Oh, wow! I checked the box to notify me if anyone replied and, at first, I did get notifications. But then a few days passed with nothing so I figured no one was reading. I was thrilled to check this morning and find all sorts of lovely comments!

My thanks to Sydney, Mariel, Laura, and Kate for the support! laugh

Jackie - I'm trying to get back in a writing frame of mind. I'm not sure yelling would help. wink

DC - It feels like fall where I am, too. And I'm exceedingly grateful for that. It's been a long, hot summer. I'm ready to start wearing hoodies and sweaters again.
Yes. That *was* quite delicious...
Good golly, yes! I bravely volunteered to rewatch the campfire scene in 'Ordinary People' about twenty times while doing "research" for this story. drool Yum.
I'm gonna go with he had no idea.
Funnily enough, until the very last draft of this story, he didn't know. And then I realized that he freakin' had to know the schedule. It made a lot more sense to me when he did and that was partially the catalyst to get them talking.
No, actually, that's just his style, regardless of how much groveling he needs to be doing.
I agree. Even if he was furious with her, he'd still retain his chivalry. Thanks so much for the long comments - I was delighted by them!

Corrina - Thanks! The "essence" of their relationship at the time was what I was trying to capture. I'm glad it worked!

Brenda - How wonderful to see you on the boards! dance
I kept hoping that Lois wouldn't have to be the bigger person and apologize
Yeah, you and Lois both. It wasn't easy convincing her to apologize. The first version had them running into each other late that night on the beach, fighting, and then a tense ferry ride in the morning. When it came time to get off the ferry, she realizes he'd flown home rather than stick around and have to spend any more time with her. When I looked at it from Clark's POV, he'd already apologized to her, she was just being spiteful. So it was her turn to swallow some pride.
My favorite line was that it wasn't a zero sum game -- there is no winner.
Aww, me, too. Well, that one and I also like her little panic attack when she realizes she's alone with him in a hotel room and neither one of them are fully dressed. smile
Loved that Clark answered the door without his glasses. It sent the right message.
I love that you picked up on that detail. laugh
I'm not sure it would have made a difference, but maybe he should have come clean when Lois called him on it.
She was much too upset at the time. Now, if he'd manipulated her into sharing a room, she'd be justified in telling him to take a hike.
I love how you took on such a difficult topic to explore.
It wasn't on purpose. I actually had a story written that was post-'House of Luthor'. But then someone posted a similar idea so I started over.
Your story made me wonder how they would have handled the break-up/reconciliation if Lois had become Ultrawoman after Contact but before When Irish Eyes Are Killing.
Does this mean you'll be sending me something soon? sloppy

Lois: You know, I have a funny feeling that you didn't tell me your biggest secret.

Clark: Well, just to put your little mind at ease, Lois, you're right.
Ides of Metropolis