Thanks, everyone, for the great feedback and enthusiastic response to this story!

VirginiaR--I've never liked Luthor myself and always seen him as VERY evil, so that's how I write him. And as to why he let out such a roar to see Lois hurt...well, it has nothing to do with affection and everything to do with the fact that he has plans for her, which don't involve her dying--at least at this point. :p

I was worried that diving in at this point without showing a lot of what had happened to Clark would make it hard for people to realize how much he had suffered...but I guess I'm okay on that score!

Thanks, Lynn, for the feedback on Luthor's characterization--as I said, he's not my favorite character, but I was hoping I did him justice. And Lois figuring things out...hmm. :rolleyes:

As to whether you're close with your theories...I'll let the next chapter speak for itself. smile

Thank you, Mozartmaid! blush Glad it doesn't disappoint.

I love your speculation, EvelynC! That was one thing about posting this story that I was really looking forward to: hearing everyone's guesses about where it was going.

Thank you very much for the compliment, Female Hawk. And I promise that I do get them out of the cell--would I be giving too much away if I said that it will be a bit quicker than everyone's assuming? laugh

EmilyC, thanks for leaving feedback! I'm back, but I don't know how much I've actually fixed. angel-devil

Deadly Chakram, I loved your comment about Lois being Clark's anti-Kryptonite! And seriously, I'm not trying to kill you. smile

That's a lot of wondering, Stephnachia. I promise, things will be answered...eventually. :p Thanks for the feedback!

Thanks for the lovely feedback, Gwen! I'm so glad you're enjoying the story.

Again, thanks to all who comments!