I haven't been able to comment regularly over the last several parts, but I have been stealing time away from my crazy schedule to read them and have been loving everything. I really liked seeing how Shadbolt/Scardino/Menzies have been looking for Martha, and how they played their roles behind the scenes to verify her identity while she was in the house.

I also like the twist of Evan developing feelings for Martha, though the parallel story of the secret he's hiding from her threatening their chance at seeing what develops is just as worrisome as Lois having gone through the same thing with what she was keeping from Clark. Neat way to set that up.

I did not anticipate the globe being the thing that triggered Clark's memories, but it was a creative take on things. Good plotting! (As always. smile ) Clark's anger was hard to see, but it did make sense, especially given he had everything crash down on him at once. That must have been incredibly overwhelming and horrifying for him to experience.

I'm hopeful that once he gets some time away to calm down, though, he'll be back to yearning for Lois and won't be able to stay away. He just needs some time for everything to settle in his mind and for the worst of the emotions to fade. *fingers crossed*

The big question then becomes, will Clark return home before Martha arrives? Or will Martha and Evan show up to find a devastated Lois?

And hopefully Evan will be brave enough to tell Martha the truth before she can hear it from Clark. I think having them show up at the house, only to have Clark angrily expose Evan's role in his imprisonment, would pretty much derail any chance of a relationship between them. Though honestly, I'm not sure that even Clark could be that forgiving, to have Evan be present at family events, etc. Losing any chance of a relationship with Martha might be the price Evan will have to pay for his involvement, even if he is a changed man now.

More, please! I'm beyond sad this story is ending, but I can't wait to see how it turns out.
