June 22, 1994
Superman is really late in this universe. How is Clark standing all this time in Metropolis not being Superman? Has he been doing periodic secret rescues?

"Morning, Lois," Clark said cheerfully as he swept into the newsroom, juggling a couple of cups of coffee and a box of donuts.
Well, he has not fully moved past his newsstand job.

"I come bearing breakfast," Clark announced, setting down his offerings on her desk with a flourish. "My humble tribute to the writing gods."
Although I guess now he buys Lois breakfast.

"Well," Clark said, swallowing down the last bite of his donut. "I was wondering...would you maybe like to...go out with me?"
Took him long enough. Some might say "he is ahead of his in-canon schedule". Except in canon he asked her out in the pilot.

"Look, Lois, I'm not just pulling this out of nowhere. I've wanted to ask you out ever since you interviewed me after the 1987 Metropolis University/Midwestern State football game.
Which makes comparisons to canon unworkable. this makes it over six years since they first met, in canon they were married before they had known each other 6 years. Of course the comparison is more complexed than that.

I think we needed learn how to be friends first.
I think it should be "needed to learn", of course maybe the missing to is a sign of Clark's hesitancy, he is messing up his English.

Lois nodded slowly. "I think I do. I'd just hate losing you if things don't work out."

"You'll never lose me, Lois. I care about you too much to let that happen."
It is good Clark is as confident as he is.

"Okay," she finally said, after taking a deep breath. "We're on for tomorrow.
Once there, Clark had produced a large, thick quilt and a picnic basket from where he'd stowed it in the back of Lois' car when she hadn't been looking.
This reminds me a lot of their picnic in the 4th of July fireworks story.

When they had kissed goodnight at Lois' apartment late that night,
smile1 They are way ahead of canon. They actually ahd their first date, and it ended with a kiss. I am a little scared, things are going almost too good.

Lois had seemed to have had a good time as well. They had been out several times since that night,
Hmm, they may have exceeded the number of in-canon pre-engagement dates.

grabbing late dinners in some of the local restaurants after work,
No Superman deliveries from China?

or spending their free days doing fun, informal little trips.
Like the one to the DP carnival in "The Source".

Lois: That was not a date. It was just me and Clark hanging out. smile1 Lois is protecting Clark.

"And...I'm sorry."
shock Lois, apologizing? Are we sure she isn't a clone?

"Well, you still haven't answered my question. My original question, that is."

"What question is that?"

"Where'd you get the pizza?"
That she still remembers and cares about this is a very good sign.

John Pack Lambert