A great new alternative universe story!

Her sister's alarm surfaced again. "That's why I called you," Lois said. "Claude will be here tomorrow evening, expecting something exotic, and my cooking skills are limited to boiling pasta without it sticking together - most of the time - and heating up bought pasta sauce in the microwave."
The opening lines were nothing short of vintage Lois, jumping in and ignoring the water level!

That comment earned her a dirty look. "We have twenty-four hours," Lois said. "It can't be that hard. If we stay up all night reading recipe books, surely by tomorrow we will be able to cook something Claude will love.
Dinner with Claude? At her apartment? Quick let me get the insect repellant! Claude is a one number creepy cockroach!

"Can we re-schedule? What about next week?" Lois glanced at the wall calendar, and noting the date, she suggested, "Thursday?"

"Thursday?" He didn't sound pleased, but Lois told herself it was probably due to the difficulties in hearing.

"Yes. It's … it's Valentine's Day."

"You'll cook for us, ma cherie?"
He cancels and then has the nerve to be annoyed with her? mad

"Ms Lane?" He smiled tentatively. "My name is Clark Kent. Mrs Spangher has a migraine, so she asked me to come instead."
Yes! Clark to the rescue! Let the games begin! dance


A writer's job is to think of new plots and create characters who stay with you long after the final page has been read. If that mission is accomplished than we have done what we set out to do, which is to entertain and hopefully educate.