I am knew to FoLCdom and fanfic and these boards, sorry to say for me. I've been a fan since the show originally aired in '93 and never missed an episode, but I didn't have internet access back then. I wish I could have been involved back when all of this was new.

I wanted to say a huge THANK YOU to anyone who was involved in the creation of season's 5 & 6 - through inspiration, writing, editing, whatever. They were absolutely wonderful! I thoroughly enjoyed every minute spent reading them. In fact I'm going to begin re-reading them to see what I catch the 2nd time around. They characters were so alive. It was if I were watching the episodes instead of reading them. Wonderful!

My only regret is that I didn't know about them sooner. But I wanted to thank any and all who were involved in the creation of Season 5 and 6. I can tell it was truly a labor of love and they were most appreciated! And I have read many more other wonderful fanfics here besides season 5 and 6 - this is great!

Okay, I'm through gushing now. I just had to say my thanks.

P.S. - All that reading inspired me to try my hand at writing a fanfic. It's done, I just have a few people I want to read it first before I post it to the archive. Hopefully you'll all like it. Look for it in the coming week or so. It's called "A Cut Above The Rest". Thanks!

Smile and the world smiles with you ... frown and you're just giving yourself wrinkles.