Everything tied up so nicely.

Things I loved:
* Martha & Evan getting married. I'm still very sad about Jonathan but it was great to see them happy.
* Menzies and his wife being able to have a real life and vacation together... finally!
* Clark getting the job at the Planet.
* Clark giving up 1 million dollars - only Superman could do that!
* So glad all the Kryptonite is destroyed but what about when Lord Nor arrives.... Eep!

Things I'm still curious about:
* What will Lois do in Metropolis in the mean time? I'm assuming her published book would make her a shoo-in at the Planet.
* Who was the nurse that Scardino got engaged to? Anyone from the series? I don't recall a girlfriend ever being mentioned.
* How did Smallville react to the return of Martha - thanks for the Irig scene.
* So Lois & Clark are going to live at her dad's house? Is her dad still in the nursing home?

Thanks for such a wonderful story Corrina! I LOVE long (and completed) fics!

A government which robs Peter to pay Paul can always
depend on the support of Paul.

-George Bernard Shaw