Hi, James. wave

I am SO sorry that I've taken so long to get back to you. I saw your note last week and should have responded immediately. However, I didn't and then life happened...

I'm glad you thought about what was going to happen when Clark arrived. I was surprised that more people didn't bring up that "problem." I did spend some time trying to visualize how that would turn out.

Re: Lois and Clark raising Clark as their son.
-> Lois as Clark's mom.... Oedipus indeed. However, this has to be the most likely path. One idea that came to mind as I pondered this problem one was something like this:
1. LnC raise young Clark as Clark Jr.
2. When he starts to reach adulthood - and notices that he is an identical twin to his "dad" - they tell him his origins.
3. Then Clark Sr. gets killed.
4. Now both Lois and Clark Jr. are having to deal with the combination of the loss of older Clark and the knowledge that young Clark is Clark.

You can get really crazy when you start messing with timelines.

Anyway, thank you for the feedback. I'm so happy that you enjoyed the story.
