Originally posted by VirginiaR:
I don't know if it was because I went from watching an episode to reading your story, but you sure have Lois and Clark's voices and an cadence down pat. I could hear them speaking those words, seeing them acting in that fashion and believing those sentiments. thumbsup
blush blush Thank you. blush blush Glad I made it believable.

Two weeks? I thought he had been gone longer than that. He walked away from her and his family to concentrate on being Superman full time? To Kansas? To his family's farm?
Lots of questions. laugh Yes, it's only been a little over two weeks. I did mention that- as cruel as it was- this was a quick fix, didn't I? Yes, he essentially abandoned Clark Kent. *NO*, he did not go out to Kansas. blush Sorry. Sometimes when writing an alternative ending you miss things in the beginning... Jonathan and Martha have since moved to Metropolis. Wanted to be closer to the grandchildren. They moved after the birth of the first grandson. So Clark would be crashing at his parent's place every so often in Metropolis.

Thanks for the comments! Hope that cleared some things up. wink

Nothing spoils a good story like the arrival of an eye witness.
--Mark Twain