Hello all,

Thanks so much for the feedback! Given the nature of the piece, I hadn't expected very many people would read through to the end of it.

Female Hawk, re: "Wise Lex": I had actually originally written "Saint Lex," but revised the story lest the original cause offense to anyone. I agree with you, though, that either one is enough to make one gag. (Sorry, Mrs. Luthor; I'm sure you'd disagree.)

Mrs. Mxyzptlk, you definitely got what I was trying to do with the story: Propaganda at its best/worst. And the sad thing is that I don't think it is all that far-fetched. After all, to take just one example, how many American children (and even adults) believe that George Washington actually said, "Father, I can not tell a lie. I did it [i.e., chopped down his father's favourite cherry tree] with my hatchet"? And although I can't quote specifics from other countries, I have no doubt in my mind that the U.S. is far from alone in having a skewed version of its historical figures.

Lois Lane Fan, I'm delighted to hear that the story is different from what you've read before. One of the joys of reading fanfic is indeed discovering new approaches to old friends.

Queen of the Capes, I aim to please. smile And thanks for issuing this challenge so that I could loose this story on to the MB.

Ultra Lucille, why thankee. wink Let's see...Alexa, Alexis, Alex, Alexander, Lexanna...

Virginia, thanks for the vote of confidence. Right you were that I stay as far away from gore as I can. (<Insert political joke here>) And the saying about history being (re-)written by the victors had been very much in my mind when I contemplated writing the story.

Marcus, thank you. I'm glad you think I stayed true to Lex's character, even if he himself never showed up in the story.

Thanks again to all who left FDK.
