hyper Episode 2!! dance

Okay, I had more comments but misclicked and ended up losing them. Argh. splat I'll see if I can reconstruct them...

I'm happy that it was a joke about Clark moving in with Ellen.

Airplane travel during snow... very mad especially when one is used to traveling around the world in seconds. And yet Lois seems more frustrated by it than Clark. Does he have super patience too?

She looked at the spot on the wall, clearly outlined by faded paint, where the missing picture had been, and sighed.
What was the picture? Was it important or am I focusing too much on this one line?

Clark sighed when, after finishing up in the bathroom, he appeared in the doorway to Lois’ bedroom only to hear her heart rate speed up. He briefly wondered what it was in her heart rate that told him that she was tense as opposed to excited by his return. Maybe it had more to do with the increasing agitation he’d noticed the closer they got to her apartment.
Gee, Lois is nervous about moving in with Clark after their relationship status changed two days earlier? Wonder why that is? wink

So, Perry's going to give Clark an interview? Yeah!

Lois's reaction to this line surprised me:

Clark sighed. “I’ve decided to tell him the truth.”
Probably, because when Clark said it, I didn't automatically think "Superman", I thought "Blind". Later on, I realized they both had thought "Superman" and Lois's reaction made more sense. I thought it was just a confusion over what he was going to tell Perry. And then they'd have a chuckle over it later. Obviously not.

Does Perry know that Superman is blind? Or is it just Mayson? I cannot remember if Lois ever told him. I don't think so.

I can see why Lois is so upset and probably not for the reasons that Clark thinks. Yes, her safety is more at risk if more people know CK=S and Lois is living with/dating CK... Blah, blah, blah, Lois never worries about her safety. I think it has more to do that HE NEVER TOLD HER!! His mother did so, because he had his head in the ground and now he's being so flippant about telling Perry. Yes, that would anger Lois. Oh, Clark! :rolleyes:

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.