This was a neat story, but to be honest I found it to be incredibly sad. frown

Clark thinks he is on love with (and married to) Lois Lane. Lisan An may love Clark but Clark doesn't love her. In fact, he doesn't even know this Lisan An person. He fell in love with a false front. The person that Clark loves is nothing more than Lisan An's interpretation of a Lois Lane character.

This also means that almost every aspect of their personal relationship is a lie. Lisan An didn't even think enough of Clark to tell him the truth before they got married.

To me this is a sad reversal of Lois falling in love with Superman. Clark doesn't know Lisan An any better than the standard Lois knew Superman right at the beginning. The difference is that Lisan An let the lie continue even after they were supposedly a life couple.

So there you go. I hope this doesn't offend too many people. The story is neat and very imaginative. I like the story, but the situation strikes me as tragic. mecry
