pretend I did?!? laugh

You know, I'm not even sure I could force myself to agree to liking it even then . . . :rolleyes:


BevBB :-)
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KathyB is enjoying the show from her lawn chair in the shade. I would have been content to continue spying through my binoculars from behind the bedroom curtains, if I hadn't felt compelled to tell you what just happened.

I was just thrown into such a fit of uncontrollable laughter that my husband came in to see what had happened. My stock response of "I read something funny" did not seem sufficient, considering the state of near-hysteria I was in, and he insisted on knowing exactly "what" I found so funny.

Me: "Well, this woman, Lynn, wrote to say that she didn't like the last episode of Smallville. Then, CC wrote that she disagreed. Some other women wrote in, and CC was impressed that one of them had used a semi-colon, and she started awarding bonus points. Lynn said that was cheating, so she wrote a secret message in pig-latin..."

I look up at my husband. He is not convinced.

DH: "Uh huh."

Me: "You had to be there."

You guys are the best! You have no idea how much fun I have every time I come here.

- Vicki

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Oh boy do I know that look! It's a close cousin to the one Stuart adopts quite frequently when LNC-talk hoves into view. The one that says, "Okay, I have absolutely no idea what you're talking about, but I agree with everything you just said in the last ten minutes..." goofy

Can I get extra points for confusing a husband? Surely that's reasonable? CC? Huh?

Still rotflol at C;C.

LabRat (reminding CC that occasionally she beta reads for her and doesn't hassle her about semi colons (or fragments!!) - that's surely worth a few points even if the other isn't... )

Athos: If you'd told us what you were doing, we might have been able to plan this properly.
Aramis: Yes, sorry.
Athos: No, no, by all means, let's keep things suicidal.

The Musketeers
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Okay, there has *got* to be a way to get this thread a Best Comedy award of its own, somewhere... drool


"You told me you weren't like other men," she said, shaking her head at him when the storm of laughter had passed.
He grinned at her - a goofy, Clark Kent kind of a grin. "I have a gift for understatement."
"You can say that again," she told him.
"I have a...."
"Oh, shut up."

--Stardust, Caroline K
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Forgive me if I haven't caught up on this thread thoroughly, but I just have to say what I think. Even though I know I'm very very late coming to this thread. I've missed it last week and saw the rerun on CityTV just tonight.

I remember in a L&C vs Smallville discussion here once I ruthlessly insulted Smallville and said it was bad.

Scratch that. goofy

Okay, I still think L&C is way better, but Smallville is not bad. And their sense of geography still bothers me. (Side fact to anyone who saw The Sound of Music: Salzburg doesn't border with Switzerland - to which they escaped in the end. So it could be said about all of Hollywood as well.)

Since I only watched two episodes so far, I can't really say anything about the rest of the show, but somehow I get the feeling this was not the greatest episode.

One thing that disturbed me was the whole superpower exchange. As far as I know, Clark shouldn't have lost his powers, but maybe that was a substitute for red K, to create an Ultrawoman-style ultrafreak. Once Clark got the kryptonite and got his powers back, and the other guy took the rock, I was like, "Are they going to be doing this back and forth?"

I mean, each time they switch powers the non-powered person can grab the kryptonite and repeat the procedure. huh

But the funniest thing was to see Lionel watching the security camera video and thinking, oh, crap, he knew the secret, and now I've given up the chance to know it as well. I was like, "HAHA". Julie smile

Mulder: Imagine if you could come back and take out five people who had caused you to suffer. Who would they be?
Scully: I only get five?
Mulder: I remembered your birthday this year, didn't I, Scully?

(The X-Files)
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/Smallville Girl saunters up to the sandbox.
"ooh! Can I come play? Kathy, do you have any Strawberry-Banana virgin Margaritas?" (old enough, but no alcohol tastes better wink )

And hope, too, that Clark will seek out Chloe, who is Lois Lane, I swear!
CC, I felt the same way as you in the beginning, and still would LOVE it. But sadly, I know better. While she shares many things with Lois, including a blood line with Lois, she is not her in the flesh... frown

I am *not* a Smallville girl. In fact, the mere thought that someone will see my name in this thread and think that I am a Smallville girl is distressing to me.
Kathy...lol. I have no choice! :p I chose my name "Smallville Girl" before the show started, but now I am forever grouped with it! Not that I don't like Smallville. I do. A lot. But the name came from LnC first, which is my first love. I've gotten a few...snubbings from ppl for the name b/c of Smallville... But d--m it I am not going to change it! I chose it for LC, I LOVE LC, and if they don't like the show that took my name razz Oh well! jump

-Breanna (who is a week late posting, and will have to move over to this weeks smallville episode stuff)

Trask: Does Superman have any telepathic powers?
Lois: (blushing) I hope not.
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