I like this!

This is a great idea:

“I think I threw myself at Superman as I thought he was safe, Clark. And Lex for the same reason.”
I'm loving the way you show Lois putting the pieces together. It always bothered me that she would consider marrying a man she didn't love. I'm enjoying your explanation:

“Because I am in love with someone. Someone real, who could really break my heart. I think I thought if I could get together with Superman or marry Lex, I could prevent myself from falling any further, from getting my heart broken,” she said softly.
What a fabulous revelation:

“Actually,” she said, stepping back to look me more fully in the face, “did anyone ever tell you…” Her face was scrunched up in concentration and I felt my heart speed up again as I realized that she was realizing it herself. Even without the right hairstyle, or the suit, or doing something silly like flying around the apartment.
And I love that Lois understands why he didn't tell her:

“Of course you didn’t!” she shouted at me. “You can’t go telling people you’re Superman!” She was still shouting and nearly shaking as she looked at me. “Your life as Clark would be over. Your parents would be in danger. Me, Perry, Jimmy… everyone you care about.”
Excellent story! smile1
