Laura I tried to post this quickly, but I'm not getting as much time to write these days. I appreciate you sticking with the story even though I was slow in posting it.

Kate I could imagine the scene between Jimmy and Lois very clearly. Glad you enjoyed it.

Vicki I wanted Lois to save Clark (instead of Clark/Superman saving Lois). She doesn't have superpowers, but she has daring and intuition. This time, she was lucky. laugh

I agree with your later comment - sometimes, Lois is portrayed as downright unloveable.


I might as well join the bandwagon and say the scene between Lois and Jimmy was priceless! You nailed their voices and expressions perfectly. It seamed nicely with the opening scene in the pilot with Lois exiting a cab after nailing the carjackers. She was dressed as a man and Jimmy had to remove the mustache. LOL!!
Exactly. laugh

Kate The show (early episodes) did give fanfic writers the scope to write nasty, cold Lois. I enjoy sometimes putting 'later Lois' into earlier stories.


Typical Lois.
That's always good!


Oh dear. Her outfit form Resurrection.
You remember that one, Michael? wink

And since I’m imagining an early-nineties camcorder, where *is* she thinking of putting it? Her new set of size-Hs?
The one they used in the pilot seemed a bit smaller than usual.

Umm…Only when it’s anyone but Lois. Okay, not true, he’s squiggles when it’s Lois, too. Especially when she’s wearing blue chiffon.
Squiggles clap


Lois remains the only person thinking from every angle.
And because she's Lois, I can probably get away with it. cool

<pokes Lana with a stick> You dead?
LOL. But no, she's not. One murder was enough for me in this fic.

Thanks for the comments. I got a lot of laugh from your reactions to my Lois-being-Lois scene.
