You scared me for a minute there. Taking Lois away from Clark for 90 years! whinging And then give her back when he's old and alone. Tempus really is cruel.

Ken! [Linked Image] First you take away the love of Clark's life, then you take away his youth, and on top of all that, you make him lose his hair! How *could* you? As if his life wasn't horrible enough as it was, you *had* to do that too. And here I thought Tempus was cruel. whinging

It was interesting viewpoint to see a young Lois with an older Clark. Usually people show an older Lois with a still young (physically) Clark. It's sad that she thought they couldn't consummate their marriage due to his advanced years (surely if he was strong enough to fly her to Hawaii, he had enough energy for THAT). Guess she didn't want to risk a heart attack. [Linked Image]

I'm surprised that Lois decided to go back to the Daily Planet. I think it would be hard enough to be a reporter being transported 5 years to the future (like in many alt-Lois stories), but 90! But, I guess, knowing Lois, nothing would slow her down. She'd thrill at the challenge.

When Clark disappeared from bed, for a minute I thought he had passed into another plane of existance (like Yoda) upon death. Phew.

How horrible for Lois to then lose Clark, without a goodbye. I thought it a fitting end for him though, going out in a burst of light from the sun. whinging <<120 years and still a virgin.>>

Great little story with many twists and turns. You kept me on the edge of my seat throughout! Great job!

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.