Probably, because when Clark said it, I didn't automatically think "Superman", I thought "Blind". Later on, I realized they both had thought "Superman" and Lois's reaction made more sense.
Thanks. I'll go back and clarify that a bit.

When I read the words "Clark sighed. “I’ve decided to tell him the truth.”" I assumed by truth he meant "I'm blind, I felt helpless and I freaked and ran home. I sat around moping until my Mom called Lois and she came and lit a fire under me. BTW Lois and I are living together and will be getting married at some point."
BTW why does Clark have to tell Perry his secret? Why can't he just tell Perry he is blind?
Except, he can't tell Perry that without telling him that the story he's being given is different from the story all of Smallville now believes - that Clark was blinded two days ago in a welding accident.

Otherwise, the people in Metropolis would come to believe that he was blinded six weeks ago in Metropols while the people in Smallville believe that he was blinded recently in a farming accident in Smallville - which is bound to come back and haunt him later. After all, the quickest way to get caught lying is to change your lie.

Of course, if there are other possibilities, he'll never find out if he doesn't talk to Lois about it, will he? laugh

ML wave

She was in such a good mood she let all the pedestrians in the crosswalk get to safety before taking off again.
- CC Aiken, The Late Great Lois Lane