I loved reading Lois's reasons why dating wasn't a good idea, and how quickly Clark bats each of them down. Until....
"I don't date," she told him with crisp finality. "Ever."

Clark's head dropped in defeat. His hand lifted. His fingers slid through the hair above the side of his glasses. "OK," he said.

I love Clark's tenacity. He just does not give up. So sweet to watch him woo her.
Lois had relaxed enough to rest her temple against Clark's chin and give herself over to the music. To the illusion that the past and the future had faded away and nothing existed except the present … and Clark, his gentle arms, the scent of his cologne, and the memory of his smile.
I love this. The music (sound), memory of his smile (sight), his gentle arms (touch), and the scent of his cologne. All her senses are attuned to this moment with Clark.

I'm intrigued by Jane. You tempt us with bits of info that seem just a bit odd. She idolizes Lois, but never really knew her. Doesn't have any family there that night. Kind of strange. Is there more to Jane's story, or am I once again off on a wild goose chase with my over-active imagination? Well, I guess I'll get the answers to those and all my other questions as I read more. Which, by the way, I am very anxious to do! hyper

"Hold on, my friends, to the Constitution and to the Republic for which it stands. Miracles do not cluster and what has happened once in 6,000 years, may not happen again. Hold on to the Constitution" - Daniel Webster