Feedback hyper I've barely started writing it so it may be awhile.
I'm going to try and have a good outcome for the story but I there will be some bumps along the way.

I know I sometimes made Clark come off a bit over the top but I wanted to turn his world upside down for a bit without it involving any criminals and have him react to a situation he'd never faced. I also wanted it to be an event that can hit any family at any time.

With most next gen stories I've read the kids seem to all come out as great kids who end up following in their parents footsetps. I wanted to change this and tell a story that no matter how well you've raised your kids, they're still going to make their own decisions and some are going to be against everything their parents think they've taught them.

This story is based off some of my experience with my younger sister who got pregnant at 17. She is the reason this ended up in the story:
“Oh, I don’t know, some random high school kid, willing to do what it took to get you pregnant. I’m guessing by your attitude that this really isn’t an accident.” It was more of a statement than a question.
My sister started trying to get pregnant at 16 and didn't limit it to one guy to accomplish this. So in my mind it was something that could happen and became a question that an irrational Clark would ask. Also at the time, I think Clark was probably wondering if he did really know his daughter as well as he thought he did.

I hope you all come back for the sequel which I hope will explain more of Clarks thoughts. Right now is titled A Normal Life.

Thanks again.

"You're better at this than I thought," she told him.
"At what?" Clark looked up at her quizzically.
"You didn't think I could lie?"
~ Sue s. FB