Perfection. thumbsup

I might as well join the bandwagon and say the scene between Lois and Jimmy was priceless! You nailed their voices and expressions perfectly. It seamed nicely with the opening scene in the pilot with Lois exiting a cab after nailing the carjackers. She was dressed as a man and Jimmy had to remove the mustache. LOL!!! rotflol

This time around she's out to nail a murder suspect dressed as an over-the-top vamp. Love it!

The interplay between Lois and Lana was good, but I'm only sorry Mrs. McCreadle bopped Lana and not Lois. That crazy chick deserved it!

Only one question: how did Lois realize Lana would be watching/waiting for her?

Otherwise, this was a really great part and all of us are so glad posting won over answering feedback! We now patiently await your pleasure and look to see the next part of this fic.


A writer's job is to think of new plots and create characters who stay with you long after the final page has been read. If that mission is accomplished than we have done what we set out to do, which is to entertain and hopefully educate.