
No. No. No. No!

You must write the rest of the story. This isn't finished, not by a long shot.

We'll need to know about Justin's reaction, and just how Tara sneaks the information into a conversation. "Hey, Justin, what if I told you I was Superman's daughter?" Maybe she could pull it out at a "Matrix" marathon. It might be the right direction to go if he rejects her at first and then comes back later - maybe before the baby's birth, or maybe a few months after - and proves to her that he wants to be a real husband to her and a real father to his child.

And I agree that no matter how mature Tara thinks she is, she's not. She isn't ready to take care of herself yet, although she's more ready than many her age. She hasn't seen enough real life yet to know how to use her own life to best advantage.

And maybe it's because I've heard that message before, but I wasn't at all surprised. When she started talking about not wanting to tell it twice, that was a big clue.

I agree with Bob that Clark's question about the baby's father was poorly worded, but if she's going to take offense at that she needs to understand that she's just shocked her parents with this news, which outcome she obviously intended. She gets no maturity display points for acting like a teen when she claims she's ready to handle adult responsibilities.

Tara is angry and bitter at both of her parents, and logically or not she blames the Daily Planet and Krypton. She hasn't stopped to consider that if not for the specific genetic admixture her parents gave her, she'd be someone else and not herself.

And I'm a little creeped out by the opening in the story. That's probably Justin and Tara enjoying each others' charms, and it makes me want to take a baseball bat to each of them in turn.

And she plans to just move in with Justin? Without telling him her secret? Bad idea, Major league, all-time stupid idea. When he finds out, he's going to wonder what else she's been keeping from him. If she waits years - stupid girl! - he'll probably wonder if their first child is actually his. If they don't get married, he'll have the opportunity to just get up and walk away from his responsibilities and leave her there with either a tiny baby and no money or a swollen belly and no one to comfort her.

I see no good outcome from her plans, unless Justin is at least as good a man as her father is. And she's so self-centered she can't see just how good a man Clark really is! Grrrrrrr!!!!!!! wallbash Seriously, did she expect her parents to be pleased?

Sorry. I'm letting my own experiences leak through into my reaction to this story.

Now the good stuff for the writer. This is well-written and well-presented, Jessica, and you've got some real talent if you can jab me so effectively with one tale. Please, please finish the story! This isn't the end. Nothing's been resolved, not really. We don't know how her brothers will react. They're super and they might be really, really angry.

Justin is still an enigma to us. Is he as nice as Tara thinks he is? He can't have much of a relationship with Clark and Lois if Tara has to identify him as the baby daddy. Is that his decision or has Tara deliberately kept him from her parents?

And does he even want to be a father and a husband (even without the certificate) right now? What will his parents think? Or say? Or do? Will they help or accuse Tara of derailing their wonderful and blameless son from his chosen career path? Will they make friends with the Kents or fight them? Or will they ignore the whole situation and hope it just goes away?

You can tell that I haven't just thought about this.

No kidding. You really, really need to give us the rest of the story. I'm eager to read it!

Life isn't a support system for writing. It's the other way around.

- Stephen King, from On Writing