Elizabeth Until this point, Clark had showed a range of emotions, but never anger. I think you're right, it had to come.

Virginia You're right, in some ways, this would have felt even worse than the cell, because Clark feels estranged from Lois.

Michael More spiders!

Poor Clark - he feels as if he's as his lowest point, and you want his mother to spank him!

Shame he didn't help Clark earlier.
Yeah, except I wanted Lois to be the one to help him. smile

Vicki Good point. In a scene that was primarily about Clark, Lois showed that she has grown, too.

MM I know these last few parts were a little rocky, but I tried to get them to you quickly so the angst wasn't drawn-out.

after all Lois has been through (Linda, her dad, Clark and his struggle to move on after the cell)
That's a really good point. Sometimes Lois's pain got lost a little because Clark's was so overwhelming.

I hope I got 20 posted in time for your morning coffee!


very *long* epilogue
... has passed 9000 words. Can I put it all in one post? Does anyone know if there is a limit? help

Laura Glad you recovered. smile

I'm beyond sad this story is ending,
Thank you - from my POV, your sadness is a great thing - if you know what I mean wink


Clark will never be able to stand up to the joined forces of Martha and Lois.
Yep. laugh

Thanks everyone. Sorry I got so behind in the FDK replies - I decided that posting the fic was the priority.
