Delightful cliffhanger.

I am wondering when Lois is going to come up for air.
“So what have you done about it? Have you subpoenaed his client list yet?”
If I understand correctly, Mayson can't get to Snell's client list. If she does it is tainted and thus inadmissible in court. But if Lois obtains the client list on her own and does not disclose her source, i.e. does not admit to breaking in and stealing it, the game is back on.

So Mayson is counting on Lois acting like Lois.
Mayson... will she figure it out?
I'm surprised the grapevine left out Clark's blindness. I'd have expected that to be on the top of the list.

With that I'd have expected Mayson to figure it out within minutes.
how will she react?
I'm hoping she take one look at the white cane, and processes everything including Clark's attraction to Lois and Lois's attraction to both Superman and Clark, the brief recent disappearance of Lois Lane's byline from the paper, and in a few milliseconds puts it all together and greets Clark only as a friend. I hope her remarks make it plain she knows Lois and Clark are a couple but leaves them uncertain of what else she may know.

Well done,looking forward to the next part.
