My turn to make Sue's inbox sing!

I thought at first that Lois seemed more harsh (unduely harsh) than I remembered her being (feeling) at the end of Irish Eyes (and /or beginning of Noah), but having taking another look at the episode, I realize that you hit the right note. Clark had hurt her badly at the end of Contact and she's still reeling from it. You always seem to catch the emotional stride of Lois and drag us down into the quicksand with her (pardon my horrible analogy).

I always felt that Clark deserved another chance at the end of Irish Eyes, but he HAD hurt Lois and she was right to be wary of him hurting her again. After every thing they went through with Scardino, freezing her, and her almost getting killed (pick one), I can see why they're both scared. You show Lois's motivations and feelings clearly here, more so than canon did, and at first I was worried I wasn't going to have enough tissue in my house to make it to the end of your story. Please thank your characters for me for insisting that you end your story on a more hopeful note.

I understand that your Clark is feeling a bit over-exposed at the moment, so I completely understand him shutting the door between him and Lois and the Readers... no matter how disappointed we might feel about that. Sometimes a bit of mystery does us good. wink

I feel it's totally in his character to have lied about the ferry schedule to try and force some alone time with Lois. I'm glad he admitted it to her though... eventually. clap

No, I doubt Clark would have expected them to share a room. He's a good moral man, and though he is attracted to Lois (VERY attracted) he's less likely to *think* making up with Lois would mean she would tempt him to lose his v... very patient status. (Although he'll be the first to admit that it was a very nice bonus indeed.)

Clark waves back and then turns to face me. "It's a small island, Lois. People are going to notice if you don't get on the ferry with me tomorrow."
Or she could have suggested that he fly them both back in the morning. But, of course, that would defeat the point of this story.

"I'm not about to share a room with you."

"I'm sure we can get separate rooms."
I'm sure Clark could fly himself back to the mainland for the night and come back for her in the morning, if they only had one room.

I wonder if a part of Clark misses his secret identity status with Lois, when she didn't know he was Superman and could wisk her home if they got stuck on an island... and he would have a legitament excuse for not flying her home.

He sighs, but his gaze never wavers from mine. "Because we need to talk."

I narrow my eyes at him. "Oh my god. You did this on purpose, didn't you?"

"Did what?" He has the gall to look confused.

"Stranded us here. This interview was your idea. You knew the ferry schedule. You knew we'd get stuck here, didn't you?"

Clark glances down and runs a frustrated hand through his hair. "It doesn't matter what I say, you're not going to believe me."
LOIS: So, that's a 'yes' I take it?

I let out an exasperated sigh. I'm in no mood to share my life story. "We missed the ferry. Do you have two rooms or don't you?"
[Linked Image]Michael, it's Lois, not Clark, who says this line... so totally in character with her and her upbringing. wink

I feel an irk of irritation that he's giving me the better view. Does he think that he can win me back with kindness? Fat chance, Kent.
Wouldn't it irk her more if he took the room with the better view? This is a lose/lose argument. She's going to find fault in everything he does, isn't she?

Would it be too much to ask to have him bitterly regretting his choices right now?

Even as I think about that possibility, I know it's not happening. Clark is so stubbornly certain that he's right.
Umm... Didn't Clark already admit that he was wrong at the end of Irish Eyes?

I can't exactly march across the hall and pound on Clark's door, not right now. Certainly not when the only thing I'm wearing is my underwear.
I'm sure he won't complain, if he can get a conherient word out of his mouth.

Does it send the wrong sort of message if I show up at Clark's door in the middle of the night wearing nothing but my panties and a robe?
Nope, just another reminder of what Clark gave up by breaking her heart at the end of Contact.

Or, even worse, that he won't talk to me at all. He may choose to slam the door in my face.

"I promise," he whispers near my ear. "Never again."

I absolutely believe him.

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.