The title is very fitting with the story - Lois really couldn't tell night from day with all the choices she made, it seems. wink

Very nice piece, anonpip! Your writing is great smile I enjoyed this fresh view of how things could have happened very much. Poor Clark is such a kind soul and this is the only time in the show we see her be so cruel towards someone he loves - you did a great job working with that, and I love how he came to realize he was guilty too, for lying to her. He's on such an emotional rollercoaster he can go from vindictive to guilty in a matter of seconds, but you made the transition seamlessly. wink

Great to see Lois acting a bit smarter than she did in the show, as well. wink Also, she was so sweet when she came to tell Clark she loved him! Gave me a great feeling there. smile

Thanks for sharing this lovely piece! Keep up the good work!

What we've got here is failure to communicate...