“Although you’re as much to blame as I am.”

“Me?” He had no idea what she was talking about.

Her eyes went into slits and she spat out the name, “Kal.”

“Oh.” Clark’s brow furrowed. “What did he do?”
*cringes* smile1 Let it begin!
Clark released a held breath and went to kiss Lois’s cheek. She turned her head at the last moment and made the kiss on the mouth. Clark smiled gleefully at the change and then waved at them as he jogged off to the parking garage.
Clark is blissfully ignorant of the inner workings of Lois' mind, isn't he? Sure, kissing Lois is good now, but he doesn't realize the backlash he's going to get for everything he does and says wrong.
“I heard you break up with Clark. You were quite loud,” the blonde replied.

Lois 2, Mayson 1. Damn, back in the game.

Lois raised a brow.

“And I noticed that Clark didn’t know if the two of you were still together, hence his pause while introducing you. So don’t you go on pretending he isn’t up for the grabbing should I want him.”

Double damn! Lois 2, Mayson 2.
eek Lois needs to gain some ground, and fast. Mayson's wedging her way in there. Also, did I miss the break up scene she's referring to? When was this? Confused... thumbsup , as always, and looking forward to more coming soon! Went a little overboard with the commenting, but oh well. I was interested. And couldn't stand another minute spending time with my family today (I'm going shock crazy here and if I'm not careful, someone(likely me) is going to end up looking like this: cat )

Nothing spoils a good story like the arrival of an eye witness.
--Mark Twain