First off, thank you all for the taking the time to post the feedback. As I’m sure you all know, it's what keeps the muse coming back the next time an idea hits.

As for this story and where it went, it was the story that I wanted to tell. There are many “tragic” endings to this story. Some that I considered (not very seriously, but considered)
1. The anti-Revenge antidote leaves Lois stuck in permanent “I hate everyone” mode.
2. Same as ‘1’ above but she ends up marrying Lex because he’s the only person that is right about the world.
3. Lois returns as normal but hates her life. She deliberately re-doses Revenge and becomes Lo-Lo forever.
4. Lois’s ACC ends up damaged and she comes back as bipolar Lois. ½ the time she’s angry and cold and the other ½ the time she’s Lo-Lo. (This is very close to my original chapter 8!)

Queen of Capes:
Yay! Happy ending! And smoochies!

Bob, thank you again for this wonderful story!
Thank you. And thank you for the inspiration. smile

Thank you. I just told the story that was there.

Yay! Lois doesn't hate him!
As I said above, I always saw Lois’s memory as the key. Let’s face it, Clark is a really nice guy. She – as Lo-Lo – lived with him for all that time and would know what kind of person he was. If she has her memory, I can certainly see an ending where Lois decided to break off their relationship, but the only way that I could see her hating him would be if there was some other factor such as the anti-Revenge not wearing off.

Glad it was calm Lois who came to Clark, not angry Lois -- she can be exhausting.
smile That reminds me of my original version of Chapter 8.
Thanks for explaining the science behind the treatment. They probably should have mentioned that in advance to Clark.
Yes, but where would be the fun in that?

My real explanation is that it was a medical issue and Clark had no standing for the doctor to discuss Lois’s medical issues. Since Lo-Lo never asked for a briefing in Clark’s presence, then the doctor had no reason to say anything to Clark. The error here was Lo-Lo’s for not asking for an explanation in Clark's presence, but she did have other things on her mind.

Lois needed to get the antidote treatment - without it, Clark (and probably Lo, too) would never know if what they had was real.
It would almost be tempting to write the other story. What would life with Lo-Lo be like over the long term? What kind or marriage would that be? Would Perry eventually fire her?

I'm glad to see I missed some of my guesses. I was only half-right about the cure, I missed the truth about the relationship between Samantha and Jason, and I missed how Lois would come out of the experience. But I like your ending better.
Many of your ideas were very close, and all of them would be good story.
I really like the science you wrapped into the story. You do that sort of thing very well, and I always enjoy reading your stories because of that aspect.
smile Thank you. I hate it when the science is so obviously wrong that it interferes with my ability to enjoy the story. (For me, that happens a lot.)
I'm also glad that Lois apparently didn't spill The Secret, even when she was overwhelmed with negative emotions. That means that she still retained some intellectual control over what she said and did.
In one draft of Chapter 8 Lois talks about fighting to not say anything, but that didn’t make the final cut.
Good story, Bob. Tense with a very satisfying ending. Thanks for the interesting ride!
Thank you, I’m glad you enjoyed it.

Thank you.

I’m not sure what you mean. I guess you wanted a more angsty end. I’m sorry that you didn’t like the way the story turned out, but that was not the story that I intended to write.

I was relieved that Luthor didn't get his grubby claws into her.
Especially with the work being done at Lex Labs. Ending #2 above is a very dark future indeed.

What about a sequel? I'd love to see Luthor's reaction when he finds out that Lois is really in love with Clark even after "the cure".

And will Lois Mad Dog Lane keep on being friends with Cat?
Some of those are certainly interesting, but I don’t have any ideas for a story arc now. I have been having so much trouble with writers block that I’m amazed I was able to find this story. I guess all I can say is that I’m not opposed to more, but right now I don’t have anything in mind.

A sequel of having to deal with a thwarted Luthor might be interesting.
I love a frustrated and angry Lex. When I think of Lex reacting badly to Clark and Lois getting together, my “Gold Standard” is what he does in The Accidental Husband by Erin Klingler . However, right now I’m working on something else to frustrate Lex in another story.

Thank you. smile
