Clark was dead, really, honestly dead.

She felt violated, not thrilled, by the action.
She sounds like she’d have been thrilled had he not acted that way but still checked her for injuries and broken bones.

She looked at it, somehow able to walk around it, studying it from all angles.

Lois gasped as another thought zipped across her mind. No! It couldn’t be.
Clark’s been altered by her father. He is now a cyborg!

“Lois? Are you saying there’s a fake Superman in your dream?” Star asked, confused.

“Yes, ‘cause the real one is… is…” Lois stammered.

She clutched her head as she recalled Tempus, laughing and saying, ‘Duh! Clark Kent is Superman!’
Open wound. Salt. Apply.

“I just realized I’m certifiably insane. I should go now.”
Oh dear.

“Well, you seem sane to me,” Star replied. For some reason, this didn’t reassure Lois.

“No. So, the only explanation is that I’m crazy.”
Oh Lois Lois Lois.

“Clark,” Lois answered, opening the door.

Star didn’t expect that reply. “About what?”

“Everything!” Lois announced and left.
Yep. But at least he didn’t propose this time around.

“I’m not crazy, Clark?” she scoffed out loud. “Hello? Not only am I hearing your voice, I’m responding to you.”
All of a sudden? Yep. Cuckoo.

“Right, and I’m perfectly sane,”
Well, since she’s not falling for his farmboy act anymore, she seems to be slipping?

You, on the other hand, are dead. Ergo, you cannot be Superman. End of discussion.”
Aaaand off we go.

. “Either you’re a dead superhero who lied to me, just like all the other men in my life, or I’m crazy. Which is it?”
Is that a trick question?

Why don’t you go back to your apartment where we can discuss this without you yelling like an insane person on the street, Lois? Clark suggested.
Do you think that is a wise thing to suggest Clark?

“You hear that world?” she called out to her residential street. “Clark Kent is Superman!”
Umm Lois?

I thought I had ended up in hell, watching the woman that I love live her life without me, not need me, and survive just fine without me.
Yes. He was a very naughty boy. He allowed a lot of people to die by not killing Lex Luthor. Bill Church. Bill Church Jr. Need I continue?

If I had told you that Superman wasn’t a figment of your imagination, but that he was once a real, living, breathing man, because I’m him, would you have ever listened to me? Would you have believed in the real me… Clark – me?
Oh dear. Yes. A normal ghost is so much more believable.

Or would you be off somewhere denying that I exist and making out with Scardino, while I suffered in agony in the back reaches of your mind?
Geez, Clark. You could always provide a running commentary. Might even get Lois to throw up on her date while they’re ‘making out’.

If hearing my voice makes you feel crazy, then I did this to you. Go on, Lois, live your life. I won’t bother you anymore, and you can be sane again.

“No!” Lois hollered, freezing her steps as his words froze her heart. He wouldn’t dare, not after he promised he wouldn’t leave her again.

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I go by Michael on the Archives.