Virginia Re Jimmy missing - he might be there, just Clark hasn't met him yet. smile

Clark now has sisters, his Mom has a new life, Lois needs a job at the Daily Planet (she can't write steamy books the rest of her life), and there needs to be a few little Kents in the future. If those nuggets don't spark a few ideas
/Goo pops up his head, packs ideas away in his big bag of possibilities, tries to look nonchalant./

Karen It was a tough ride at times - I'm glad it was fun, too.


Things I'm still curious about:
* What will Lois do in Metropolis in the mean time? I'm assuming her published book would make her a shoo-in at the Planet.
* Who was the nurse that Scardino got engaged to? Anyone from the series? I don't recall a girlfriend ever being mentioned.
* How did Smallville react to the return of Martha - thanks for the Irig scene.
* So Lois & Clark are going to live at her dad's house? Is her dad still in the nursing home?
* I imagined that, as Clark's stories became more investigative in nature, his wife's experience and tendency towards curiosity would naturally lead to a work partnership - perhaps unofficial at first, but Perry would quickly realise the potential. laugh

* The last we saw of Scardino, he was sent to Philadelphia to check out nursing homes in search of Martha. Guess he found someone else!!

(no - no one from the series.)

* Probably with great excitement. The Irig scene was just a taste of it.

* Yes, Lois and Clark were moving into her dad's home in Metropolis. One of the tough decisions following a stroke is whether a person could ever return home. Deciding that won't ever happen - and therefore selling the home - is a heartwrenching decision. LnC moving in gave them longer before that decision had to be made. And Sam continues to improve, so it's looking hopeful.

MM Yay for all the Yays!!

DW I'm glad you liked the Layla POV scene - she is, after all, Superman's seamstress!

Michael Thanks for the Good/Bad assessment!

How did this come to be?
I think both Martha and Clark would have felt they owed Phil Deller, who probably lost his life trying to help Clark. I thought it was a Clark thing to do to take an interest in the fatherless child. As for knowing his name, Clark could have asked Eric.

Evelyn Thanks, Evelyn. smile


So..... what's next?
Goo and I are having a lovely time 'dabbling' (that's Lynn's word smile ) - four files open, a scene here, a scene there. I have two finished stories, but I'm not completely happy with either of them. So - the answer is wink ... I don't know!!


through a prison horror story to a happily ever after!
Wow! You summed up the entire story in ten words!!

Laura I'm glad you decided to stick with the story even though the beginning wasn't your sort of thing.

Iolanthe Thanks for posting your musings - I was going to suggest you did!

And Lois? Well, who knows?
Exactly. I left her with the possibility of becoming a novelist, and there was also Eric's offer of returning to the agency. And with Clark already there, she could end up at the DP!

Sarah Glad you enjoyed the ride!

Emily Yeah. I started writing TMTY within a day of finishing Aussie Rules, and I just didn't want to admit to myself that it was going to be a looooooooooong story. So, I cut it into four loooong parts!!

Hannah Eric and Evan certainly made some mistakes - but they tried to make up for them.


Still find it hard to imagine Martha with anyone else but Jonathan,
I wasn't sure until nearly the end whether I would hint that Evan and Martha got together or state it. We are so used to Martha being with Jonathan.

Also thought bringing Jonathan's body back to Smallville so he could be truly laid to rest was awesome and a touching moment in the story.
When I sent the epilogue to the BRs, that scene wasn't included. I added it just a day or so before posting. I think it was needed to help readers accept the Martha/Evan marriage.

Kathy I don't think it *needs* a sequel, but the scope is there.

Giving Abi (whose own mom had walked out when she was a baby) Martha for a mom was something I enjoyed doing. I figure Martha would still have plenty to give a child.

I've said it before, but I want to say again how much I appreciate the wonderful response to TMTY. Thanks to everyone who came on this journey with me. sloppy Thanks for trusting me enough to keep reading even when things looked so horribly bad.
