Now that I've passed one of the two certification exams I've been driving myself to exhaustion studying for (the other one I hope to take by the end of June, or by mid-July at the latest.), I decided to indulge in a little leisure reading.

I love the setup of this story and can't wait to see what happens.

My mandatory junior high school cooking class was far more advanced than the one Lucy is taking, and even at the time, I had thought most of it pretty basic. (The only things I remember from it were demonstrations on the importance of packing down brown sugar and of reading a measuring cup at eye level. IIRC, those were among the more advanced things taught in the class.) Fruit salad and French toast? That cooking class sounds like it was made for Lois; she might even be able to get a passing grade in that course, with a lot of coaching.

What are the odds that what came up for Claude happened to be another date, possibly one with a feline name?
