Well, looky there. Arianna Carlin was...

a) Spot on right, Lois is nuts!
b) razz
c) Both A & B.
d) None of the above.
e) Dead, all this is taking place in Lois' head, because Patrick actually sacrificed her... Okay, I'm just kidding with this one.
f) So in love with Lex that she is going to give Lois to Lex (the dead man who isn't dead) because she wants Lex to be happy in some hidden fortress with the woman he loves.
For that, she has a plan: killing Lois-Double (the one with plastic surgery) and telling that Lois DID commit suicide. That's why she said something about "suicide watch".

g) She is evil (see f).

h) She is crazy (see f and g) and SHE will end in the padded cell. After all, you have to be crazy to be in love with Lex. laugh



Non ! non, c’est bien plus beau lorsque c’est inutile !
(Edmond Rostand)