Hope we get part 16 soon (like, say, Wednesday or earlier would work too )?
Tuesday? laugh

I'm glad Lois is feeling guilty for having lied to Clark. She should.
Out of interest, what would you have done in her position?

One of your other comments showed me I need to make something clearer in an upcoming part. Thanks.

Mel It was your comment about not leaving Miss Wallace at the gate too long that convinced me to post Part 16 last night. (And the fact I was in a generous mood after getting the final chapter back from my BRs!!)

Laura From your comments, it seems as if you like the way the story is heading smile Thanks for always giving such encouraging FDK.

Amy You were one of the first to see through Evan's crusty exterior and realise there is a heart under there. Lois saw it, too.

Joy Something I really enjoy about longer stories is that I can bring in new characters and develop them around the main LnC story.

I'm thinking if you're finished with the whole story you should just post all of it.
Actually, the epilogue is in pieces - literally. And I still have the *final* final scene to write. But I will continue to post more quickly.

Jen Good point. Sometimes FoLCs seem to dislike the length of time Clark *lied* to Lois about his big secret. In this fic, Lois lied, certainly. And it could be argued that she did it for herself - because she wants Clark healed enough that they can have a good relationship. But she also did it for him. As I've said before, his reaction will probably depend on whether he sees her lie or her motivation.

Iolanthe But the crowd is only just learning what is possible from the man in blue tights!

Patrick Thanks for continuing to read.

Michael In amongst all that very nice feedback, you make a comment that points directly to the epilogue!

Vicki I don't usually deliberately write in red herrings - actually, a more accurate statement would be that I don't usually write red herrings specifically to put in the previews to mislead.

From the story POV, Ruby Rhodes' question was meant to put further pressure on Lois.

The last couple of chapters, I've found choosing a preview quite difficult. Things are happening/about to happen quickly, and I don't want to give too much away.

I understand why Clark was not unduely distressed, if he doesn't remember, but I still don't understand why he wasn't at least curious.
He accepted Eric's explanation - that Rhodes had gotten her information from the 'disgruntled agent' whom (from the 'attempted to rape a female agent' clue) he guessed to be Moyne. Clark has already decided that Moyne is a 'lowlife bully'. Despite his composure, I think Clark would have been quite nervous during the press conference, so it's possible/likely that he didn't pick up on every little detail.

But as you said, he could review the whole incident later ...

(I didn't say I don't put red herrings in the FDK-FDK!!! wink )


You can totally understand her motivation for wanting to keep the truth from him,
I thought so.

Thanks so much for all the wonderful FDK. clap
