Hi MozartMaid,

I really like how you captured Lois's insecurities and how you made sense of the way she kept shooting herself in the foot in the romance department.

I know you value all feedback, so I'll tell you the negative, as well: I'm afraid the ending didn't work for me. It didn't seem to me to be true to Clark's character. I would think that Clark would close himself off, at least at first, fearing that despite her words, she didn't really love Clark for himself, but only because he was also Superman. After she had just rejected Clark and thrown herself at Superman, for her to do such an about-face just when she had figured his secret out would be sure to set all sorts of warning bells off in Clark's head. Sorry about that. To judge by the other feedback, I am obviously very much in the minority here.

But even so, I did enjoy your story. It was an excellent study of Lois' psyche.
