Hey hey, Wendy! Long time, no feedback blush I absolutely loved this story, and I apologise for not being able to post feedback until this moment, but as I mentioned before my computer is on the fritz. It took the store 3 weeks to determine that my computer needed to be sent away to fix the fan on it. Most unfortunate. As it is, my computer still has yet to return to me, and thus I am on a computer at school, catching up on my fanfiction reading. I was hoping to have it back by my birthday, on the eighth, but to no avail.

Anyway, back to praising this story: It was incredible, as all you stories are, and I absolutely loved the interplay between Lois and... herself?! Her constant jealousy provided much comedic value, and I'm glad I finally got to read the conclusion.

I'm glad there was the closure of the Superman issue, however, I thought it may have played out a bit too quickly under the circumstances. Lois accepted it a bit too nonchalantly. But, I'm guessing you have justification for this. At any rate, the story is excellent, and I'm hoping you're working on another right... now!

-Jo huh