
Interesting speculation about Lois laugh

You have taken Tempus into a whole new realm, out of irony and into evil.
Tempus tried to kill Clark as a baby! That's beyond irony, too!

MM I liked your questions about Lois. You're right - I will answer them. Eventually.

Hi Cris wave

And I'm assuming that CK is still in the same dimmension and that this Lois is actually IS Lois...
This is Alt-Clark as we saw in the Tempus, Anyone ep. Lois is the Lois who was missing in the Congo, believed dead. I'm not mixing up dimensions - just trying to write a simple story about two people who should be together smile

chickberry Yep, this is Alt-Clark and his Lois - although neither of them know it yet.

Laura Yep, poor Clark. Maybe he needs a medicine woman wink

Kathy I really enjoyed your thoughts on Lois. You're not entirely wrong, but not entirely right, either.

the question then would be whether she has a husband/boyfriend around,
That question will be answered in Part 3. Although, the answer will probably only lead to more questions.

Patrick Glad you liked it.


Well, I was hoping Lois would act more expeditiously to remove the green rocks,
I try to hurry the story along, but I just don't seem capable of doing it. She'll get to the rocks.


Oh boy, you always make it tough for Clark Corrina, don't you?
It was well established that Alt-Clark needed his Lois, so his life without her was already tough. I just added a few more problems to get him out of Lana's clutches and into the Congo cool

Thanks everyone for the comments. Next part will be up within 24 hours.
