Awww, very nice ending, Wendy. smile

“I’minlovewithyou,” he gabbled, then turned away, as if ready to bolt for the door.


“What?” he asked through gritted teeth.

“Do you think you could say that again?” she asked sweetly. “A little slower this time?”

“Why?” he demanded. Hadn’t she made him humiliate himself enough?

“Because I’d kind of like to remember the first time the man I love tells me that he loves me too.”
Yay! I love that he just blurts it all out, then tries to bolt ... poor guy! Makes me want to hug him! (And thankfully, it made Lois want to, too. <g>)

And what a sweet response on her part ... yay again!

“Do I get free flights?”
LOL, great response from her! Love it! Now that's my kind of revelation! <g>

She nodded. “See, I believe you. I believe Superman,” she said. “I know you wouldn’t lie, or treat a woman badly just because you can. You have integrity. And I love that about you, too.”

“Lois, just because I’m Superman instead of just Clark Kent, that doesn’t mean that I’m any more likely to keep my promises to you!” Taken aback, and almost a little offended that she thought it would take a Superman to persuade her to trust freely, Clark stared at her.
And I love this, too, both what she says and his response to it. It fits so well with their S1 characters. Lois would be worried about where things might lead and she would trust Superman above anyone else to not hurt her. And Clark would be a little miffed by this ... nice insight and well done.

And I love their vows to each other at the end, that they will love and protect each other ... that's just wonderful. smile

Great story, Wendy! Major fun. smile (Though I do have to agree with everyone that I'd love an epilogue where they take revenge on Martha. I know you probably won't do it because it's already been submitted, but it would be a barrel of fun. <g>)

Kathy (who figures there's no sense in posting the rest of M2 since Wendy clearly has the low angst revelation stuff covered. goofy )