Hello, Michael. See doling out the FDK, one day at a time. wink

He can let Lois win. A lot.
Well, she plays to win. He just plays to play. It works for him, because his way he might not win, but he gets to play more often.

Yes. But would he want to?
Depends on the woman.

You know, I actually managed to miss the ‘t’ on the first read. Talk about preconceptions during reading.
Actually, this started out as a "Ken" doll but my fingers were used to typing "Kent" and I thought, "lookie there, another way to torture alt-Clark." evil

Are they about a farmer’s boy and the orphaned fawn?
Wrong Bambi.

[Linked Image]

Clark makes things rise up when he gets excited!
Strange, that's exactly what Cat was thinking.

Just to make sure it’s safe for Lois to use. She’d even put a Cat Stamp on the equipment to certify its correct working order.
But, you see, that's where the problem lies. Lois doesn't go where Cat's gone, which is why she hasn't gone anywhere in several years.

/goes, draws diagram, and mails it to Clinton St. 344
Clark: [Linked Image] [Linked Image]

Oh dear. Lana really did a number on him. Wouldn’t it be fun if Clark actually had issues once he started to beyond-date Lois?
Lana did so many numbers on him he's lost count.

I can’t help it if I’m the best reporter at the Daily Planet.” She stared at him and dared him to deny her that title.

Maybe we should have a Tempus tell Lois this story?
Has Tempus been spying on him... oh, wait, Tempus doesn't exist in this dimension unless... evil

I think they call mountain lions ‘cougar’.
Yes, they do. I thought the nickname "cougars" developed in the late 90's. Oh, and Cat wanted to say something to you. Cat?

CAT: [Linked Image]

Hmmmm, I don't think she likes the implication that she's an older woman praying on a younger man.

Only because he wouldn’t take a hint.
huh Jewelry, not recommended. Good thing she's not the bling type.

They’re quite simple, really. Find woman. Like woman. Fall in love with woman. Pine for woman. Mope. Steps One to Three can happen within the same second. Steps Four and Five can last for years.
LOIS: No, Michael, they can't be that easy to understand. They have to be more complex than my VCR. It's not like you can just plug them in and they're ready to go, right? That would be... like... Boring. You must be telling me another one of those male lines that gets a woman to lower her guard... and then WHAMO she gets hit over the head with their complexity. Best not to trust any of their motivations, ever. <<marches off>>

CAT: Sorry, Michael. Lois has been like that for YEARS, for some reason. <<Cat looks through drawer>> Her birthday's coming up, maybe I should hand-me-down to her one of my older toys. You know, to start her off slow.

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.