Thank you all so much. It is nice to get “back in the saddle” and writing again.

Thank you. When I was fleshing out the idea, I wanted to make it as different as the Bakery as I could within the idea of this being an inter-dimensional nexus. When I sent this to HappyGirl for first beta, I almost fell out of my chair when I saw that one of her first comments was, “This feels like the Bakery.” It was always my intent to attribute the source of the idea, but I was surprised nonetheless.

Deadly Chakram:
So many comments!!! smile
Sounds like the universe in V for Vendetta.
The government is certainly along those lines. I visualize Clark’s world as being more physically broken that what we saw in V for Vendetta. BTW: I love that movie!

Even in this messed up universe, Clark is still Clark.
Of course. I have ideas for “Dark World” stories where I match a dark Lois with a dark Clark, but I have never written any of those – at least not yet. If I were to revisit the Pub, the most likely pairing would be along those lines.

I really love the imagery here.
Thank you! I have a bad habbit of not being descriptive enough of the environments. I see them in my mind, but I forget that the reader can’t see that unless I describe it.

Not quite our Mad Dog Lane yet, huh?
No. This is a Lois that has been through the same set of knocks growing up, but is still basically a wide-eyed kid. With Clark’s help, her new timeline may never see the Mad Dog Lane that we all know.

So there's like only 47 people left in America now?

<loses battle, pukes all over screen>
smile smile

It's like six degrees of separation!
I should have had Kevin Bacon walk into the Pub.

What a fun little story! Very enjoyable!
Thank you so much.

Hi, Terry.
I’ve never read Spider Robinson. (I guess I have a homework assignment.)

I love all of your ideas for alternates. I am certainly open to these ideas, and several sound like they could be a lot of fun. The Lois/Lex idea sounds fascinating. Or a darkworld variant where a dark Lois pairs with and then corrupts a good Lex. Being basically a Lois/Clark purest, these would be a challenge, but I can see them. The only pairing that I will never write is Lois and Scardino. Daniel will NEVER get through the door of my Pub!

All I need is a delivery from that oh-so-wayward muse of mine.

Thank you for sharing your thought process trying to figure out Clark’s universe. I had no idea that there would be so many potentials. There are several good stories in there.

I thought how sad that her life took such a turn for the worst (okay, we'll just call it hell) because Clark never showed up. That's just plain
Well, that was the idea. All because of a random cosmic ray that damaged his spaceship’s guidance system.

Were they from the same universe, only different times?
Yes. In fact, that is part of the many pages of back-story that didn’t fit into the storyline. Clancy’s goal is to make things better. However, moving people between timelines can easily make things worse. This was the trial run for the Pub. The idea was that for the first test, the change would be a time-only shift within a single timeline. He deliberately chose one that was already so badly damaged that the risk of making things worse was very low. Assuming this went well, the Pub would then open for cross-timeline matching.

PS: Has it really been a year?! Nah! I guess it hasn't felt that long, because I keep reading your stories over on the Archives. I hope this means you've finally torn down that wall. Welcome back!
Thank you. I hope that the wall is down. I am working on two other projects and will be back on them this week.

Of course your Clark is going to face all sorts of problems, not having Jonathan and Martha behind him or any track record of education etc. in Lois's world. I'd be interested to see how they handle that.
That is what would be fun about learning the rest of this story. We would have a new-Planet-employee Lois matched with a Clark with no history and no papers. As I said above, I have no idea what that story would be now, but if I get a muse delivery, I’ll write it in a second.

I’m glad you enjoyed the story. Thanks for the feedback.

A fantastic story! You might not write much, Bob, but what you do write is Kerth-quality.
You’re too kind. Thank you. (I do still feel bad about missing the Kerth ceremony this year.)

I have read “The Magician’s nephew” and seen that episode of Quantum Leap, but to be honest the memories are vague. I remember just enough of each of them to understand your reference. I guess I have some homework. smile

Hi, Morgana.
Hmmm. In that Pub are the Time Travelers told to pay strictly with cash?
Is that a reference to the Spider Robinson collection? I really need to read that book. In any case, I can see the inherent problems with allowing credit in an interdimensional, non-time-bound nexus.

Seriously, dude, you have to finish this story. After all, LnC going after Luther in the 80'S? Talk about different!
You know, just in the course of answering feedback, I’ve gotten several ideas. I am more inclined to consider a sequel than I was just an hour ago when I started answering the feedback.

Thanks for the note. As I have said, the more I’ve read the feedback, the more I’m inclined to try to consider the sequel. I wish I could promise, but I am up from “I don’t think so” to “we’ll see” or possibly even “I need to get some notes down.”

Thank you for the feedback. I’m glad you enjoyed it.

On a side note, I think I’ve mentioned this before, but your Fuel was one of the very first LnC fanfic stories I read when I first came here. (Insert break here while Bob jumps over to the archive and re-reads “Fuel”) I love it as much today, as when I first encountered it. You truly touched the magic with that story.

I’m so happy that it worked for you. As I’ve said above, I didn’t plan a follow-on but right now I’m less sure of that. smile

During this past year I have discovered that I have lost my enthusiasm for simple episode-based stories. Whatever I do manage to produce in the next year or so will almost certainly be primarily alt-verse with – as I did here – only a loose tie-in to any existing episodes.

Finally, I want to thank you all again for the kind words and wonderful feedback. This really does help keep me motivated to stay in pursuit of my muse.
