If Claude had come last week, you would have fed him mushy pasta and charcoal-chip sauce.
Hey! I've made that before! It's my speciality! Unfortunately it makes the sauce a strange gray color and the burnt smell takes forever to leave the house and by the time it's over, it's all inedible and you're left wondering if it wouldn't have been cheaper to spend the gas driving down the hill to McDonalds or something. (It certainly wouldn't have the same amount of carcinogens, that's for sure.)
A man was there. Dark-haired. Young. Wearing glasses.
Ooh. Yummy. Is this one of the ingredients? evil
"Ms Lane?" He smiled tentatively. "My name is Clark Kent. Mrs Spangher has a migraine, so she asked me to come instead."
And so it begins!! Can't wait!

Nothing spoils a good story like the arrival of an eye witness.
--Mark Twain