I'm glad to see I missed some of my guesses. I was only half-right about the cure, I missed the truth about the relationship between Samantha and Jason, and I missed how Lois would come out of the experience. But I like your ending better.

I really like the science you wrapped into the story. You do that sort of thing very well, and I always enjoy reading your stories because of that aspect. I also like Lois' balanced attitude in this chapter, how she explains that even though she's back from Sugarland and that Lo-Lo is gone, she wants some of the things from that life to go with the fire and the drive she's recovered.

She's found both sides of her personality and integrated them as one. This Lois didn't have the chance to grow into the kinder, gentler Lois we saw on the show. Instead, she was pushed into a crucible and crushed, even if she didn't understand it. And I'm glad that Clark resisted her Lo-Lo marriage plans and strongly encouraged her to take the cure. That worked in his favor when Lois came back with a vengeance.

I'm also glad that Lois apparently didn't spill The Secret, even when she was overwhelmed with negative emotions. That means that she still retained some intellectual control over what she said and did.

Good story, Bob. Tense with a very satisfying ending. Thanks for the interesting ride!

Life isn't a support system for writing. It's the other way around.

- Stephen King, from On Writing