“So, you’ve got the ability to fly. You can hear really well. You’re incredibly strong and fast. What else can you do?” Cat asked Clark.
He can let Lois win. A lot.

“I can heat stuff up with my eyes and cool stuff down with my breath.
[Linked Image]

“So…” she said, appearing to consider all the implications of that skill. “It really wouldn’t matter what I was wearing, if you wanted to see me naked, you could?”
Yes. But would he want to?

“Hummm,” Cat murmured, a contemplative expression coming her face. After a minute of thought, she blinked her eyes and came back. She took a cracker off the tray and said, “I’m right about you, aren’t I? You’re one fantastic lover, aren’t you?”
clap Are they about a farmer’s boy and the orphaned fawn?

Trust me, Clark, if they did, I’d be a one-man woman… well, I mean, within reason.”

Then she gulped and looked down. “Ah… Clark?”

They were hovering a good two feet above the floor.

He lowered them back down and he let go of her. “Oh, sorry, that happens when I get excited sometimes.”

Cat rolled her eyes. “Clark, she’s already madly in love with you. There is nothing you could do to lose the woman.

“I don’t care if it ruins your reputation of lioness of the asphalt jungle,”
I think they call mountain lions ‘cougar’.

She glanced up at his entrance and looked at him as if he were a sorry piece of trash. “Well, look at what the Cat dragged in.”

Clark shut the door behind himself. “Lois, Cat and I had about as much sex as you and Superman did.”

The pity in her eyes disappeared as her focus became sharper, fierier. “Is that what you think?”
Oh, look. Bugs Bunny jammed a stone into Yosemite Sam’s gun.

“How many times do I have to repeat myself, Chuck? Superman and I do not have a sexual relationship. We have never had sex. It has never entered the conversation as a possibility…”
Only because he wouldn’t take a hint.

“Nor has it between Cat and I,” Clark said softly.
/whispers ‘me’/

Lois flung out her hand. “But you were at her apartment!”
Lois: Duh!
Clark: Aaaand?

“Yes.” And Superman went to yours, he was tempted to add, but didn’t, since Clark shouldn’t know that detail.
Also, that.

“And what sort of man do you think I am if I am unable to say ‘no’ to a sexually forward woman?”

Lois sputtered and sat back down. “An alive one.”
clap A very astute observation of the average male stereotype.

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I go by Michael on the Archives.