From the sound of her soles on the floor, she was wearing her brown shoes. They had only a half-inch heel, so there must be another reason for the brusqueness of her gait.
rotflol I've never seen an author write Clark SO tuned to Lois that he knows her wardrobe based on her footsteps. Nice!

He looked up, his smile hovering in case his first sight of her gave him any hope that it might be effective in combating her mood. The moment he saw her face, his hopes were dashed.
Yeah, this isn't going to go well.

"He *dares* to lay a perfectly manicured hand on my shoulder and looks deep into my eyes and croons in a voice so thick you want to gag at the thought of what he could possibly have stuck in his throat, ‘I’m free tonight, sweetheart. I'll pick you up about 7:30.’

"I'll pick you up about 7:30," Lois repeated, her head shaking, and her eyes glinting fire. "Do I look like I want to be picked up? Do I look like a woman who would go out with a libido-infested ego masquerading as a man? Do I look like a woman who would find anything remotely interesting in a powdered, primped, puffed-up, pompous, pubescent playboy?"
Yeah, not well at all.

Despite the dubious start, this might be exactly the opening he needed.
I'm guessing not.

"Would you like coffee?" he reiterated, slowly and evenly.
Yes, speak slowly and in small words. She may come to understand what you mean then.

He hadn't managed to ask Lois for a date, but he had managed to ease her out of her irritated mood. That was progress. Perhaps when he returned with her coffee ...
Yeah, you keep telling yourself that, Clark.

Clark reached for his tie and loosened the knot.
Huh. Not a bad idea. Until Lois gets mad at Superman.

The young man leant forward and dropped his voice. "Being of alien extraction, I’m guessing you’ve come for advice regarding Earth women." He winked. "You know, a few hints on how to ensure every encounter ends ... satisfactorily."

Attempt number one – fail.
As Marvin the Martian says "Oh well, back to the old drawing board!"

By Clark's estimation, the time was ripe for attempt two.
Good luck! You'll need it!

Her phone jangled across his incipient invitation.
And now her phone is named Jimmy.

"I’ve been researching, Chief," Clark said. Behind him, he heard the doors of the elevator close – stealing Lois away from him.
Ouch. It's ok, 47th time will be the charm, Clark.

What if he were to ask her out via email?
No. Just...no. That's only acceptable when you are doing the internet dating thing.

His fingers hovered over the keyboard. He could compose something, he decided, and then if it sounded too bad, he could delete it before sending the email.
That's a guarantee that he'll accidently send it.

"CK!" Jimmy sprang from nowhere and shoved a handful of papers at Clark. "Look at this, CK."
Oh Jimmy, you have earned your Interruptus moniker so thoroughly.

"ARRGGGH!" Lois shrieked.
That's beyond evil! You CAN'T end it like that. But you did. Can't wait for the next part!

Battle On,
Deadly Chakram

"Being with you is stronger than me alone." ~ Clark Kent

"One little spark of inspiration is at the heart of all creation." ~ Figment the Dragon